Kason Kogane

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Don't be sad about the last chapter, this is nowhere near completion. Remember, it's gonna be a slow burn, gotta have the burn in it. Again, thanks so much for continuing to read!!


"Why do I even like him..." Keith whispered to himself. He was in the black look with Krolia and Cosmo.

"You don't choose who you like, you just kind of fall in love." Krolia said as she finished packing their stuff up.

"I thought that was the whole point of love, you get to choose." He said.

His mother laughed. "You think I would of choose your father? He was the strangest human I've ever meet."

"Was he? I hardly remember him. I was eleven when he died." Keith said. "And most of the time he was always working just to be able to provide for me to go to school."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." Krolia said.

"It wasn't your fault... it's alright." Keith said. "Besides, He was a good father. My favorite memory was when we farmed together. We had a lot of land, most of it he sold off, but we had this area where we would plant our own food, water it, make sure it was all taken care of, then in the fall we got to harvest it all together. It was the only time we had more food then we needed." Keith smiled at the memory. "I was so small back then, I bet I was hardly a help, but I just loved the time I got with my dad."

"Your father was an amazing person. He could do so many things. I didn't know it was possible to have more then one job. But your father had so many hobbies and skills he showed me. Farming wasn't too excited, but eating the food was."

"I miss him." Keith said. "I wish he didn't run into that fire. And I wish I had something to remember him by. The city took over our house, they sold it off so they could make sure I was taken care of, I was only able to grab my father's jacket and your knife along with a few other things. But they are all I have of you. I didn't even get a chance to grab that jacket before the castle of lions—"

"Hey, Hey. It's okay Keith." Krolia said.

"It was all I had of him. I sized it up so I could wear it everywhere I went so he could always be with me. I kept your knife with me too, cause it was all I had of you. If Shiro hadn't taken me in and given me a chance I bet they would of taken those too to sell off."

"Keith, did I ever show you this," His mother grabbed a locket she kept tucked in her armor around her neck. "Your father gave it to me when I told him I needed to go."

She clicked the little heart and the heart split in half, opening up to show 3 small pictures inside. On the sides were a picture of baby Keith and the other one was of his father. In the center was a family photo of the three of them, Keith being held by his mom and his dad with his arms around her waist. They were smiling, so happy, like a family should be.

"Wow.... no you didn't." Keith said, tearing up a little. "It's nice to see his face again."

Krolia smiled. "Yes it is. Kason Kogane was quite handsome. But as I said before, you don't choose who you fall in love with. Your father annoyed me so much sometimes, he would always bug me and tease me, always try and hug me, or kiss me. It was all so random, but it's the best friendships that make the best marriage. Even when he would play with my hair at night, I still loved him. Even when he could never keep still when he was showing me movies, I loved him. Throughout all the hard times and all the good times, I loved him."

"But Lance does not like me back." Keith said.

"I didn't like your father back to begin with." Krolia said. "But He was always there for me, he was always so loving and nice and helped to build me up. He reminds me a lot of you Keith."

"You think so?" Keith said.

"I see a lot of him in you. You build up Voltron, you are always concerned with the needs of those around you, you understand the hardships they go through. You aren't strong in words, but more of your reaction, I can always see a thousand words in your eyes. You are so much like you father." She pulled him into a hug. "But you got my amazing good looks." She chuckled.

Keith laughed too. "We should get going right? We got the Galra to save from themselves."

"Yes we do. Don't dwell too much on Lance. Time will come." She said and pulled back from their hug. "Has Cosmo told you his name yet?"

"No... and that's just a nickname for now. He will tell me it when he is ready." Keith said and started up the black lion and they headed off.


At this point if you want to watch Keith's speech to the Galra in the final episode of season 8 that is where that would fit into this storyline.


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