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I thought of this story on the spot... don't judge. I hope you enjoy it. See yall later.


Shuri was over at the Avengers compound, and everyone else was out on a mission. The only thing is, they forgot to tell Peter. So when Peter walked into the living room for his training session to find no one there, he was confused.

"Hey FRIDAY? Where's Mr.Stark?" Peter walks to the kitchen to grab a snack.

"Boss is currently on a mission with the other Avengers. Would you like me to inform him of your arrival?"

"No that's fine. Thanks, FRIDAY." Peter decided to wait for Mr.Stark while watching a movie on the couch. "Hey FRIDAY? Could you please turn on Star Wars? You already know which one."

"Of course Peter"

Peter was on the couch for a good thirty minutes before he felt his Spider senses tingling. Peter pushed it away, thinking it was just because the movie was getting to the good part. 

The lightsaber battle started, and "I could totally make those".

Peter screamed and jumped to the ceiling, automatically webbing whatever was in the direction of the voice. He kept webbing until he knew for sure whatever it was, was trapped.

"What the fu*k Richard?!" said the mysterious entity

Peter started to laugh, recognizing the reference to a vine. He walked over to the mash of webs and started to cut it.

"Anyone who knows vine references is no enemy. Hi. I'm Peter." Peter stuck out his hand after cutting the webs that held the now identified as a female, girl.

"Shuri." She replied.

"Ok. Well, I heard you mention before I freaked out that... wait. SHURI! OMG! Do I need to bow? Do I call you your highness? What do I do what do I do???" Peter started to panic, holding his head in his hands.

"Do not worry. I hate formalities. Just call me Shuri. And yes you did hear correctly. I can make lightsabers. Well, I tried to. I can't seem to figure out how to make them stay on for long enough. Right now they can only last three seconds before turning off and needing to recharge."

"Can I see them?" Peter asked, lighting up.

"Of course. "

After a few minutes, Shuri got out of her ship bringing two lightsabers. She handed one to Peter who turned it on immediately, and as said, after three seconds it turned off.

"It's not that great really," Shuri said, looking disappointed.

"Why you always lying," said Peter, and it was Shuri's turn to laugh.

"We are definitely going to need to hang out." 

"Hey, have you thought of changing the Lightsabers energy source to rechargeable batteries with a higher voltage capacity and decreasing the amount of energy released per minute to 10,000 volts in order to make it last longer and so that it only needs to recharge every 24 hours? Have you also thought about making it work with an LED light bulb to make it change colors according to who's holding it? We could program it with fingerprint readers to determine which color to put for which person." Peter said, gaining Shuri's full attention.

"YOU ARE A GENIUS! Let us work right now. I need to finish these with you. Those are brilliant Ideas, Peter. Come on. TO THE LABS!" They ran to the labs and started to build.

After only about an hour, they were complete and they decided to put the lightsabers on safe mode so that they wouldn't destroy anything while having a saber battle. Around this time was went the Avengers had finished their mission and were returning home.


"Oh Sh*t," Tony said in the jet, realizing something.

"What is it Stark," asked T'challa, turning to look at him.

"I forgot to tell Peter we were on a mission and not to come over today."

"Is that bad?" 

"YES! If he meets Shuri then chaos will be brought upon the world"

"Why? Is he a bad person?" 

"What!? No. Peter is the best person alive, but he's a super smart teenager that likes vines and star wars movies."

"Oh. Oh no. Not two of them. We need to get back to the compound fast before Shuri drags him into anything. Hey Rogers! Fly faster and hurry!" 

"Why," asked Steve.

"Chaos awaits us at the compound. We must stop it before it gets out of hand" T'challa answers.

Steve sped up, not wanting to ask further questions once seeing the look of horror on both Tony and T'challa's faces. What was going on?


The Avengers arrived at the compound, and Tony sped upstairs with T'challa, not even waiting for the other Avengers. They got into the elevator and immediately told FRIDAY to get them to the 100th floor. Once the doors opened, they stopped in their tracks. 

"Deez nuts! Haha. Got'em" yelled Peter, while attacking Shuri with a lightsaber. 

Shuri dodged and performed an attack of her own "Shout out to all the pear!". Peter deflected the attack and ducked flung his Star wars robe around him as a makeshift shield while Shuri attacked again " I wanna be a cowboy baby".

Peter caught the lightsaber with his own and swiped it across the room."Watch your profanity. I win." Shuri and Peter sprawled over the floor laughing.

"That was the best battle yet!" yelled Shuri.

"Yeah. And now its thirteen to one."

"One more round. I will win this time,"

"Bring it Shuri."

"NO!" Yelled Tony.

The two teens turned around in surprise.

"No more battles," T'challa stated.

"What!? Why not!?" asked Peter.

"It's three AM. Peter text your Aunt and tell her you're staying over tonight. Also, tell her sorry for the late text. Then go to your room and sleep." Tony said.

"And Shuri we need to leave. Mother told us to be back after the mission."

"Awww. Fine. Hey, Peter" Shuri called.

"I call dibs C3PO." She got up and walked towards the elevator.

"What!? That's not fair!" Peter yelled.

"Its the dibs rule. Three months to finish starting today. See ya then."

"Fine. I'll take R2D2 then. "

After that fateful day, Tony and T'challa decided to never again leave them alone with each other. Little did they know, it just wasn't possible.



And Finito. I'm so surprised I actually managed to finish this. Do you guys want a part two orrrrrr.... what? You can feel free to request and stuff. Yeah. Ok. See ya.

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