Panic (part 1)

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Ok. So I thought of this one on the spot as well. I just improvised as I went along ok.... ye. So I'm asking you to please not judge and all that...... yeah and feel free to leave requests!!!


Peter was on the couch watching the news because Capsicle wouldn't let him watch anything else and because Tony was taking a long time in the bathroom. Peter wasn't really paying attention. He just looked at his nails and tinkered with his web shooters. It was only when a familiar name was said, that he looked up and actually started to pay attention to the news.

"...., also known as the vulture, has recently escaped from prison with suspected HYDRA agents. This villain is known for attempting to hijack a Stark industries plane filled with Vibranium, weapons, and alien technology. This villain was put into prison by Spiderman, who saved all the technology and weapons from getting into the wrong hands. So far no word has been heard about the Vulture, but we advise everyone to get home earlier today, just in case. That's all for the news. We will be taking a short Ad..." his hearing started to shut down, his senses started to num, his vision was getting blurry.

Peter tried to stand up. He stumbled and held onto the couch for support. It was crushing him. The weight the unbearable weight. No one is here for me. I'm going to die under a building and no one will know where I am. Peter started to take short breaths. He was panting and crumbling. Peter grasped his hoodie where his heart was and his other arm wrapped around his belly. He could vaguely hear his name being called out. He felt a hand on his own and could feel his hand being placed on something else. Someone else. He could feel a heartbeat. He could hear the exaggerated breaths. Unconsciously, Peter curled into the body and started to match his breathing to the person he was now curled up in. His senses started to come back, and he could hear someone talking to him.

"Breathe kid. Just breath ok? Match your breaths with mine. Thas it. Just calm down Underoos."

Peter snapped his head up, looking at his Idol, "Mr.Stark. I-i am so sorry.  I just... I just..." and then he proceeded to cry silently, Tony's hand rubbing his back and pulling him in for a hug.

"It's ok kid. It's ok." Tony waited for Peter to calm down a bit before asking." What happened that got you like this Peter."

Peter took a deep breath, " You know the Vulture?" 

"Yeah. I do." Tony replied, not knowing where this conversation was going to end up.

"Well... He kind of dropped a building on me and I had these panic attacks for like a month. I got over it though, at least I thought. When I heard that he escaped with HYDRA... the memories just flooded back."  Peter looked down, not wanting to face Tony.

"Kid I... Why didn't you tell me?" then the realization of what he had said after dawned on him, "Wait. HE GOT OUT OF PRISON!????"

"With the help of HYDRA," Peter confessed.

"Peter he knows your Identity. Son of a bi-"

"Language. What's wrong with Peter. What did you do to him Stark?!" Cap said, walking into the room, striding towards Tony.

"I'll explain later. Peter, I'm texting May to let her know you're sleeping here tonight ok? Go to bed, you need the rest." Tony ushered Peter to his room, and after making sure he was sound asleep, he called all Avengers to the meeting room.


Peter woke up to FRIDAY beeping while red lights flashed the room. The panic button. The panic button was only for when people were either infiltrating Avengers tower or there was some emergency going on. Peter got up and threw on a hoodie and some jeans. He grabbed his new suit watch and told Karen to activate the nanotech. His suit started to form around him as he ran to the living room. Before he rounded the final corner, however, his spider senses tingled, but one second too late. He felt a prick in his neck and he slumped, hearing his name being called by the Avengers who were fighting the now retreating HYDRA agents in the living room,. His vision turned black, and he was unconscious.


(Tony POV)

I'm panicking.I'm panicking.I'm panicking.I'm panicking.I'm panicking.I'm panicking.I'm panicking.I'm panicking.I'm panicking.I'm panicking.I'm panicking. I can't stop panicking. He's gone. He's gone. Taken by HYDRA. Those BASTARDS!

Tony was unaware of the tears streaming down his face, but the other Avengers didn't.                

"We need to get him back. Right now." Tony pointed to cap, letting him know it was time to be a captain before he completely lost it.

"Banner, take DNA samples of the HYDRA arent's blood on the carpet, Natasha, figure out why FRIDAY didn't tell us about the intruders, Clint and Bucky, find out where the possible locations of HYDRA bases could be. Everyone else, make yourselves useful. Tony, get in the panic room." Cap stared at him.

"W-what? I want to help! I NEED to hel-," Tony started, but Cap cut him off.

"No Tony. With you like this, you won't be any help at all. You need to calm down, then once you have, come find me. I'll give you something to do."

Tony submitted and walked to the room. They were going to pay. They were going to pay for taking HIS son. They would pay with their lives.


SORRY For the cliff Hanger!!!!! Part two will be out soon!!!!!

I take requestssssssssssssss

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