Field Trip(part 1)

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This is my first ever published fanfic so please don't judge.

No upload schedule. I just write when I feel like it.

Most stories will be in the third person unless specified...

ok... let's do this.


It was Peters last class of the day at Midtown high, and he could not wait for the school bell to ring. His legs were jumping up and down rapidly as he stared at the clock. He really wanted school to be over because today Tony promised that they would upgrade Peter's suit. Peter already had so many Ideas on how to upgrade the suit it would take years to use them all. For now though, one step at a time.

"Alright students! These are permission slips for the mystery field trip. The location will be revealed tomorrow. Please grab one on your way out." Mr Harrington said grabbing a stack of papers and standing next to the door.

The bell rings, and Peter somehow finds himself last to exit the classroom. He tries to grab the field trip form, but its pulled away.

"I'm afraid you won't be going on this trip Mr.Parker." said the teacher.

"What!? Why not?" Asked Peter.

"This field trip is attendance based, and you have missed ten days of school, unexcused."

Peter sighed. He couldn't help it is something big happened while he was at school. He was still Spiderman, so he couldn't just let level ten criminals get away(The highest he was ever allowed to face was level 11. Still dangerous tho).

"So does that mean I can't go on the field trip?" asked Peter, looking up at his teacher.

"I'm sorry Peter. I would let you go if I could, but 10 missed days is too many for me to make an exception to. Even if you're my brightest student. I'm sorry Peter." He didn't even try to hide his pity, because he knew how much Peter had wanted to go on this trip.

Peter sighed and exited the school. As soon as he stepped outside he was pushed down the last few steps. He fell and tried his best to limit the damage of the fall. He still managed to scrape his hands though. He heard some snickering and didn't even need to look to know it was Flash who had pushed him.

"Too bad you won't go to the field trip. I was looking forward to pestering you." Flash purposely walked so that his foot would kick Peter. "Oops. Sorry Penis.", and he walked away.

Peter pulled himself from the ground and walked towards Happy's car. He stuffed his hands in his pockets so that Happy wouldn't see his scarred hands. He could feel his hands already healing. They would probably be healed in about three hours. He opened the door and sat down. He just stared out the window, and even though it was unusual, Happy didn't comment on it, because Happy had seen everything, and was going to talk to Mr.Stark about it, personally.

"Okay kid we're here," said Happy, turning around to see the kid already leaving for the garage elevator.

Peter Parker entered the elevator, and facial recognition activated FRIDAY. "Welcome back Peter. Would you like me to inform boss of your arrival?"

"Yes, please. Could you please take me to the Avengers kitchen?"

"Yes of course," replied FRIDAY, and the elevator shot up.

The elevator opened to a ding, and Peter stepped out. Peter walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Peter stepped to the side just as an arrow shot out of the fridge. Clint dropped from the vents. 

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