Adopted (Part 2)

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Yaaaaaay Part 2! Im on a roll here muffins!

Plz remember I take requests!!!

Also... I really want to write a Harry Potter Head-cannon book... should I?

It would just be random head-cannons that are expanded... let me know what u guys think.

Anywayyyys, on w/ the chapter!


No one's POV

As the newly completed family arrived at Stark Tower, Tony had a sudden realization. What would he tell the others? He hadn't told anyone about Peter except Pepper and Happy? What was he going to do? The other Avengers were due to arrive in a few days. Should he hide Peter? Should he introduce him to them one by one?

Pepper, possibly sensing his worry, put her hand on his and gave him a reassuring smile. Peter was too busy looking out the window at all the cars in the garage as Happy parked the car. He was literally bouncing in his seat, and his breath made the window fog up and block his view. 

Once out of the car, Tony immediately forgot his worry and excitedly led Peter up to where he would be saying. They arrived at the 95th floor, the start of the Penthouse, and he gave Peter a grand tour, not that Peter didn't know the place like the back of his hand or anything. Pffft no way.... needless to say, Peter gave Tony the benefit of the doubt. The 95th floor contained the Avengers quarters and guest rooms, the 96th contained the living room, kitchen, training deck, bar, and balcony. The 97th contained the Labs... yes, Just the labs, and maybe some snack and rest areas around the floor that Pepper forced Tony to add. The 98th floor was when you needed special access to enter. The 98th was the start of a normal looking apartment, by Peppers design it looked, with some stairs leading to the upstairs bedroom. There was a kitchen, living room, work room, storage room, laundry room, and four rooms, two of which are guest rooms for people Tony trusts. The other two, well, one is obviously for Tony and Pepper, but the other one, was the room that Tony was working on for Peter before the whole disappearing fiasco.

Peter had his jaw wide open when he entered his room. He had a bed that had a pullout bed from underneath if he wanted Ned to stay over, shelves full of lego sets, a desk space where he could work, a GIANT window, and so much more. Before Tony could even show Peter around the room Peter was in tears. 

"Hey Pete? Uhh, you ok?" Tony honestly didn't really know what to do, but luckily Peter did, because he ran up to Tony and hugged him so hard that Tony had to force himself not to say anything. By the time the hug was done, Peter had stopped crying and was beaming rays of sunshine.

"Thank you so much Mr. St–...what do...what do I call you now?" Peter looked at Tony with uncertainty.

"I already told you Underoos. Just call me dad. After all it is official! will be after all the paperwork gets approved by court." 

"Alright then... thanks, dad..." Tony smiled, ruffled Peters hair, and said,

"Get to bed. It's late and tomorrow we have to figure out what we're going to do about the Avengers. Nighty night son." Tony walked out of the door, looked back into the room, and added one last thing, "You're clothes are in the cupboard. I had Happy and Pepper pick some out for you."

"um dad? I have a question."


"How did you do all of this in time?" Peter was holding a pair of Ironman PJ's.

"I was planning on having you move in about 7 months ago, I just never really got around to asking." and with that, he closed the door. 

----------Time Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip.......yes I did put that many i's-------

By the time Peter went down to the kitchen, everybody was already up. Pepper was making scrambled eggs with toast, and Tony had his head on the counter of the island, drooling over his plate.

"peeeeeep. Whens breakfast readyyyyy" whined Tony.

"Soon, but if you keep up that whine you won't get any." she retorted, still scrambling the eggs in the pan.

Tony shot up "NO! I luv scrmbld egs..." Tony sunk down in his seat again, just as Peter reached the bottom of the stairs. 

Peter sat down in the chair next to Tony greeted them


"Pete. Tell pep that she's not allowed to take away my scrambled eggs" Tony looked over at Peter and sat up slowly.

"Uh, no can do. Not to be rude but Im much more worried about angering her than I am to you." 

Pepper turned around with three plates ready, and replied to Peter's comment "Why thank you Peter. In fact, you get extra for that." She took some of Tony's scrambled eggs and dumped it on Peters plate.

"Hey! Those were mine!" Tony pouted.

"too bad. Anyways, what was it that you wanted to talk to Peter about?" Pepper got out the forks and handed them to the duo, as well as two glasses of mil and one for herself.

"Oh right! So Pete... the Avengers are going to be staying the tower, in a few days. I wanted to know if you wanted to introduce yourself to them gradually or just do It all at once."

"Well..I. Hmmm. Can we.. can we make it gradual?" Peter looked up. 

"Yep. Oh and do you want to tell them about Spiderman orrrr..."

"No. Nonononoononoooooooo. Not until I have to." Peter shoved a bite of toast into his mouth.

"Slow down Peter. Don't eat too fast or you'll choke." Pepper said, taking a sip of her drink.

"Sorry mom." Pepper started smiling wide while Peter took a long sip of his drink, trying to balance her reaction. 

"Well. Now that thats in order? Waddaya want to do today Pete?" Tony got up from his seat, shoving the last bit of toast into his mouth, just like Peter had a few seconds ago.

"OoooH! Can we work on the new suit design!? I have so many upgrades I want to try out!"

Peter and Tony started walking towards the elevator that would lead down to the 97th floor. Pepper just looked at them and smiled as she wondered why they hadn't adopted Peter sooner.


Aaaand SCENE!

OK! Next part (Part 3) will be AVENGER SHTUFS! Meeting the and all that pazazz. 


Later Muffin Army!

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