Chapter 2

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Amy winced as she poured the liquid out of the vial and watched it drop to the ground. She decided to go near the bushes that covered the football field of her high school, which was almost always abandoned unless students were finding a way to get out of school without getting caught.

Luckily, it was empty and there was no one to judge (or even slightly doubt) Amy's actions. With every drop of Silvermoon flowing out of the vial, Amy felt lighter.

A tear escaped her eye and she wiped it off, biting her lip as she had no idea why she was crying.

Maybe it was because the past few days had been extremely stressful, knowing that she was the cause of people dying in the pack and not even getting enough time to mourn for them.

Now, she was finally relieved of that burden, her shoulder's no longer feeling heavy that she was causing another death.

Amy was sure that if Astrid found out that the Alpha wasn't killed, something horrible will happen. Yet, it didn't scare her, simply because she was going to come clean to the Alpha and Sam after dinner, telling them everything, including how the woman looked, so that it will be easier for them to track her down.

She finally didn't have to worry about carrying all the weight on her shoulders, not being able to talk to anyone about it, silently crumbling under all the pressure.

The feeling this gave her, it was great. She felt so light as though she had been flying.

As the purple liquid burned the leaves of the bush, turning them into ashes, her mind wondered whether that was how the werewolves insides were destroyed when they drank the poison.

Yet, even that thought could not distract her from her overwhelming happiness. Dropping to her feet, Amy let out a relieved sigh, taking deep breaths to calm herself.

She needed to compose herself, especially if she was going to reveal the truth to the Alpha and Sam. Alpha Zach would be furious, especially when he knew that Sarah's death was because of Amy.

Not only did he not like her, the pain of a pack member dying was undescribable. For an Alpha, though, it was ten times more painful than what a normal pack member experienced. Or so the books stated.

Amy bit her lip. Just because she was too scared to get yelled at, she couldn't risk the life of anyone else in the pack. She nodded her head. She just needed to go back to the pack house and tell Alpha Zach what happened.

Surely, he would rather want to save the rest of his pack than to be left in the dark.


Sam nodded his head with conviction as he stopped outside the door leading into the packhouse.

He was going to distract Amy. As soon as he spotted Amy coming into the packhouse, he was going to take her away, somewhere far away, where she could not do anything to harm the pack.

Half of him didn't want to doubt her. It wanted to prove her innocence, that she had no idea how dangerous that woman was. That she was associating with the enemy because she was being forced to.

Yet, the other part of him, the more rational one, constantly contested the idea. If she wasn't in cahoots with the enemy, then why was she meeting them? Why did she take the poison from there?

Yes, there was a chance that she didn't know what it was for but wasn't it common sense to know that if she was given an unknown liquid, she wasn't supposed to just blindly give it to a pack member.

Shouldn't she have understood that there is something suspicious about it?

Sam shook his head. Even though most of him was doubting her, a small part of him still held out to the hope that he is wrong. He would never want anything to happen to her just because she unknowingly was blamed for a crime she never committed.

Plus, she was his mate. He knew her enough to know that Amy will never go against the pack. The pack was her family, the only place she could call home. There was no reason for her to betray it.

Sam closed his eyes, shaking his head in frustration. The battle between doing the right thing and saving his mate was causing him a headache. He needed to clear his mind.

With that thought, he entered the packhouse, completely oblivious to the presence of new people in the building.

As he walked passed the living room, a familiar scent halted his feet suddenly, producing a screeching sound against the floor.

"Mom?" he called out as he peeked into the room, a smile lighting up on his face as he saw his mother, along with Zach and Liann's parents.

They had gone on a eight-month long trip to the Alpha King's palace since it was customary for every high-ranking wolf that stepped down from their position in the pack and handed it over to the next generation of leaders.

The woman he called turned to him, her brown hair streaked with grey strands bouncing as she strode up to him.

"Sam!" she yelled, completely unexpecting him. Without even the slightest hesitation, she leaned forward to give him a tight hug, holding him close to her for moments with no intention of letting him go. Sam squeezed back equally hard, sighing happily.

Now that his mother was here, everything was going to be alright.

Click, a sound was heard and Liann grinned, holding her phone near her face as the mother and son released each other.

"You both should get this framed. It's really cute," Liann stated, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Sam's mother, Arissa Willow, was about to give an answer, when a loud noise sounded and Amy stumbled into the packhouse.

Of course, no one was able to see her since they were in the living room, but Zach's eyes visibly darkened when he realised his clumsy human Beta Female was in the packhouse once again.

Amy cringed as she banged her feet against the edge of the front door. Clutching her foot while internally berating herself for being so graceless, she hopped past the living room, only to realise that there were a number of people in there who were awkwardly staring at her.

Half-grimacing and half-smiling, her brain didn't bother registering exactly who was in the room. She just knew that she had humiliated herself in front of a number of people and with a quick "Hi", she lead herself away from the room, before they could see her blushing cheeks. 

Now, all she needed to do was find Sam and Alpha Zach.

Except, she didn't realise that they had been in that very room, getting lectured by the previous Alpha for the blatant show of disrespect she had just given the newcomers.

And, there was no longer even the slightest chance of them not being angry with the secrets she planned on revealing soon.

I'm just really excited for this book and I can't believe I managed to write this chapter within a day... :')

There isn't a lot of action in this chappy but you get to see the conflicting emotions between the different characters and the emotional turmoil they are facing which is quite important to the story.

For my readers who have never read The Shy Beta, is there anything that you are extremely confused about till now?? Please do not hesitate to tell me... It will really help me make this book better 😊

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