Adopted (pt 1)

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Okay... I am sorry... I know thats not what you want to hear but... i have been leaving you guys hanging for ages and i feel bad. 

WARNING: I will probably disappear again because i am a lazy piece of shit but i will do my best.

NOTES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a Pepperony ship story

Aunt may died like... 5 months ago (Precious Peter is still dealing w/ it but doing a load better... he took a break from intern work)

Peter is 15

Tony doesn't know that aunt may is dead

Peter is his personal intern


No one's POV

It had been five months since Peter last came to Stark towers. The workers on the lower levels kept asking when he was going to be back but no one had a definite answer. Tony was also getting very suspicious, but couldn't act upon it because of the buttload of work that Pepper put on his desk every morning. He finished that in two months, but then came the accords. Tony worked so hard on making the accords perfect that he didn't realize another three months had past. After all that, Tony decided to call Peter. He didn't pick up. That was when Tony got worried, but he didn't have time to get too worried because Pepper sprung the adoption right at him.


"Yes Pepperoni?"

"Please don't call me that. I need to talk to you about something important."

"Alright. What is it?" Tony spun his chair around and put down the gauntlet he was working on while taking a sip of his coffee

"I want to adopt a kid" Tony spit out his coffee on her.

"TONY!" Pepper yelled while standing up.

"Sorry pep. You want to adopt a kid!? I'm no good with kids pep! I do-"

"Tony." Pepper said sternly, "I know you don't want to turn out like your father, but I know you'll do great. Look, I'll let you pick the kid alright. Any age you want."

Tony took in a long breath...and let it out.


And that was how the hunt began.

-----Time skip-----

"Tony this is the last orphanage in New York. If you don't find someone you like then I'm going to have to pick the kid" Pepper said as she walked into the orphanage with Tony.

"But Pep! You said I could choose a kid!" Tony whined as they pressed the doorbell.

"I know. But we've already seen all the ones in New York. I say thats the limit."

Tony sighed and put on his paparazzi smile as the door was opened. 

"Oh! You must be Mr. Stark and Ms.Potts. I have all the children in the waiting area. We also have a greeting area where you can meet with each child individually if you would like." A nice elderly lady said while walking them into the home.

"That would be wonderful. Thank you so much." Pepper said, grabbing Tony's hand and leading him to where the room was. 

Once they got to the room the lady spoke "Around what ages are you looking for?"

"12 - 16 would be great" Tony replied.

The lady nodded and went out of the meeting room. She walked back in with a young looking boy behind her.

"This is Nathaniel. He's 12 years old and turns thirteen on September 20th (Area 51 im comin 4 ya). You can go ahead and ask him anything you want."

Tony and Pepper asked the standard questions like what movies they liked, what they were interested in, etc. It was only after the fifth kid that they got to age 15.

"Alright. The next one came here five months ago, so he's still not over his relatives death yet. He is honestly the best child here. Helps me out with cooking and cleaning and everything. He even found a way to make all the stoves use less energy while keeping the heat. I'll let him introduce himself" The lady stated, while opening the door. 

"Hi i'm Pe-"

"PETER!?" Tony sprang out of his seat with his hands on the table.

"Mr. Stark? What are you doing here?!" Peter asked. The kind lady was nice enough to leave as she knew that something would happen.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN! WHY ARE YOU HERE!!!!" Tony started to pace around the room.

"Aun-" Peter was cut off.

"Pep what day is it?" Pepper showed him her phone.

Tony counted on his fingers then turned to Peter"FIVE MONTHS!! Peter. No updates from you for five months. I didn't even realize it was that long with all this accords stuff and my workload. Peter why didn't you call me?" Tony stopped pacing and looked at Peter.

"Aunt May died and I..." Peter looked down, "I didn't think you would care..."

"Oh my god Peter. Of course I care." And with that Tony walked over to Peter and hugged him. All the while Pepper was walking out of the room.

When Pepper was out she could practically feel the emotions going through their heads, and she had never seen Tony act like that towards any kid before. She walked over to where the lady was and stood in front of her.

"When is the earliest we can adopt him?"


"Peter Parker. I think he's the one. How long would the adoption process take?"

(I don't know shit about adoption stuff so bear with me)

"You just need to sign some papers and have someone inspect the home you live at."

"We live in the Stark tower penthouse"

"Well i'm sure we can skip that then." The lady rummaged through her drawers and pulled out Peters files and the adoption papers. 

Pepper filled everything out and added her signature. Now all she had to do was get Tony and Peters. In perfect timing, just as Pepper was about to enter, Tony walked out and closed the door.

"Pep. I want to adopt Peter" Tony said, holding his hand up in a pleading form.

"Funnily enough I already got it all sorted out. 

"Pepper. Have I told you how much I love you?" Tony said, noticing the pen and immediately signing his name.

"I think you should break the news Tony." Pepper said, while shoving Tony into the room, papers in hand.

Peter looked up from where he was sitting, and knew something was happening due to the smiles Tony and Pepper had on their faces.

"Mr. Stark? Ms. Potts? Whats going on?" Peter asked, looking up at their faces.

"I already told you not to call me Mr. Stark kid. How about dad instead?" And with that he gave Peter the papers, who upon holding them started to cry.

"Peter! You're getting the paper wet! C'mere." Tony made his way over to Peter and hugged him tight, while Pepper made her way around to hug Peter from the other side.

Peter went to Stark tower that very day with a new family, one that he knew would love him forever.


That was a journey. It feels good to be able to free write again. Anyways...

part two coming soon!

Goodbye Muffin Army!!! Luv u guysss

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