Prank gone wrong

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Rogue avengers pardoned

they know peter is spooderman

peter is staying in the tower for the week because its spring break and may is out on a buisness trip.


No ones POV

Clint and Natasha had just returned from a tiring mission. Natasha decided to get some shut eye, but Clint wanted to play some Mario cart. Clint walked over to the mario cart controller and started the game....but there was a problem.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Clint yelled


Clint heard a snickering behind him, so he turned around.

He saw Peter standing behind him.


Peter just laughed.



"You can't reverse it!!!!"

"WHAT! FRIDAY!!!????" Clint looked up to the ceiling. 

"Im afraid I can not fix this problem of yours. Mister Parker overided my ability to fix this particular problem for another three weeks. I suggest you learn to play backwards mr.Barton."

And with that, peter ran.

"Oh he is soooooooo getting pranked. Prepare kid...PREPARE!!!!" Clint went off to find Tony to join him in his criminal acts of prank, a plan already formulating in his mind.

------------Time Skip----------------

Tony was in the Lab working on upgrading his blasters so that they would be able to shoot at a further range.

"TONYYYYYY!" Clint yelled, barging through the lab doors.

"Ugh. What..."

"Awww. Come on don't give me that tone" Clint pouted.

"What do you expect. Every time you barge into my lab you either want something or want me to do something" Tony turned his chair around to look at Clint.

"Weeeeeelllll... I ki-"


"You didn't even listen to what I was saying!!!!"

"I don't need to listen to what you're saying in order to know what you want."

"well. If you're sooooo smart then what was I about to say?" Clint puts a sassy hand on his hip.

"You were going to ask me to help you with a prank."

"Well yeah but on wh-"

"on peter..."

" did you know?"

"Clint you are practically an open book. Oh and could you pass me my coffee? The unopened one."

Clint reached out to get the coffee and handed it to Tony. As soon as Tony opened it to drink it though, it exploded in glitter. When Tony took a close look at the glitter he could see spider web designs on the miniscule pieces of paper. Tony frowned.

"Nevermind. Im in. What do you need." Tony turned to look at a smiling clint....... oh no....what has he gotten himself into.

"Ok. I need Peter's schedule for the day."


"To figure out when the best possible time is to axe bomb his room. I want to let it sit there for at least an hour so that I'm sure all of its in there."

"Axe bombing huh? I used to do that on the school camping trips. Hah! Not very grand but super effective. Lets do it.

-----Time skiiiiiiiiiiiiip---------------

Peter had just finished upgrading his webshooters and decided that it was about time to go to bed. As he went to his room he could smell something toxic, however he brushed it off as an experiment from tony gone wrong. As he approached his room he could feel a slight tingling in the back of his head. Peter decided he would open his door with caution. Once he did however, the overwhelming smell washed over him. He started to cough, and slightly stumble into his room before he collapsed on the ground.

 ------tony and clint pov stuff--------

Tony and Clint watched as Peter approached his bedroom door. They watched as he coughed. A normal reaction. When they saw Peter enter his room they decided to come out and let him know that he was pranked. However when they peered into his room, all they could see was Peter on the floor passed out cold.

"PETER!" They yelled.

"Come on Underoos come on wake up."

"Hey kid this isn't funny"

"Clint. Call Bruce. Lets get him to the medbay."

Tony picked Peter up bridal style as he ran to the medbay, hoping he didn't accidentally kill his kid.

---------time skiiiiiiiiip---------------

"WHAT HAPPENED!" Bruce yelled once they got to the medbay.

"We axe bombed his room" Tony quickly replied as he put Peter onto a medical bed.

"WHAT!?" Bruce looked at both Clint and Tony in surprise.

"THAT STUFF KILLS SPIDERS" By now there was a tinge of green crawling up Bruce's skin.

"Oh." Clint said.

"Get out. I need to remove the air from his lungs while replacing it with new air." Bruce shooed the two out of the room, and he got to work saving his nephew.

----------------There sure are a lot of these huh?--------------

"Alright. You can come in now. He's awake." Bruce stated, opening the door and letting the two into the room.

"Oh my god Peter we are sooo sorry." Clint said, throwing himself to hug Peter. 

"It's ok. You didn't know." Peter looked to Tony as Clint let go.

Next was Tony's turn to hug Peter.

"I am so sorry kid. I really should have known." Tony said while hugging Peter.

"like I said, its ok. You couldn't have known."


"So? I'm alive now and thats what matters."

"Yeah. Yeah you're right."

And thats how pranking Peter without doing research on spiders first was banned.


YAAAAAAAAY! I FINALLY UPDATED!!! I was super busy with school and all and my mom wont let me watch endgame till I get my math grade to a B... yes it is at a C... and literally every other grade is at an A... WHYYYYY MATH WHYYYYYYYYYY>


Expect more updates cause I really dont like disappointing u guys. 


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