Heart's Debility/ Memory Lane/ Uncouthly Attached.

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"Hello, it is me."

                    "We did it again, Sumrah." Akira wailed to her best friend as soon as she fell on her twin old wooden bed. The room always brings comfort to both Akira and Sumrah because of how cozy it is though it's middle class children's room.

                 Sumrah's expression changed from one of concern to the one where she just wants to strangle her best friend. It's not like Akira to back down on her own words and especially not because of a boy. Akira can be clingy, yes, but how she's talking about that boyfriend of hers that loves her so much, she should know that if he really loves her, he won't be doing what he's doing to her.

                  Akira has so many weaknesses and if he knows about them, then she's done for. She wants to take her sister's attitude and be bitter but she should know that she's falling terribly by doing so.

                   She saw how Akira tried to change herself when she finally get her senses and start seeing how her family members are treating her sister, especially the ones their age. She wanted to take action but Sumrah stopped her, since her sister didn't do a thing about it, who's she to do that?

                 "What do you mean by you did it again, Akira?" Sumrah all but yelled at her best friend, she's trying to keep her voice low because her mother is next door and the building is not that of rich people where she won't hear their conversation. She will if she wants to but Sumrah knew her mother hates eavesdropping but still, she should be cautious.

                 "I mean, we did it again. I know I'm backing down on my own words but what can I do? I can't help myself." She continue to cry into the pillow. When she was doing it, she didn't regret it and now that she's thinking about it, she's regretting every single bit of it.

                 "Not only is this against our religion, if your husband in future finds out about this what do you think will happen? Do you think this boy will marry you?!" Sumrah tried to keep her voice low but she's failing miserably, her best friend is straying away from her deen, not only her deen, her culture also.

               "I know that okay? I know it's bad but what can I do? I can't help it when I'm the one who initiated it." In between her sobs, she sighed and sniffed back the snot gnawing around her nose.

                 "We went to islamiyyah together and graduated together, you think matching what you already know is good for you? No, this is punishable. You can't just match what you already know!" Sumrah hissed at her insensible friend. She's always the one acting like the older sister when she's younger than her with a year.

                "I know! Let me be okay?" Akira yelled this time, but it was muffled because of the pillow she buried her face in.

                 "I won't let you be! Stay away from him for a month and if you still feel like you can't live without him, then go and continue your relationship but by then, those lusts and desires will vanish, I promise you that." Sumrah advised for the nth time but she knows Akira's reply and so she waited for it.

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