Who is spiderman? (Part 1)

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Ok. I know it's been ages, but I just had to post something because I felt what is called "A burst of inspiration". Bear with me here.

Info: Avengers do not know who Spiderman is. Neither does tony.


Third Person POV

Nick Fury had just called in the Avengers for an emergency meeting... at 1 AM. 1 AM!!!! They were all currently sitting around a round table in front of a holoscreen.  Nick Fury was next to the screen, hands behind his back and his chest puffed out to make himself look mighty. That was when Thor walked into the room. In hello kitty Pajamas dragging his hammer on the floor with a hunch that would make the hunchback of Notredam jelouse. 

"Why have you called us here at this ungodly hour Furyson?" He said, while yawning and taking in a seat that was a bit too small for him.

"This." Fury swipes at the holoscreen and an image of spiderman comes up. "Spiderman. I want you to figure out his identity."

"And why couldn't you tell us at a more reasonable time? Like... 8 AM or something?" Tony asked, taking a huge swig of black coffee.

"Because he's out there right now. Suit up before he goes home." Fury then walked out and left them there.

"Why would he want us to figure out spidey's identity?" Steve asked.

"I don't know Steve. Let's just do it quickly so that we can go back to bed..." Tony picked himself up from the seat, and stretched while walking out of the room, telling JARVIS to ready his suit.

"Alright then. Avengers. Let's roll." Clint said as he skipped out of the room with a frown. (Not a good combination).

------Time skip brought to you by..........bob and the stars......----------

"Alright, everyone knows the plan?" Cap said after he ran over it for the second time.

"We don't have time to answer. He's here." Iron man said, flying over head and eyeing Spiderman, who had just sat down on the side of a roof.

"Lets do this then." said Clint, and the plan was in action.

-------------POV Spiderman--------------

Man. What a long day of stopping baddies. I think I'll head home soon.

"Hey Spiderguy!"

I turned around and saw Ironman in his full amazing glory standing in front of me. I didn't even have the guts to answer him!

"Hey. We need to take you in." Ironman said.

I snapped "What!? Why!? Did I do something wrong?" I asked, backing away, preparing to run.

"No. Our boss just wants to know who you are. Just tell us and we can part ways." Ironman tried to compromise.

"Nuh uh. Not happening. There's a reason I keep my identity a secret. I can't let anyone find out. Not even my childhood heroes." And with that, I stepped back and fell off of the roof. 

Before going splat I shot a web and swung away. Thats when my spidey sense tingled and I turned to the left just as an arrow flew past me. I could hear Ironman's repulsors above me. I needed to lose them fast. Thats when my senses flared again, and I shot my hand up to catch Captain America's shield. I landed on a roof.

"Oh come on! Mr. goody two shoes is also trying to catch me!? I thought you were a good guy!!!" I yelled out.

I veered to the right just as another arrow flew by. 

"We aren't the bad guys" I heard, just as I saw Captain America step forward from the shadows.

"Wooooow. I met two of my heroes in one day!! OMG this is so cooool! OH WAIT! Im holding your shield! WoW. JusT wOW." I needed to control my fan reaction.... BUT ITS FRIGGIN CAPTAIN 'MERICA!

"Give me back my shield and come with us. We don't want to hurt you." Captain said.

"Yeah right. Tell that to the guy up there who keeps shooting arrows at me." I say, and cross my arms. I catch the arrow right in front of my heart before it hit it.

"H-how did you do that?" asked the captain.

"Thats for me to know and you to find out. Oh wait. No nevermind. Its for me to know and me alone." I say. I turn around and swing away as I drop the captains shield in front of him. "BYE Mr.CAPTAIN AMERICA SIR!" I yell, and I take multiple sharp turns to lose any possible people on my trail. I then quickly change and walk home as a normal civilian. Man what a day.




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