Shocking truth

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Next morning
As usual All are assembled for breakfast, except our devils veebha is injured,Muklya is with her to take care of her.Siya wanted to tell about Veebha to all but she don't want to make all tensed,first she want to know why vibha did all this.
Nandu is making siya to eat breakfast but she is showing tantrums same like her mother.Manik is adoring them and smiling seeing her tantrums.
Manik sat beside nandu.Nandu saw manik is smiling, seeing him smiling Nandu adored him but coming back into senses glared at him and pinched him on his hand below table.
Manik shouted in pain.All turned to him in concerned look.Nandu giggled in turn got glare from manik.

M:-Nothing ek mosquito bite kiya hai

All nodded except O'bros,cabruv & Abhi,sid.
Obros gave suspicious look,Abhi,sid gave pity look.cabruv gave a teasing look.
Nandini wisphered in his ear.

N:-Manik you don't know to give a small excuse also,Mosquito really manik.

M:-sorry suddenly only mosquito came to mind,by the way why you pinched me(glaring).

N:-here am struggling to make your daughter to eat and you are smiling like fool(glaring).

Manik is in could nine by hearing his daughter from her mouth,Nandu also came to senses and cursing herself for what she blurted out.But somewhere in her heart she is happy to call siya as his daughter.

M:-She is also tantrum queen like you.

Inturn he got glare from nandini.
Too escape situation Manik called siya who is sitting beside nandu.

M:-siya,my friend come I will make u eat.

Siya excitedly went to members gave surprised look as siya not mingle up with outsiders easily.
Nandu made a annoyed face as Father-daughter is ignoring her.

All left for respective works. Nandini went for garden to take a walk at the same time cabir also came their and walked along with her.

N:-what's up Cabir bhai where is Navya.

C:-She is with Ayu, I came here to thank you Nandu.

N:-thanks kis liye bhai.

C:-for bringing back my old Manik.

N:-what do you mean bhai.(concern).

C:-Nandu am your brother and also Maniks friend I want to tell you something to better future of you guys.

N:-of course bhai boliye.

C:-Nandini I know Manik did a Mistake by choosing fab5 over you.
But he was forced to take this decision Nandu no one knows it except me.
Manik took promise from me not to tell anyone.(seriously).

N:-forced means what do you mean bhai tell me properly.(stammering badly).

C:-you have to be strong after listening this Nandu,I don't want to tell you know also but after hearing your conversations on that night (remember kiss scene guys) I have to tell to see my friends happiness.


C:-let me speak nandu,Sorry for hearing your conversation secretly I want to tell you truth that night only but you lost consinousness so I didn't told you.

N:-I will be strong Cabir tell me.

C:-night before talent hunt,Manik is talking with me at the same time
Manik got call from Neyonika.
He went to meet her after talking something to her in phone.He asked me to not to come with him.I followed him I sensed some danger.
That day

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