The Sleepover

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This is a long Chapter... sorry if long chapters bother you. But I like it.


"I still can't believe you got engaged and you didn't call me right away." Keith said to Shiro.

"Sorry. I was happy. It wasn't until the next night when I remembered." Shiro laughed.

"More like you were busy with Curtis all night." Keith said.

"Okay!" Shiro laughed. "But Keith is that a yes?"

"Oh course I'll be your best man!" Keith said with a smile. "As long as you don't choose a ridiculous color for a tie."

"Okay." Shiro chuckled. "But let's continue."

"Okay." Keith said.

"You ready for this?" Shiro asked as he put his arm on the table. They were at Lance's house, hanging out.

"Don't go easy on me old man." Keith said as he put his hand in his. "I want to beat you for reals."

"Alright, you asked for it." Shiro chuckled.

Keith stared Shiro in the eyes as they prepared for their arm wrestling match. Suddenly something caught Keith's eyes. It was Lance! Lance walked into the room to grab himself some snacks.

"Shoot... Wait!" Keith whispered to Shiro. "You gotta let me win. Please Shiro I gotta look cool, come on Takashi! I need to look cool!"

Shiro smirked, he knew he could crush Keith's little arm in two seconds, but being the good friend he was, he completely let Keith win.

"Wow Keith!" Shiro said in surprise. "Look at how fast you beat me! You are SO strong."

Lance looked over at Keith and raised an eyebrow. "Keith beat you? No way."

"No he did. I'm shocked." Shiro said.

Keith smiled, trying to act all cool.

"Wow Keith? Really that's real impressive." Lance said. "Now my turn." He pulled up a chair and put his arm on the table facing Keith.

"Wait... What?" Keith looked at Lance confused.

"Let's go. I challenge you." Lance said.

"Oh." Keith said as he looked over at Shiro.

Shiro just chuckled, they all knew Lance would crush him in about five seconds. But Keith accepted the challenge and put his hand in Lance's. Keith loved to feel Lance's hand in his, his hands were touch, large, and so manly. Keith looked into Lance's eyes as Shiro counted down. Finally the match began, Keith did put up quite a fight, but in the end, Keith couldn't look into Lance's eyes any longer, and Lance got the best of him, winning.

"Yes!" Lance smiled. "How you beat Shiro is a mystery."

Keith laid his head on the table to hide the huge blush all over his face.

"Well I got to go prepare the masks for our sleepover party tonight." Lance said as he grabbed his bowl of snacks before heading back to the bathroom.

Shiro chuckled. "You Alright There Keith?"

"That was humiliating." Keith said, sitting up, his pale face could not hide his blush.

"Well don't think about how Lance will be in his Pj's tonight, and how he will probably be sleeping on the floor right beside you... with no shirt..."

"Shiro!!" Keith covered his face. "Stop that."

"Ooo are we teasing Keith?" Pidge said as she arrived at the house with James and his friends.

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