Chapter 5

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I give Jaxon a what the fuck look before I start laughing.

"Dude you wanna know the reason you're not allowed to talk about me?" Jaxon nods his head slowly.

"Your parents gave me up to Red Cipher at the age of six and for your safety, you are not supposed to mention me or come in contact with me or even think about my existence... Red Cipher owns me and family should never think about the child they voluntarily gave up to an organization that takes down the bad guys which just so happens to be you guys. You're famous at Red Cipher top of the list you should be proud. Oh and Raiden nobody that is on the mission that involves you wants to be on it because they are scared of you" I laugh at the last part.

I turn my head sideways looking at Raiden. I shake my head before turning it to the other side before shaking my head again.

"Yeah, I'm not seeing what they're scared of" Raiden rolled his eyes as his men were cracking up.

"Alright...That's enough!" Raiden shouts his men instantly shut up. Raiden gave me a playful glare before.

"I thought you had to be somewhere" Raiden gave me a get lost look. Well, someones mad that I made his men laugh at him.

"I love you too Raiden I'll see you in two weeks make sure you eat for me!" I shout at him as I walk away.

"Wait, if you're not coming back after two weeks, give me my keys back" Raiden came up from behind me grabbing his keys from my hand.

"Take a cab or something but you ain't taking my car"

"Ugh fine Jaxon you're giving me a ride," I say I point to him. Jaxon was getting ready to open his laptop.

"What no he has important business he is doing go walk your ass to your destination" Raiden glared at me.

I roll my eyes pushing past him and went over to my brother. I grabbed the laptop from him flipping it open.

My eyes scanned the screen. I laugh as I rapidly start typing away on the computer putting in codes. Once I was done I slid the laptop back over to Jaxon.


"You do realize you just hacked into the organization you work for right," Jaxon says looking at the screen.

"Dude I realized what you guys were trying to do when I mentioned that I'm an agent from Red Cipher when you rushed to shut the laptop" I chuckle rolling my eyes.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have exercising to make up for" I shoot a glare a Raiden who won't give me a ride.

I go to the door and start walking in the direction of Red Cipher. The walk was quite long but I didn't mind.

I finally see the building in the distance. Well, let my two weeks in hell start now.

When I reach the building I push the door open. I head in making my way towards Manny's office.

I push his door open seeing Manny hooking up with his secretary. Man do my eyes burn.

"What the fuck that's disgusting!" I shout spinning around running out of the room.

It doesn't take long before the door opens and the secretary scurries back to her desk fixing her skirt.

Manny appears at his door. I give him a disgusted look.

"You heard of what happens when you're taken from a mission this way lets go" is all he says as he starts walking away with me following.

We walk down a long ass hallway coming to a stop at a door. He opens the door revealing a room with a bed and a bookshelf full of books. As I step into the room I see blank paper laying on the desk that was pushed up against the wall. There was a small ass bathroom and that was about it.

"You will be let out in five weeks and you better have learned your lesson from getting removed from a mission especially a mission as big as this one is" Manny shuts the door locking it.

Wait did he say five weeks! Damn, I guess the bigger the mission the longer time you'll do.

I blow a breath out looking around the bare room. I flop myself down on the bed. I'll just tell you this now this bed was as stiff as a board.

Five weeks later

I lost so much weight and it's not like I had much weight, to begin with. Most days I wouldn't even get to eat. I'm pretty sure they forgot I'm in hear and didn't even remember to feed me or whoever feeds me just doesn't like me like everybody at this agency.

I hear someone outside the door. The door unlocks and Manny walks in. He pushes the door open and I rush out of the room.

"I don't want to see you being put in, here again, you hear me," he says sternly I nod my head before I continue to walk out of the building.

I get my bike from the garage and make my way to Raiden's house. I park my bike in the driveway seeing Raiden's and two other cars parked in the driveway.

I open the door walking in. It doesn't take long before I hear several pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs.

I look up seeing Jaxon, Raiden and Andy walking rushing down the stairs all aiming their guns at me. When they realize it was me they lowered their guns.

"Damn if only everybody welcomed me like this just know you do it again and you'll be kissing those hands goodbye" I glare pushing past them and heading to the guest room.

I open my bag digging for a fresh pair of clothes. Yeah, they didn't bring me new clothes. Raiden walks into the room eyeing me.

"Two weeks!" he shouted taking a step towards me.

"Two weeks you said you'll be gone and even then I thought you were joking. You were gone five weeks I thought you left me again"I look at Raiden noticing his scrunched up eyebrows.

"Things change Raiden and you have yourself to blame for that I wouldn't have been taken off of this mission if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have spent five fucking weeks if it wasn't for you showing up at a place that you shouldn't have been five fucking weeks with very little food all because you came to my house were another agent who can't be trusted also lived. It was supposed to be three weeks but since your mission is number one I had many weeks to pay for something I didn't choose to happen so don't come in here yelling at me because I said three weeks" I shout back at him. Raiden didn't answer back he just stared at me. A few seconds later he walked out of the room.

What the fuck was that all about?

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