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WARNING! Eugene will be in here, but not in the way you might think.


No ones POV

Today was just a bad day for Peter. He could feel it when he woke up. Today was the anniversary of his uncle Ben's death. It just so happened to have fallen on a school day. As he packed his bag for school, he plugged in his earphones and decided to listen to music on his way to school. He didn't talk to anybody, he didn't pick up his head, and he didn't acknowledge anyones existence. He was just there. When he got to school Ned came up to him. He knew what day it was so he knew not to talk. He just had to be there for his best friend. As they went through school, Peter began to feel continuously worse. Flash taunted him. Flash pushed him. Flash didn't know his boundaries, so when the school day ended, Peter was in near tears. He wasn't as strong today. 

Peter left immediately after class ended and went straight to the music/ dance classroom despite Flash calling his name several times. The class wasn't that big, but Peter didn't mind. It was good enough for him. He waited until he was sure no one was roaming the halls and sat at the piano centered in the middle of the room. Little did he know, a pair of eyes were watching him through the window in the door.

Peter started to play the piano *Song above starts to play*

I know this is coming to an end

Aware of all the pain that will ensue

Peter at this moment thought about Flash, and all the pain the boy had caused him.

And when it leaves a hole inside my chest
Im not sure how I'll cover up the wound

Here he started to think about Ben and when he died and how it left and open would in his heart.

He was nearly crying.

My body's filling with my regret
And sorrow
Gloomy symphonies fill my head, mhh

He couldn't help but feel sad. The tears started to fall slowly.

Tonight I think I'll write the saddest song
To cleanse me of your memory and mend me when you're gone
I can feel we're barely holding on
So tonight I think I'll write the saddest song
And maybe when I play it in my room
I won't feel so empty when I'm thinking about you
I can feel we're barely holding on
So tonight I think I'll write the saddest song
Mhh-mh, mhh, Mhh-mh

Ben made him write this song. He wrote it a few weeks after Ben's death to help him cope with the sadness that he felt.

The tears were falling faster now.

Maybe you'll be on your way to work
And hear it when you're driving down the street
And maybe then you'll wanna make things work
And tell me that you never wanna leave

He was thinking about Ben, and what would be happening if he was still here.

My body's filling with my regret
And sorrow
Gloomy symphonies fill my head, mhh

He was chocking on his words. He could barely see the piano keys with all the tears that filled his eyes, but that didn't matter. He played the song whenever he thought of ben, and that was often, though he had never cried. He memorized the way his hands were supposed to move across the keys, and he memorized every word and pitch of the song.

Tonight I think I'll write the saddest song
To cleanse me of your memory and mend me when you're gone
I can feel we're barely holding on
So tonight I think I'll write the saddest song
And maybe when I play it in my room
I won't feel so empty when I'm thinking about you
I know that we're barely holding on
So tonight I think I'll write the saddest song
Mhh-mh, mhh, Mhh-mh
Mhh-mh, mhh, Mhh-mh

Peter stopped playing, and he rested his head on the piano with his hands under him as he cried. He barely registered the arms that went around him soon after. He didn't even look up, but they were hands that he recognized. Hands that punched him and pushed him. He couldn't care right now. The hands were soft and comforting as they pulled him into an embrace. He couldn't care less who it was. He welcomed the comfort.

"Im sorry Parker." Flash said. "I didn't realize what you were going through. I-... I was jelouse of your smarts, and I was jelous of your friends for being able to be next to you. My parents... they would never approve of a friendship of someone with your social status, but I wanted to be your friend so badly. I just took out my frustration in the most logical way I could think of. And that was on you. I am so sorry Peter. Im so so so sorry."

Peter could see that there were other tears falling onto his lap, not his own.

Thats when Peter decided to talk.

"It's ok..."

"No. No peter it's not ok. I treated you horribly. There is no excuse for that."

"I know... but I honestly don't care right now."

And they left it at that. After Peter had cried his eyes dry, Flash and Peter walekd out of the school together. They parted ways and said light goodbyes. 

The next day, no one bullied Peter. No comments, no shoves, no nothing. 

The rest of the week was the same.

And the month.

And the year.

Over the year Flash had become a good friend to Peter, MJ, and Ned. The past was behind them.

Fast forward four years and all five of them were moving into an apartment together. They all knew about Peters secret. They all got accepted into the same college, and they all were happier. Flash was the mom of the house. He always made the best cookies and told everyone to clean up after themselves. Lets just say, that they were all like one big family, and they were happy.


OKKKKKKK! That was very different. I hope you guys liked it. To be honest though, should I make a Peter x Eugene one?



Ok I'll leave that up to you guys. See ya muffin army! UNTIL OUR PATHS MEET AGAIN!

1017 words. WOW.

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