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"Mehr, you'll be late and you're having a test today," Maa yelled from down the stairs for the umpteenth time in the morning.

"I'm coming Maamita. I'm still looking for the book." Mehr yelled back thrusting the book she found inside her backpack before rushing down the stairs to the dinning room table.

"Go fast." Maa gently pushed Mehr out of the dinning room after they had their breakfast.

"Bye fam." she yelled at her family before rushing out of the house to the car where Mallam Audu was waiting for her.

"You're late Meheru." he pointed out starting the car. Mehr is hardly late to wherever she's going. She's the punctual type all the time.

"Wallah, I was looking for my notebook and it's the subject I'm having teat on now. When I finished reading it yesternight, I didn't know where I kept it." she verballed in one breathe.

"You found it right?" he asked concerned. He knows that book means alot since she was even late because of it.

"Yes Mallam Audu." she sighed in relieve.

This man really cared about her like a second father, that's why she respects him with every fibre of her being. Not only her, but the whole family respects him.

"Wow. You're late Miss Malik. Care to explain why?" Mr Hunter; biology teacher.

"Sorry sir." she said not looking at him in the eye if not, he'll probably start asking questions about why she's late as a Head Girl.

"Have a sit, the test will soon start." he dismissed her ambling to his desk where the test papers are perfectly arranged.

She murmured a thank you before walking to the only sit next to Baqir. "Hey You!" he whispered

"Hi," she replied checking her bag for a pen before standing up to drop the bag where the rest of her classmates keep there's_no exam malpractice.

"Why are you late?" he asked, also mazed that the head girl herself is late.

"Looking for the damn book to submit after the test," she sighed, slumping down on her seat.

"Makes sense." he whispered leaning back on his seat also waiting for the teacher to start sharing the papers.

"So class, here is your test." Mr. Hunter said passing the paper to each of the students.

"How was the test?" Afnaan asked when they sat down on their sits in the cafeteria- Baqir, Makhdoom, Nadia, Salena, Yamina, Karima, Nadia, and Makiyyah.

"Alhamdulillah." she answered opening her backpack to carry the sandwich Maa gave her cos she didn't eat much for breakfast and she said the cafeteria's food is awful.

"I'm having mine later." Afnaan said stealing one of Mehr's sandwich making her to scowl.

"Lucky Wishes. But stealing my sandwich isn't allowed," Mehr glared at her, hiding her sandwich in process.

"What! Maa is the best cook in the world so, don't judge," Afnaan answered shrugging her shoulders.

"Guess what?" Bilal came into the cafeteria breathing heavily as if he ran a marathon before reaching the cafeteria.

"Beyonce is in the principal's office." Afnaan replied sarcastically, taking a sip of her coffee.

"No, duh," he rolled his eyes sitting next to Yamina who was looking at him like he lost his brain- raised brow.

"Shawn Mendes is performing in the hall?" Baqir asked sarcastically whilst trying to suppress his laughter.

"Ugh..." Bilal hold his head with his two hands, looking at them like we've gone mad.

"Nicki Minaj and Cardib kissing?" Makiyyah asked with wide eyes wanting us to think like she's seriously surprised just to make Bilal mad.

"Shut the hell up." he yelled furiously and frustratedly, cos he knew they're doing it intentionally. "Well, your new friend is waiting for you outside. Principal ask me to tell you that you can go talk to him." he said putting emphasis in the word new cos that's what the guy told him.

"Who's he?" she asked perplexed before it hit her- she ask Mashkur to come when he asked her if he can. "Oh, I remember." she smiled sheepishly before moving closer to Afnaan.

"It's Mashkur. I'll see you in the next class," she whispered in Afnaan's ear before standing up, "Bye guys. I'll see you later." she said before making her way out of the cafeteria.

She turned back to look at them when Afnaan called her name. Afnaan winked at her. Mehr laughed, shaking her head at her best friend's behavior.

"Hey," Mashkur said immediately when he saw her coming out of the school building. Maa Shaa Allah! She's breathtakingly beautiful even in uniform.

"Hi," she chirped checking him out. He's wearing a white tight shirt- that makes his muscles to flex when he move. And a blue washed out jeans.

Hmm, he should be wearing a shirt and jeans from now on cos he's finer in it. She thought before yawing her gaze back to his amused eyes.

"Like what you see?" he asked smiling in amusement causing her to blush.

Ya Ilahi! Must he have to be catching me red handed, every time I'm checking him out? She thought to herself, mentally.

'You need to change your style in checking people out cos you really suck at it.' Her subconscious mocks.

"Nah, I've seen better." she said trying to mask her embarrassment with tough attitude.

He wasn't suppose to take that to heart or react but he found himself getting furious and jealous- clenched fist.

"Oh really?" he asked enshrouding the jealousy in his eyes with challenge.

"Yep," she answered popping the 'p'. She saw his clenched fist but she thought it was just his nature to clench his fist but when she saw his knuckles turning white, she react.

"What's wrong?" she asked holding his right hand that was in fist to check. Her eyes was full with concern and care.

"Uhm, nothing." he stuttered cos her hand was making his arms electrified. Her hands is warm and it fits perfectly in his, like a missing puzzle.

"It doesn't seems like." she narrowed her eyes at him with furrowed brows.

"Seriously, it's fine." he smiled at her cos the concern she showed him makes his heart beat faster in every microsecond.

"Okay." she removed her hands from his, stepping back, much to his disappointment. She doesn't know what makes her take his hand but she did and it makes her heart jump in excitement.

"I wanted to ask if you can have coffee with me later." he asked, hoping she'll not say she's busy or anything else.

Oh my Allah. Is he asking me out on a date? She jumped mentally. Why will she say no, she'll kill any girl that say no to him. But what can I say? Didi, where are you when I need you?. She mumbled.

So she did what she have to.

Cliffhanger ending. Sorry.
Sorry for the long wait, my phone wasn't cooperating and I'm busy.
So what do you think is the answer?
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And guys, I'm no more writing this book till I'm done with the other one 'Kydah'. Sorry!



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