Chatper 11

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I spent many hours in my room while Raiden and Jonah were talking in his office.

I was putting away the money into a safe that was in the closet. I've counted all the money and turns out whoever those people were they were willing to give me over one million dollars for information on Raiden's gang.

I walk over to Raiden's office happily opening the door. The guys look at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What has you so happy?" Raiden asked.

"I counted the money and got just a little over a million dollars" I smile cheekily at him.

"Well damn," Jonah says with wide eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want any of it?" I ask sitting on the arm of Raiden's chair. He places his hand on my back.

"I'm sure Keira you earned the money by pulling the reckless stunt but the money is yours"

"Really?" I asked usually gang leaders are all for the money.

"What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine" he gives me a wink. I roll my eye as I hear the doorbell go off.

"I'll get it," I say standing up.

"Don't worry about getting it Jonah will" Jonah stands up stretching.

"Sit the fuck down Jonah I said I'll get it" I give Raiden a playful glare before I sprint out of the room. I knock into someone at the top of the stairs knocking us both down.

I wrap my arms around the person just as we go stumbling down the stairs. I made sure to protect whoever was in my arms from getting hurt from us falling.

As we came to the end of the stairs I made sure I landed on my back and not on whoever I had in my arms.

I lay on my back trying to calm my breathing since it hurt to take deep breathes, I definitely broke something.

"Keira! What the fuck did I tell- Liberty?" Raiden says from the top of the stairs.

"You ok?" I ask looking down at the person in my arms. I see a young girl laying on top of me making me quickly shift my gaze away from her.

"Yeah I'm fine what about you"

"I'm great as long as your fine" I unwrap my arms from around the girl.

She pushed down on my stomach to get herself up. I hiss in pain as I feel the bones were they are broken shift from the pressure.

I roll onto my side when she was no longer using me to get up.

"Raiden I hurt her" Liberty gasps. I hear Raiden coming down the stairs.

"Don't worry you didn't hurt me" I groan pushing myself up into a sitting position.

"Yes I did your in pain" her soft voice spoke from above me.

"I hurt you and now you won't even look at me" the sadness in her voice caused me to look up at her.

"Look you didn't hurt me alright I made sure to keep you safe from the fall which just so happened to make me get a tiny bit hurt but I'm fine don't worry about it" I carefully push myself up from the ground shifting my gaze away from her once again.

"You sure your ok, love?" Raiden asked holding onto my elbow keeping me from falling.

"Damn my head hurts," I say shaking away a wave of dizziness.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you hit your head a few times" Raiden laughed turning to his sister.

"Are you sure you're ok Libby? He asked making me sit on the steps as he checked over his sister.

"Yeah I'm fine you can stop checking over me now" she laughed pushing away Raiden

"I missed you Liberty" Raiden picked his sister up hugging her.

"I missed you too" she replies wrapping her tiny arms around his neck.

"Liberty this is my girlfriend Keira," Raiden says putting his sister down.

"It's very nice to meet you and thank you for saving my life" she holds her hand out to me.

"It's nice to meet you too but I don't really save your life I just kept you from breaking an arm or leg," I say hesitating as I reached my hand out to shake hers I made sure it was quick so I didn't have to stand this close to her.

I take a few steps back after shaking her hand looking at Raiden. He gives me a small smile.

A woman walks through the door with bags all over her arms. The woman had short brown hair with a few purple highlights in her hair.

"Let me help you with those," I say taking a few bags from her.

"Thanks," she says blowing out a deep breath. Raiden then grabs the bags from me.

"Really Raiden I can carry those perfectly fine" I whine walking after him as he took off down a hallway.

"You're hurt Keira I'm not going to let you carry something that's heavy when your hurt" he opens a door placing the bags on the bed.

"I'm not hurt I'm fine now" I lie giving him a smile. Raiden comes over to me with a frown.

Raiden reached his hand up and pressed down on my side. I hiss in pain once again hitting his hand away from me.

"I don't like it when you lie to me, love"

"I technically didn't lie I was fine before you touched my side" I look up at him with a pointed look.

Raiden rolled his eyes before walking out of the room. I groan following him back to the living room.

The woman went to the back room putting her bags away before coming back out.

"Hi I'm Harper Liberty's adoptive mother" she sticks her hand out.

"Keira" I replied shaking her hand.

"Alright, I'm gonna go take a quick shower and maybe wrap my side up ill be back down later," I tell Raiden.

"If you need help wrapping your side just call me up"

"I've wrapped myself up before Raiden I don't need your help" I snapped. I spun around to him.

"I didn't mean to snap at you but if I need help you're the first person I'll call" I kiss his cheek before making my way upstairs slowly.

I take a longer show that I was going to. I grab some clothes throwing them on before I look around for a bandage to wrap my rib with.

I head downstairs looking for Raiden. I find him outside with Liberty, Harper, and Jonah.

"Raiden where do you keep your bandages?" I asked Raiden turns to me shrugging.

"Ugh, you're no help" I groan turn back toward the house.

"I'll help you look for one," he says wrapping his arm around my shoulder bringing my body closer to his.

It doesn't take long to find a bandage. I let Raiden wrap me up just so he could feel useful.

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