Chapter 6: Questions And Few Answers

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Chapter six is here please enjoy and I will see you at the end.

"Home sweet home." = Speaking

"Home sweet home." = Thinking/Mind linking

'Home sweet home.' = Writing


(Esphra's POV)

I have to admit while I love having our mate with us now, although the situation we found her in has not escaped my mind nor my sisters.

The rogue pack that was butchered just beyond our borders has our warriors on edge and our mate was found close by on the brink of death. With no other leads to go on, there is no doubt in my mind she had a hand in it, we  have to question her about it.

From my place in the kitchen I turned to look at Mars who was situated in the lounge room on the couch napping peacefully in Asphra's lap. My sister also knew we had to ask our mate about the rogues we found, packs that large don't typically turn up dead, at least not without survivors or making themselves known beforehand. However with no other packs near us there was little chance of other packs having a stake in this slaughter.

It has been a few hours since we had retrieved Mars after her little, foray, into the pack and she started to squirm slightly in Asphra's arms not to long ago, she should wake up soon. Still the more sleep she gets right now the better, her wounds while healing, will continue to slow her down for quite some time.

"Afternoon my dear." I heard Asphra say quietly, at that I knew that Mars had woken up and slowly made my way to the lounge and leaned over the back of the couch.

Looking down at my tiny mate I offered her a small smile which she returned while rubbing the sleep from her beautiful emerald eyes. She craned her head back slightly and stretched out across Asphra and I couldn't help but look at the soft skin between her shoulder and neck.

How badly I wanted to mark her, I could hear Asphra groan in frustration through our link, clearly wanting to do the same with our mate.

I sat down beside the pair, I couldn't help myself and started to stroke our mates hair softly and she shut her eyes, not because she was going back to sleep but because she was purely content.

I saw that Asphra had retrieved our mates notepad and a pen and sat it on the couch beside Mars, "Mars, we need to ask you something." Asphra stated softly making our mates eyes reopen and look at us curiously.

"When we found you in the forest on the edge of death we found a pack of rogues, dead, torn apart by other wolves, I doubt it was coincidence you were in the area. Please, can you tell us what happened." Asphra said calmly, resting her hand on our mate stomach and rubbing soft, comforting circles on it.

I watch Mars frown slightly before tiredly reaching for her notepad and pen and writing on it for a few minutes, breaking now and then to think about her choice of words. When I read what she had jotted down i felt a mix of emotions run through me, mostly surprise, horror and disbelief.

'I heard from another rogue that a pack was going to be raided and came to stop it, by killing the rogues. Done it before and I didn't expect anything new, but they had numbers, more than I had anticipated. My wolf fought and won but we were wounded, and alone. We thought it was to our night to die.'

I looked at Asphra for a moment and she seemed to be drinking n the statement as well, "Did you have any help at all?" I asked carefully, not wanting to trigger a negative reaction from our mate.

Mars shook her head slowly, I won't lie, I am confused as shit, our mate is tiny, generally the size of the person is a fair indicator of a wolfs size, our mate should be a runt. I saw Mars write something else on her notepad and read it as she wrote it.

'My wolf is a little bit different, you will understand why when you get to meet her.'

Her note confused me further but clearly our mate was being truthful, lying to mates is not an easy thing to do, it is meant to hurt like hell and our mate didn't even flinch. Still at least we now know what happened to her and the rogue pack if nothing else, that is better than nothing.

Still more questions came to mind, who did she learn of the attack from? Why did she come to help? Why did the rogues come here to fight with such numbers? More questions and no answers came to mind.

But none the less this raised another question about our little mates wolf, alpha wolves can take on a small force but our mate wasn't an alpha, her scent was a dead giveaway there. I could tell my sister was confused by this as well but when I snapped from my thought and refocused on our mate she had passed back out on my sister with her notepad sitting on her chest.

Sleep is the best thing for her for now, she needs her rest to recover from her wounds, at least they seem to be healing up faster now that she has regained some of her strength. Still until she is healed completely we will watch over and guard her. Soon though we will introduce her to the pack, as our mate and our luna.

I look over at my sister who has a soft smile on her face, looking down at our sleeping mate, I leaned over and slipped my arm over her shoulders and rested my head against her, also looking down at our curious little mate.


And that is chapter six done, I have more planned for the next chapters where things will start to pick up pace. 

See you next time.

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