Chapter 14: New Connection

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Hi everyone, chapter fourteen is here, I hope you all enjoy and I will see you at the end.

"Home sweet home." = Speaking

"Home sweet home." = Thinking/Mind linking

'Home sweet home.' = Writing


(Mars POV)

Numbness filled my entire body, apart from the dull ache I feel around the base of my neck. The early morning rays of sunlight shone into the bedroom where I was, wrapped up loosely in my mates embrace from either side with all three of us in our birthday suits.

I squirmed slightly in between Asphra and Esphra until I got into a position which I could look at both of my mates from. I saw two deep red bite marks at the base of their necks and silently wondered if I had really marked them both.

"You did indeed mark both of them, at last." Artemis confirmed in my head and by her voice she was in a state of blissful content. I felt my heart drum rapidly inside my chest at my wolfs confirmation. I slowly lifted my hand up and felt around the base of my neck going over my marks several times, the unique sensation that ran through me when I touched my marks sent slight shivers through my entire body.

I am their mate now with no possible way to go back on the decision even if I for some reason ever desired to, I am now truly theirs, and they were mine in turn, my two beautiful mates who I would cherish till the end, and deep down I know that this is how it is meant to be between all of us.

"God morning dear." Esphra whispered softly, reaching up to stroke me softly along my cheek before lifting herself up and planting a soft kiss on my lips. Asphra had woken up as well, she pressed her face against the side of my neck and started to pepper me with soft, sweet kisses that made me shiver under my mates touch.

"Our love, are you okay?" Asphra asked quietly against my neck, placing one last parting kiss on my neck before she propped herself up on her arms to look me in the eyes. I nodded looking up at her, I felt sore all over but at the same time satisfaction and fulfillment at how we had all come together as mates.

"You can never leave us now, your ours forever love." Esphra possessively growled out , placing kisses across my face and down my neck.

"I'd never leave you two, I love you both." I thought and I saw both Asphra and Esphra stop moving beside me.

"Mars." I heard both their beautiful voices sail through my mind like a sweet lullaby, I mindlinked them, I mindlinked my mates. They both looked at me with what I have come to learn as pure love shining vibrantly in their majestic eyes.

They both pulled themselves against me and pressed their heads beside mine, "We love you to Mars, we love you, we love luna, we love mate." They said frantically through the mindlink, their instincts taking over, I have to remember thought that it is the first time they have heard me and the first time I have said 'I love you' to them. So I can understand their reaction to the mindlink.

I do what I assume is right and reach out and grab onto both of them, holding them as close to me as I can, this is massive for me, Artemis and I can now talk with our mates, and later the pack possibly, I may yet be able to be a god luna for my mates, something I have been internally fretting over.

"I love you Asphra, I love you Esphra." I say though our mate link, I feel their protective grip on me tighten as I say those words and I smile in pure joy at the warmth that flows through me being this close to my beloved mates.

In this moment everything is just perfect and I can't help but smile, I have dammed the moon goddess my entire life, yet here I am embraced with two mates who love me dearly and I love them. It seems almost to good to be true but I smell them, hear them, feel them and I can't help but be grateful for the life I now have with them.

Asphra and Esphra loosened their grip on me slightly and both took in my scent in an effort to try and relax slightly and come back to their rational state of mind.

"Mars, our love, our luna, your our greatest treasure and we will love you forever." Esphra declared softly while planting a delicate kiss on my lips before moving over so Asphra could do the same.

"You know it was brave of you to take the imitative yesterday dear, we've been uncertain on how to approach you about it, your really are remarkable, you're going to be a great luna." Asphra praised me to which I blushed, it still feels odd to be complemented like that but I also love it, and the smile that my mates get when I blush makes my heart skip a beat.

I can't help but to push myself back into the bed as both of my magnificent mates smile widely above me while they look down on my blushing face with adoration, "You are beautiful love." Esphra murmurs softly while her eyes travel over my body and only now do I remember our nakedness and look away, biting my lip.

I hear the deep growl of an alpha and a careful hand wraps around my chin and Asphra forces me to look back at them, "You ever have to look away, stare all you want love, there is nothing to be ashamed of, we told you this yesterday." Asphra states in a firm but caring voice that I nod silently to, not used to the mindlink between us yet.

"We have things to do today dear but... I think, there is still more then enough time to remind you of your beauty." Esphra says, dipping her head and running her teeth across the mark she made yesterday, sending a hot wave surging through my entire body.

Asphra grinned and did the same and I fell helpless against their touch, "I think your right sister, lets remind her." She growled out lustfully before pulling me into a possessive kiss. And so for the second morning in a row we all came closer together as mates.


And that is chapter fourteen complete, I hope you all liked it.

So a quick update, I return to studying in less then a week so I will be slow to update for a little while but I will try to post a new chapter whenever I can.

Thank you all for you patience and I will see you in the next chapter.

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