Chapter 16

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Its been a few weeks since we took down Red Cipher. We even went to their building and shot the rest of the agents who were there. Red Cipher is no longer an agency who can take kids at the age of 6.

I helped Raiden's gang take the money that once had belonged to Red Cipher. The gang is more loaded now than they have been since I first met Raiden.

You all must be wondering what happened to the kids and the 15-year-old agents. The gangs helped me return them back to their families. The 15-year-olds didn't want to go back to a family who easily gave them up so most of them joined one of the gangs. The others who wanted to go back did.

Raiden didn't take any 15-year old into his gang. He didn't want them to get hurt and I agree with him.

These kids are choosing to kill over getting to have a family. Well, I mean being in a gang is kinda like a family. You have the ones who are willing to do anything for you, the ones who will betray you, and you have the ones who are just there because they somehow wound up in a gang.

"Keira" a hand was waving back and forth in front of my face. I look up at Raiden.

"Liberty is leaving now," he says.

"Oh shit really?"

"I've told you several times this week are you ok? You keep zoning out in everyone" Raiden looks at me worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have too many thoughts coming at me all at once that I can't seem to focus right now" I get up from the chair I was sitting on.

I walk over to Liberty who was standing with Harper by the door. I can't believe she is leaving already. I feel like she just got here and I'm just starting to get to know here.

"Keira," Raiden says once again bring me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" he motions to Liberty.

"Oh right" I nod turning back to Liberty.

"It was nice meeting you Liberty and I will miss you when you are gone" I give her a smile.

"I will miss you too Keira" Liberty pulls me into a hug. For a six-year-old, she is pretty strong.

I hug her back before pulling away when I notice how annoyed Harper was that this was taking longer than she anticipated.

"I'm so glad I don't have to see you around here anymore Harper" I smirk patting her shoulder. She gives me a glare.

"Now off ya go" I push her towards the door.

"Ok, Keira she gets it" Raiden laughs pulling me into his side.

"Bye Libby I'll see you soon" Raiden waves at his sister as they get into the cab.

She waves back. The cab takes off as Harper shuts the door. Raiden turns to me after he shuts the door.

"Why the hatred towards Harper?" he smirked.

"She was the reason I was put in the box the last time" Raiden rolled his eyes before pulling me into a tight hug.

"How long are you gonna hold that against her?" Raiden laughed.

"Probably forever" I smile.

Raiden's phone starts to ring causing Raiden to pull away from the hug.

"Hello?" Raiden answers the phone. I walk out of the room not caring who was on the other end.

I sit on the couch looking through my phone. A few minutes later Raiden walks through the door.

"Jonah's throwing a party tonight you coming?"

"I'm not in the party mood right now," I say texting back Haven.

"I'll tell him that later," Raiden says before leaving the room.

I don't know how long I was sitting on the couch texting Haven about how I was not going to the party.

"Hey I'm leaving now, I'll see you when I get back" Raiden kissed the top of my head before leaving.

This has to be one of the only times that I have been by myself in a really long time. So far it feels great.

I'm laying on the couch watching tv when someone knocks on the door.

I groan getting off the couch. I walk to the door before pulling it open. I didn't even get a chance to see who it was before a first connected with my face.

I stumble back from the force before I recover myself. I look up to see my mother.

"What the fuck was that for?" I shout.

"What did you do with my kids!" she screams getting in my face.

"What are you talking about?" I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"I know you did something to them tell me where they are!" she shouts tears falling from her eyes.

"Listen I don't know what you're talking about and I would really appreciate if you would leave" I shut the door on her face. She starts banging on the door.

"Open this fucking door Keira or I swear to God I will kill you!" I laugh walking away.

I walk out of the back door heading over to my bike. I see my mother on the porch still banging on the door.

I get on my bike pushing it out of the driveway without my mother hearing or seeing me.

Once out of the driveway I start my bike and take off towards the gang house.

I park my bike walking up to the house. I could already hear the music blaring from the driveway.

I walk through the open door. I start looking for Jaxon as soon as I walked through the door.

I see Jaxon in the living room drinking with Raiden, Jonah, Amanda, and Haven. I make my way towards the group.

"Hey you made it I thought you weren't coming," Haven says looking my way.

"Yeah I wasn't going to but I need to borrow my brother for a second," I say grabbing his arm and dragging him outside. Raiden was following close behind most likely making sure I wasn't gonna do something to him.

"Ok what do you need me for?" he asked sitting on the hood of someone's car.

"I need you to go get your mother off of Raiden's porch," I say causing his head to snap up to me.

"Why is she there?" he said off of the car.

"She thinks I took your siblings" I shrug.

"What do you mean she thinks you took my siblings!?" she shouts.

"As in your siblings are gone and she came to Raiden's demanding I tell her where they are"

"Fuck!" he shouts taking off towards his car.

I turn towards Raiden, he was already looking at me.

"Is that where you got that bruise?" He comes closer poking the spot where my mother punched me.

"Yep" I smack his hand away.

"Ok, I won't poke it. You gonna stay or go back home?"

"I guess I could stay," I say. Raiden grabs my hand pulling me inside. Let the drinking begin.

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