Monsters and Mana 2 pt 4

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Keith groaned loudly as he followed with the group. "Why does my character have to wear a dress?" He snapped, pulling it out of some bushes. "I don't think we are on the path."

"We aren't, but this is where the map is telling us to go." Curtis said.

Keith stumbled as his dress got caught in another bush and he fell down on his face.

"Awww, Keith? You having troubles walking in heels? I thought you could do anything." Lance teased as he stepped over him.

Keith huffed and grabbed his ankles and Lance fell to the ground too. "Hey!!" He snapped at Keith.

"What Lance? Forget how to walk?" Keith teased.

"You two stop it." Shiro said as he walked over to them. He helped Lance up and pulled Keith's dress out of the bushes. "Here, I'll help." He said as he just picked Keith up bridal style to carry him.

"This... is..." Keith looked to the side.

"Awkward I know. But your wearing a dress..." Shiro pointed out. Now that he was carrying Keith, the dress didn't get caught in anything.

"Can you even carry me all the way there?" Keith asked.

"Shiro?" Curtis said with a chuckle. "Shiro could carry anything, sometimes at the gym I make him bench press me."

Keith laughed. "Seriously?"

"Yep, he can do about 400 of them in a row." Curtis said. "I think the robot arm helps, but I mean, that other arm is buff! Honestly my third favorite thing about him." Curtis smiled as he walked alongside Shiro.

"Third?" Shiro raised an eyebrow. "Then What are the first two?"

"That's a secret." Curtis smirked before looking at the map.

"Well I can still beat you in arm wrestling." Shiro said.

"You cheat. You have a metal arm." Curtis said. "This way." He turned right.

"Do not. It's legal." Shiro said.

"Well i bet I could lift just as much as Shiro can." Lance bragged. "The farm has really worked me out."

"Does anyone have a knife?" Keith asked, changing THAT topic.

"I got tons." James handed him a little dagger.

"Thanks, I feel more comfortable with a knife." Keith said, his dress swaying with each step Shiro took.

"You sound like a psychopath Keith." Lance said.

"Oh yeah? Well you sound annoying." Keith snapped back.

"Oh yeah! Well you..." Lance couldn't think of anything. "You have a stupid mullet!"

"It's not a mullet anymore, it's a ponytail." Keith argued. "And like you can lift as much as Shiro, he is like twice your size."

"Guys..." Hunk tried to make peace.

"Oh yeah! Let me prove it." Lance walked over to Keith and Shiro.

Lance grabbed Keith bridal style right out of Shiro's arms. Keith felt his large hands glide around his back and to his side, while the other arm held onto legs, holding them close to his body, which had gained muscles from the heavy farm work.

Keith meanwhile stared straight ahead into the forest. He thought of Cosmo... Cosmo has fallen asleep in Lance's car, and he would probably come in to sleep with Keith tonight. Whatever he did, he could NOT look up at Lance, not when he was so close to his face that he could feel his warm breath on his cheek a bit.

"Ha!" Lance said. "I can carry Keith too! Who's strong now?" He chuckled as he followed Curtis.

"Hmmm... I should make you carry me around more often." Curtis whispered to Shiro. "Then I can kiss you... and not even have to worry about walking."

Shiro blushed. "I would probably run into a tree Curtis."

"Come on. I'm not that big of a distraction." Curtis said.

"Yeah you are..." Shiro said.

"Am not." Curtis said. "If anything, you are the distraction Captain."

"Can't you just call me Shiro?" Shiro put his arm around Curtis's waist as they walked.

"Nope." Curtis said and chuckled, putting his own arm around Shiro's waist as they walked.

"Guys, we are here." Pidge said as she looked ahead and saw the cave to a wild dragon. Inside the cave was the treasure they were seeking.

Lance put Keith down. "Yeah! Fire breathing dragon 2.0! Final round."

The wild orange dragon, played my Coran, came out of the cave, and roared a brightly war, spreading its blue winds across the sky. It was huge. It's eyes locked onto the hero's below, it took in a deep breath, about to blow—

"Shields up!!" Shiro ordered.

Everyone crossed their arms and holographic shields appeared in front of them to block their bodies.

"Wait? Shields?" Keith said in shock, his character did NOT have that.

The dragon then roared out a large flame, heading right towards them.

That was the last things Keith saw.

All We Could Have BeenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang