Chapter 7

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"Come on, love you're already five weeks late for work!" Raiden shouted from downstairs. I groan throwing on a uniform.

I run downstairs tripping on the last step. Before I could hit the ground Raiden's arms wrapped around my waist.

"Careful" he snapped.

"Damn chill" I laugh standing up all the way.

"I'm not gonna chill you could have gotten hurt" Raiden has been all uptight when it comes to my safety ever since I came back. It's annoying as fuck, but I do miss it so I just shut up and deal with it.

"Ok but I'm fine thanks to you" I smile up at him.

"If only I didn't catch you then you would have learned your lesson about running down the stairs," he says trying to keep a straight face but fails when he cracks up.

"We both know that I wouldn't have learned my lesson"

"Come on let's go Haven has been missing you" he heads to the door not bothering to shut it knowing I would have to come out sooner or later.

I groan running out of the house shutting the door behind me. I get into the car and Raiden takes off to his club.

When we walked into the club there was a woman with red hair shouting at Amanda.

"What the fuck do you mean I'm fired!" the woman slammed her fist into the table.

"I told you we would only need you for a few weeks and for you not to get comfortable," Amanda says pinching the bridge of her nose.

Haven looks up her face lighting up when she sees me. She lets out a squeal before rushing to me.

"OMG I missed you so much where the frick have you been?" she gives me a bone-crushing hug blocking air from getting into my lungs.

"Haven!" Raiden warned making her let go immediately.

"Oh, I'm sorry I'm just really excited to see you again" I chuckle at her before throwing my arm around her shoulders.

"What you're replacing me with this skeleton!" the redhead glared at me. I ignore the skeleton comment.

"Sorry to break it to you but this was my job first so please do us a favor and get your fat ass out of here" ok I guess I wasn't gonna let her comment slide. The woman gasps at me. I don't even know why that comment bothered her because she was far from being fat.

"How rude of you to make a comment about my weight have your parents taught you any manners" she hissed.

"If you must know my parents are dead to me now if you'll get out of our way were are getting ready to open" I walk past her with Haven.

I didn't get far when she pulled my hair. Damn it's just a job what the fuck is wrong with her? I wouldn't be this angry over a job.

"Bitch" she sneered pulling on my hair harder.

"What the fuck is your problem I didn't do shit to you" she pulls even harder on my causing my head to follow.

"You better get her off me Raiden or you won't be opening this club tonight" the woman reached her other hand up to my hair grabbing another first pulling hard on both sides. I feel several strands of my hair being pulled from my head.

Raiden was too late to get the woman off me before I grabbed a hold of her hands.

I removed her hands from my head flinging her away from me. I jump on top of her grabbing one of the many weapons I had on. I flip the pocket knife open. The woman's eyes go wide in fear as she tries to scramble away.

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