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How are you all doing? Thank you for clicking onto this story and even reading this, I'm so much grateful for that and I hope after you start reading this, you will continue to read down till the end. 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙤𝙣𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙙𝙧𝙤𝙥 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙩𝙤𝙤.

This book is about how much we women suffer across the globe. No, I usually write about romance and this is also romance so don't be disappointed. This journey will be a long one but I promise, it will be one of your best books. It's a not different you see, but also in a beautiful way kind of different. #istandagainstdomesticviolence

Meet Aisha Ilham Shagari, a well known motivational speaker whose words travel across the globe. She inspired and motivates a lot of people, some she knows and some she doesn't know they existed.

She has lots of fans across the globe also and is never tired of pushing her fellow sister forward when she wants to move back. She stands against any man who think women are just tools that could be changed and punished every time.

The first motivational words she let out and the one that boost her fans was and make the world go wild. It is not everyday that people get motivated while making fun out of their insecurities.

"You feel ugly, dear sister? Take the mirror in your hands. Smile at it even if it will only shows how ugly you are.

Count the pimples on your face and laugh at them, trust me, you won't feel insecure about it again.

Mark the scars marring your skin, think of all the memories they brought forth, were they bad? Put a determined face and vow to never let that happen to you. Were they good old memories? Laugh and them and wish the scars to never leave so you can remember just how much life was much easier and colourful.

Don't weep because you have a large nose, poke it and laugh, that same nose will be something someone loves about you.

You think your lips are extra large? No dear, those are the perfect shape of lips and darn, you can kiss better with them plump.

You have so much acne, don't let that falter your next post, make comments about them and move forward. You are beautiful! Never let anyone say anything otherwise.

Are you fat? Dear, we call those curves gifts. Many women want those voluptuous curves of your so try and make yourself feel and look beautiful.

No one is ugly!"

Those words went viral around the whole social media since when she posted it, she posted it on all the social media and that was when she created the accounts, she was heartbroken enough to start pushing people forward.

Be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and all other, she is active on them and she let's her words go viral because she thinks girls need to know that they are not ugly, No one is!

She was once married and was a victim of unsuccessful marriage though she got a beautiful gift from that marriage, her baby girl, Eshal. Any other thoughts of marriage never appease her again but that plan was ruined.

Aashif Ameen Ahmad, the young successful business man whose company and wealth is known all around but not his face. He likes keeping his identity secret and no one knows his face till date.

What they know is, he started his business from the scratch with no one's help. He is very secretive though some little things about him are known such as his age, thirty three, his siblings and parents but then it stopped at that. He will be able to go to wherever it is he wants to go with no one knowing who he is and what he does.

Boom, he clashed into the feisty and witty lady that caught his attention just by watching her on his television. He vowed to search for the woman who thinks she will be able to escape claws of men, it was a challenge he made but turned out to be something more.

"Mama, we won't ever act like we know that man. We won't ever call him father and you won't even say he is your ex-husband. Don't have me started that we won't ever go to see him again, not that we even know where he is. There is nothing between us and he is only the semen donor in this case." Ilham's eyes are red as she listed it through gnashed teeth, fury and venom lacing each letter and syllable.

Her mother kept crying while her siblings wrapped arms around each other and cry, not believing the man they look up to their whole life just called to divorce their mother.

She giddily answered the phone when he called and put it on speaker so their children could hear his voice after a long time. He said he went on a business trip and it's almost two months now and there wasn't any call from him till that blessed day.

They happily circled their mother in the cozy apartment their father rented for as long as they could remember and they are soon going to be due to pay. She also wants to tell him that but when he started shouting that they are careless, she kept quite and listened.

"None of you tried reaching out for me while I was away! Is that what you would've done if I had died here? That means you won't pray for me after my demise huh? Toh na sake ki. Take your children with you and if you have the money, pay the rest or else, sleep in the streets for all I care." And then he hung up.

All their mouths were gaping like fishes because they are so confused and shocked to say anything, and as if the sluice was waiting to be opened, tears started gushing down their face at the same time.

Ilham was the first to get out of the self pity and straightened her spine, wiping her years clean. The man doesn't deserve their tears nor the heartache that's about to come after.

Not that he's been the best father out there, but he was always there for them. He paid their school fees, get food for them to eat three times a day, gave roof to their heads and give them something to close their body with.

From that day, she vowed to never fall into a man's trap and will want to get her own money and be successful. She won't depend on a man even if that man is her husband. She was to be married in three weeks but look what he did to them, he abandoned them!

That was the first heartbreak she went through and didn't want to welcome any other one but she had to. After her father broke her, her husband also added his own share which makes her completely shattered for anyone to repair.

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