Chapter 7: Possessive Affections

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Hi everyone chapter seven is here, I am sorry for the delay and I hope you all enjoy.

"Home sweet home." = Speaking

"Home sweet home." = Thinking/Mind linking

'Home sweet home.' = Writing


(Mars POV)

My eyes blinked open at the roof I was becoming familiar with and I felt the calming warmth of my mates heavy limbs draped protectively over my body.

Smiling I slipped my pillow in between the pair as I wormed my way down the bed and off the foot of the bed while my mates cuddled into the pillow with my scent on it.

I admit they are gorgeous, it still feels strange though, having mates. shaking my head I slip out the bedroom silently and start looking through rooms and quickly find the bathroom. I need a shower desperately.

  (Bathroom below)  

Stripping my clothes off and throwing them in the hamper that was near the door I started to slowly remove my bandages and I finally, for the first time, I saw the full extent of my damage

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Stripping my clothes off and throwing them in the hamper that was near the door I started to slowly remove my bandages and I finally, for the first time, I saw the full extent of my damage.

I had bite marks and scratches crisscrossing all over me, they had scabbed over but damn was it horrific, I cannot help but wonder just how badly I will scar from this.

Sighing I turned on the hot water in the shower stall and soon steam filled the room and I stepped into the water and felt immediate relief at the feeling of grime, dirt and general filth all running off of my body.

Soon I stepped out and dried off before I went to put on a change of clothes but I forgot my clothes, great.

I wrapped a towel around my body and slipped back up the hallway to my mates room and snuck back inside in almost complete silence.

As I knelt down by my bag beside the door I heard a light growl come from the bed, I won't lie I'm kind of scared to turn around. I heard the bed squeak lightly as one of my mates slid out of the bed and quietly walk behind me.

"Morning little mate," Esphra stated from behind me, her voice was husky and laced with something I don't quite recognize, she bent down and embraced me softly and sniffed my hair affectionately.

"You have to be more careful darling, waking up to your cute little butt in the air is dangerous." She growled out before placing her head in the crook of my neck for a few second before pulling back.

I heard another growl from the bed making me go bright red and stand up with my handful of clothes in hand.

Asphra snuck up on me and pulled me against her softly and sat back down on the bed while pulling me into her lap and planted her head in the back of my neck before taking in my scent.

I admit that this is rather embarrassing, being in nothing but a towel in one of my mates lap while the other is eyeing me like I'm some ancient, priceless treasure.

I try to squirm out but Asphra only tightened her grip ever so slightly to let me know I'm not escaping her embrace. Esphra moved forward and took my clothes from me, placing them on the side of the bed beside Asphra and I.

"Relax dear."Asphra mumbled softly against my neck as she reached up and took the top of my towel in her hand and slid it off of me leaving me completely exposed to my mates.

Blushing I shut my eyes to try and preserve what little dignity I have left, "Open your eyes love." Esphra orders softly but still leaving no room for resistance, slowly I open my eyes and see Esphra closer to me, her eyes locked with my own.

"Beautiful." She murmurs so softly I barely hear it, I can feel Asphra leaving gentle, loving kisses on the back of my neck but even so I can also feel her smile each time she kisses me.

Esphra leaned forward and placed a soft loving kiss on my chin before reaching over to pick up the plain dark green shirt I picked out to wear.

"Arms up beautiful." Asphra says quietly before softly nibbling at my neck now.

They're going to dress me? Not what I expected but okay, I lift my arms slowly above my head and soon Esphra slips my shirt on me before reaching for my simple grey panties.

"Now lift you legs." Asphra orders quietly before leaning around and softly biting the top of my ear.

At this point I can't really stop so I lift my legs and Esphra slips my panties up over my privates before going for the last article of clothing I grabbed and repeated the same thing with my black shorts.

Asphra let Esphra scoop me up in her arms and we walked down to the kitchen where Esphra sat down with me in her lap while Asphra made a plate of toast for us all to eat.

While I am munching on my toast I can feel both my mates watching every movement I make. I feel a little embarrassed still by my mates dressing me but at the same time it gives me this inexplainable feeling of warmth.

Soon we finished breakfast and my mates moved me to the couch and laid me across both their laps. It felt good to have my bandages off even if my torn up body was now far more noticeable.

I felt a hand tracing my leg and looked down and saw Esphra following one of my bite marks before moving to another before looking at me, "Do they hurt at all?"

I shake my head and I feel strange at how my alpha mates are so cautious around me, possessive yet cautious, firm but caring, I know I'll have my work cut out for me once I fully heal and Artemis wakes up.

But for now I'll simply enjoy my mates and let them nurse me, I doubt I could persuade them to do otherwise anyway. Moon goddess, what the hell are you planning?


And that is chapter seven done and dusted, I hope you all liked it and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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