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Abuja Nigeria,

He parked the car at the parking area near the coffee shop. He sauntered out of the car immediately and opened the door for her like the gentle man he is.

"Thanks," she murmured, sauntering out of the car as he close the door behind her.

They walk side by side to the coffee shop. The bell jingled- alarming the people in the coffee shop to know that someone just came in.

The coffee shop is not small and not very big, it's warm, welcoming and cosy. The booths are scattered, here and there but it's cute.

They sat down at the far end of the shop, where the big window that shows the perfect view of Maitama, Abuja is.

"Are you ready to order now or later?" Mashkur asked, when the waiter came to their booth to take orders with his small notepad.

"I'm starving," she rolled her eyes before checking the menu that's on the table. "Just, Crispy Garlic Baked Potato Wedges and Coke please." she smiled at the waiter.

"Okay, how about you sir?" the waiter yawed his gaze back from the beautiful lady to the man with amused eyes.

"Same please," he replied looking at Mehr instead of the waiter. The waiter walked away mumbling something under his breath.

"You like, Garlic Baked Potato?" Mehr asked, amazed cos that's her favourite meal.

"Nah, just wanted to taste what the gorgeous woman here wants to eat and also what's making her mouth watering." he verballed.

"I bet you'll like it so very much, just wait. It'll be your favorite food," she licked her lips, dramatically.

"Uhm, can't wait." he voiced, smiling at how she's excited about food. Not all girls are like these, most of them will be like, 'I want salad, I don't want to be out of shape.' Imagine, they'll not eat correct food just because they'll be out of shape. That's how the girls in his college were.

"So, let's play a game- 20 questions," she stated, excited. She's looking forward to knowing him more.

"So, lemme start." he stated, curling his hands under his chin- a thoughtful look before finally asking, "Favorite colour?"

"Black and red," she grinned, "what about you?" she asked back.

"Navy blue," he shrugged before asking her again, "Future ambition?"

"Medical doctor," she said, her eyes brightening up just by mentioning it.

"Favourite movie?" she asked getting interested- the little things about him.

"Avengers, anything about Avengers." he smiled, "what about you?"

"Many, like many," she said with wide eyes.

"How many people have you dated?" he asked after so many rounds of questions.

"Three," she grimaced cos they all have bad memories with her, "You?" she asked back.

"One," he answered casually. "Seems like you have bad memories with your exes." he voiced out.

"Yeah," she answered not wanting to talk about it but it's Mashkur, the guy her heart is falling for without her consent.

"Care to share?" he raised a brow, but when she shifted uncomfortably he decide to drop it, "Just forget about it." he smiled.

"Nah, I wanna let it out again. Even though my best friend and sister already knew, I just want to tell someone else." she smiled reassuringly.

"Okay," he said, just then, their orders arrived. He cursed under his breath, he really was looking forward to knowing what the stupid people did to her.

"Let's finish, I'll tell you later." she voiced out when she saw the disappointment that pass through his features.

"Alright," he smiled.

"So, as I was saying," Mehr started when they finish eating their food silently. "The first one is Al-amin, we met in a plane when I was escorting Paa to New York, he didn't use his private jet then. We sat down separately with Paa that's how I ended up sitting with him next to me. He was an aristocratic but I dunno why he ended up in a normal plane instead of Private Jet since he's rich and all.

"So he was blabbing about how people are snoring next to him and all, like a spoilt brat. We talked almost all the plane but he's still an egoistic jerk. Anyway, we started dating cos he was going to New York also with his brother and we're living in the same hotel. He's staying there for two months while I was staying there with Paa for one month.

"We started dating, don't blame me, but I don't like him even the slightest bit. We were just dating for a month before it was time for me to come back to Nigeria. He said it should be a long distance relationship before he comes back so I just agreed. I called him when I reached Nigeria, you know, to inform him that landed safely but only to hear a female purring, claiming he's her boyfriend so I ended call and broke up with him through message. I didn't wait for his reply and just blocked his number." she finished.

"Wow, that was fast." he forced a smile even though he was jealous but he's denying, saying he's just angry.

"Then, there was Luqman, he was just a player in my school and he found me. So he changed but his friends influenced him back to been a player after, I think six months into our relationship. So we broke up." she suspire, looking up from her coffee to say her worst nightmare.

"Then Khaliq, Ya Rahim! This is even funny, he was dating me because he wants my father's money. He want us to get married immediately after I finish my highschool but I, of course declined his offer. He was pestering me to get married, and the thing is that, I don't like him," she chuckled, humourless.

"We broke up, a month or two ago when me and Afnaan overheard or should I say, eavesdrop his conversation with someone on the phone." she mumbled the last part.

Mashkur was really angry. He balled his hand into fist, under the table. He smiled a little not wanting her to know what he's feeling right now cos she'll be quick to pick up what's bothering him.

"Wow," he said with a tight lipped smile. She noticed it so she changed the topic.

"Tell me more about your ex," she asked out of the blue.

"I'll tell you but this is not the right time and place, besides, we're getting late and Maa don't like it." he verballed.

He's never told anyone about his ex, not even his mother or best friends, and he doesn't want to remember anything about her and what happened. But with Mehr, he found himself wanting to tell her more about him and his nightmare-s.

How're you all? Hope all is well.
So how did you see the chapter or should I say, coffee date?
It's quite dramatic huh?
Who would have known, the one and only Mehr Malik dated stupid people eh?
They don't even know what they're feeling for each other. They just found themselves telling each other their problems ay?
Much drama on our way. Akwai quraaaa!
Who's this mysterious ex of his? Hmm!

Fi amanillah!



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