Mullets and Dances

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"Wow it really is Altea..." Keith said to himself. He was the first one to find the city. "Hey guys, I found a city. But continue your search to see if there is anyone else here." He switched communication. "Atlas. This is Keith. We have confirmed this planet is Altea. I found the city, sending you my location now." He pressed some buttons before landing in an open space next to the city.

"Keith, is Allura there?" Lance asked hopefully.

"I just landed Lance." Keith said. "Believe me, you will be the first to know if I do see her."

Keith right away saw a bunch of Altean were running towards the Black Lion. He didn't see any with white hair though. Keith climbed out just as they were approaching the entrance.

"It's the black lion!" One of them said. "Is Voltron here?"

"I am Keith." Keith announced. "Paladin of the black lion. Is Princess Allura here?" He asked

"No... Princess Allura, she is gone." One of the Altean replied.

"Then who is your leader?" Keith asked. "The Red, Yellow, and Green lions are here too. So is our ship the Atlas. We are very tired, we just got out of a war. Is it alright if we rest here and talk?" He asked them.

"Yes that's fine. Please bring the rest of your team, we have so many questions." One said.

Soon the rest of the lions had come back, having found no other villages besides the giant city Keith found. The Atlas has also landed and it's crew entered with the Paladins into the big city for a feast being held in the ballroom.

"Wow you guys!" Hunk said, helping to bring out the food. "These Altean gave the best kitchens ever, way better then the goo Coran gave us on the Castle of Lions."

"We should swap recipes sometime." One of the servants said to Hunk. "Is your Earth food any good?"

"When prepared correctly." Pidge jokes.

"Hey, our Earth food is amazing!" Hunk said. "But I have found that by combining foods from across the universe it gives an amazing flavor."

"Really?" The servant said. "We should try that sometime, combine Earth food with Altean food."

"Yeah, you guys have fun cooking, I want to see some of the Altean tech." Pidge said. "Oh I can't wait to tell my dad and Matt all about this! Imagine what we could learn from each other! The possibilities are endless."

"Maybe someday we could travel between our planets. One Earth gets tele-dove technology and wormholes." Shiro interrupted.

"Katie have you seen this place!" Sam holt entered the room.

"Yes I have dad! It's so amazing! We gotta get Matt here." Pidge smiled

Hunk and the rest of the servants brought out the rest of the food and everyone sat down to enjoy the warm Altean meal. The roof opened up to reveal the moon directly overhead of them.

"So Allura?" Lance asked Keith.

"She is gone Lance." Keith answered.

"Oh..." Lance looked down at his food he had hardly eaten. "I'm no longer hungry." Lance pushes away his plate before getting up to leave the room.

Keith sighed as he watched Lance stand up. "Lance you need to eat something."

"I said I'm not hungry Keith." Lance snapped before turning to go walk outside to the gardens where Altean were gathering around a fireplace to sing and dance.

Keith watched him walk off, deeply worried about Lance.

"We thank you all for preparing this amazing meal on behalf of our arrival." Shiro said. "We have all fought and sacrificed so much to get here. Well, it was actually all Princess Allura. Her sacrifice has brought back Altea."

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