Chapter 3

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I have not gotten any sleep in the last three days. I've been taking on side missions just to ease my mind about if I should get back together with Raiden.

So many things have been running through my mind that I can't get any sleep my thoughts won't settle which cause me to stay up. I just want to sleep!

I drag my feet as I walk into the club yawning int he process. Amanda was talking to Raiden, Andy, and Haven. There are 30 minutes till the club opens so I sit at a table and lean my head on the table. I close my eyes and before I know it I'm sleeping.

I was woken up by a presence standing near me that was nowhere near me before. Something was getting closer to my face. I grab the person's hand before they could Poke me. I grip the hand as whoever was trying to poke me was tugging trying to get their hand free.

I open my eyes and sit up. I see Andy trying to get his hand from me. Haven and Amanda were laughing at Andy. Raiden stood there with a smirk on his face.

Andy hisses in pain as my grip tightens. I glare at Andy before I let his hand go as I stood.

"What the fuck was that for?" He glared running his hand.

"What the fuck were you thinking was gonna happen when you sneak up on a trained assassin!?" I glare as I pushed past him with his wide-eyed expression.

I've been at work for around two hours and I've managed to pass out three times before Raiden's men came in I watch them as they walk to where Raiden was waiting. I see a new guy rush through the doors his eyes immediately go to the bar but he forcefully looked away he went straight towards Raiden's group.

I grabbed they guys drinks then grab a glass of water for the new guy. I tiredly make my way to the guys.

I hand Raiden's men their drinks before I make my way to Raiden. I hold his drink out as he gives me a glare. Raiden is kinda pissed that I haven't answered him yet.

Raiden Shakes his head but sighs when I don't move my hand.

"Sorry but no take back," I say shoving the drink into his hand when he reached out to grab it.

"Yeah I know" he sighs again before downing the drink. I walk over to the new guy setting his water down in front of him. He pushed it away.

"I don't drink," he says.

"Anymore," I say pushing the glass back towards him. He looks up at me in confusion.

"I might be tired but I know an alcoholic when I see one so that's why I put water in your cup" I gave him a wink as I walk away.

The night went exactly the same as any other night which was pretty boring.

Once everyone cleared out I grabbed my stuff from my locker then I walk out of the locker room. Amanda walks away from Andy and Haven and comes over to me.

"Hey we're all going over to Raiden's for dinner you gonna come?" Amanda questions me.

"Nah I'm good," I say walking to the door.

"Oh come on Keira please come this time" Haven whines.

"Look, guys, I'm tired I haven't slept in three days so I'm gonna go home and try to get some sleep" I yawn.

"You're so lame" Andy groans throwing his head back.

"Next time I promise" I walk out the door Raiden following.

"Andy's going to hold you to the promise and so will I" Raiden smirks.

"Well, he'll be happy to know I don't break promises" I smirk back.

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