Chapter 11: Happy Times

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Chapter eleven is here and I hope you all enjoy and if you have any feedback I would love to hear it.

"Home sweet home." = Speaking

"Home sweet home." = Thinking/Mind linking

'Home sweet home.' = Writing


(Mars POV) 

I sat on the couch with my mates and my notepad in my lap, scribbling down my message while my mates watched me curiously. after a few minutes I held up the notepad to them while they read what I had written.

'Today my wolf, Artemis came out of hibernation, she is still weakened but she is now speaking with me again, we wanted to let you both know.'  My message read.

I watched as my mates eyes lit up and they looked at me with smiles on their gorgeous faces that made my heart melt.

"That's fantastic Dear, it won't be long till you fully recover now, I can't wait till we can go for runs together." Asphra said happily as she pulled me onto her lap and nuzzled my neck affectionately.

Esphra leaned over and kiss me me softly on my left cheek, "You are going to be able to assume your role as luna soon you know, we'll have to organize a pack gathering in the coming weeks." Esphra informed me with a soft affectionate voice that made a gentle smile slip across my face.

I nodded and laid myself down across my mates, setting my head in Esphra's lap, soon I felt her hand run softly through my hair.

"I know the pack life will take some adjusting to but know that your never going to be far from us dear, we will always be with you." Asphra told me with her gentle voice as she ran her hands slowly up and down my legs.

It was with those touching words firmly in my mind that I shut my eyes and with my mates giving me more affection then I probably deserve, I fell into a soft slumber once again.

(Esphra's POV)   

I looked down at our sleeping mate happily, she still needed to rest in order to properly heal but she has been staying awake longer and longer which was a good sign and with her wolf returning she would be fine soon.

I have loved this time my sister and I have gotten to spend with our mate to build up our mates bond but the pack needed their real alphas back and while our packs been kept in order, both my sister and I want to return to our leading role, now aided with our mate.

I know Mars will struggle to fit in with the pack initially but I also know she will be fantastic once she settles in to the pack as a whole.

I can't help but wonder what her wolf is like, what blend of colors was she, is she large or small, several similar questions roamed my mind, I looked down at our little mate with a loving smile set softly across my face.

Our dear little mate.

(Asphra's POV)   

I looked across to see my sister with a caring smile on her beautiful face, I can tell she is in deep thought by the focused look in her eyes, I am certain it is about our lovely mate that is sleeping across our laps with that cute little smile adorning her enchanting face.

I know things will change soon but I can't help myself from looking forward to the change, showing our mate the entirety of the pack, seeing her be our magnificent luna, I personally feel eager for the coming weeks.

Wilhelm has led the pack well in our absence while we have been caring for Mars but I can tell he is running out of patience, not with us or the pack but simply with leading. Still I cannot fault our brothers work or dedication.

The packs also been asking questions through the pack link, it is no secret that we have found our mate and a number of pack members have seen her in her couple of outings but we need to arrange a formal introduction for her soon.

I also need to arrange for a few meetings with key members of the pack for Mars, Our luna needs to know what happens in our pack and what pack members hold noteworthy rank.

Busy times lay ahead off us but it will be worth it, and as long as Esphra and I have our lovely mate at our side I know we will be fine.

We will always be fine, nothing will stop us now that our mate at our side .

Absolutely nothing.


Chapter eleven is done and dusted, I know it was a short one but I still hope you all liked it and I will see you in the next chapter.

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