Chapter 14

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I woke up at 12 am because of a bad memory. The only memory that still haunts me at random ass moments. I had to relive the memory of me torturing the kid.

I lay in bed clutching the blanket. I take deep breathes as I try calming myself down.

I let the blanket go as I push myself up from the bed. I head towards the door. I make my way through the dark house. I find myself standing in front of Raiden's closed door.

I push the door open. I say Raiden laying on his bed doing something on his phone. He turned to the door when hearing it open.

"You ok, love!" he asked turning the lamp that sat on his nightstand on.

"I can't sleep" I mumble laying down on the bed next to him. I pull the covers over my body taking most of Raiden's blankets from him.

"Aww, my poor baby" Raiden wraps his arms around me.

Raiden holds my body close to his as he takes back his blanket. He wraps the blanket around us both. The blanket traps in our body heat.

It takes longer than I wanted for me to fall asleep but at least I fell asleep in Raiden's arms.

I wake up to Raiden's alarm clock ringing on the nightstand next to the bed.

Raiden turned it off making silence fill the air once again.

"Why the fuck is their an alarm set for five in the morning?" I groan looking away from the clock.

"I usually get up this early to train" Raiden replies falling back onto the bed. Raiden buries his face in the crook of my neck.

"5 is too early," I whine snuggling closer to Raiden.

"I agree but I gotta stay in shape somehow" Raiden placed a kiss on my neck before pulling away.

"I'll see you after I'm done working out" Raiden leaves the room. I'm met with silence once more.

I lay in bed for a little longer trying to go back to bed. I groan looking around the room when I realized I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon.

I sit up getting out of bed. I make my way out of Raiden's room. Liberty was walking through the hall towards the stairs when she heard me shut Raiden's door.

"Keira want to help me make pancakes!" she shouts running over to me.

"Why are you up this early?" I yawn walking downstairs with Liberty.

"I got hungry so I woke up and now I'm making food"

"Do you even know how to make pancakes?" I asked leaning on the kitchen counter when we reached the kitchen.

"Nope do you?"

"Nah I'm never allowed in the kitchen back home"

"Well, what are we gonna do now?" Liberty pouts crossing her arms over her chest.

"I don't know maybe you can go get Harper to make you pancakes"

"She hates pancakes the only time I can have them is when I'm here and Raiden makes them for me" it's not like Harper is eating the pancakes I don't see why she can't make them and then get something else for her.

"How about we go out for breakfast how does that sound?"

"I thought I wasn't supposed to leave the house" Liberty looked confused.

"You're not but I don't follow rules plus you're with me and I know a place where Agents don't ever go"

"Ok only if it's ok with Raiden"

"Come on let's go see" Liberty takes my hand making me flinch slightly. I'm still not used to physical contact from any child.

I walk towards Raiden's workout room. I open the door pulling Liberty into the room after me.

Raiden was throwing punches at the punching bag. He came to a stop when he noticed us in the room.

"What can I do for you two?" he walked closer.

"Keira wants to take me to a food place can I go?"

"Is it safe?" Raiden turned to me.

"I wouldn't be taking her if it wasn't Raiden," he thought about it for a second.

"You can go but I'm tagging along" he smirks jogging from the room.

"Nobody invited you Raiden!" Liberty shouts letting go of my hand to run after him.

I leave the room heading out to the living room. I lay on the couch waiting for Raiden to come back.

Liberty was waiting on a chair next to the couch I was laying on. It takes nearly ten minutes before Raiden comes down freshly showered and dressed.

"Alright let's go" Raiden goes to the door. Liberty looks at me rolling her eyes before getting up and following her brother.

I jump up from the couch following them. We pile into Raiden's car as I tell him where the dinner is.

The drive was around twenty minutes which was spent with Liberty singing every song that came over the radio.

Raiden pulled up to the dinner. The parking lot was pretty much empty except for the usual cars that belonged to the workers.

I get out of the car making my way inside. I push the door open. The smell of different breakfast foods hit me as I walk in.

"Keira where the hell have you been!" Tay screams rushing over to me.

"I've been busy" Raiden and Liberty walk in standing next to me.

"I can see just look at that busted face of yours" Tay laughs but stops when Raiden glares at him.

"I'm just gonna go back to work" Tay scrambles away. I send Raiden a glare for sharing away Tay.

"I'm sorry" Raiden pecks my lips before following his sister to a seat.

I sigh going to sit next to Raiden. Tay comes back and takes our order. It takes a few minutes before our pancakes are placed in front of us.

Liberty digs right into her pancakes not even seconds after Tay placed the plate in front of her.

"This is good," she says in between bites.

This is how our morning went. After we ate we went back to Raiden's when Liberty and I played hide and seek. I'm just gonna tell you this now there are so many hidden rooms all over Raiden's house that I just found out about.

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