Chapter 11

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"What do you mean?" Amy asked, confused as they stopped outside the door of a very strange-looking house.

There was ivy crawling up the doors of the flat and a spooky purple mist seemed to escape from the thin cracks in the front door. The windows were cracked and the roof of the house was shaped like the tip of a pointy hat.

"Alright, well, I thought you should know that I don't exactly know this man personally but I am pretty sure he can erase your memory," Sierra said, shifting uncomfortably.

"This looks like a witch's lair or something," Amy stated, giving the overall appearance of the place a funny look.

"Aha! That was exactly the impression I was trying to give off. Except not a witch. Wizard is the better term," a small man, almost half of Amy's height, with a neat and (oddly) shining beard firmly said, banging the door open.

Amy jumped back, startled before smiling at the man. "Hello, I am Amy and this is–"

"I know, I know. Sierra, I see you came here to cash in your favour, yes? Tell me, what can I do for you?" he said, frowning at her.

"Well, won't you invite us in first?" Sierra asked and entered the house as the man gave her a hostile look.

Amy meekly followed Sierra in, determined to not be left outside the house alone.

"What does he mean 'cash in your favour'? What favour?" Amy whispered to Sierra.

Sierra grinned. "It's a secret but I found Mr Gardly here in a very compromising situation once and he owed me a favour for getting him out of that situation."

"There's no need to whisper in my house. I hear every word you say clearly, almost as though you are screaming it into my ears," the man said, muttering the last part to himself.

"Um, Mr Gardly, can you erase someone's mind?" Amy asked gingerly.

"Of course I can! It's my specialty, in fact. The only person whose mind I regret not erasing is Sierra here. She cunningly manipulated me and stopped me from doing it, didn't you, wrench?"

"Oh, quit it, Gard. You couldn't have done anything even if your life depended on it. And, I didn't manipulate you. I just told you I will pick you up and beat you to a pulp. If you got too scared to do anything after that, it's not my fault," Sierra teased.

"Scared? Oh, you thought I was scared. I will show you, you–" he rambled off, Amy interrupting him in the middle.

"Mr Gardly, can you erase my mind? But, not everything!" she said the last part quickly. "Maybe, just ten months of the past or so."

"Ten months? Well, this is certainly interesting! I have never had anyone ask me to remove part of their memory. It has always been either 'Mr Gardly, please wipe all my memory' or 'Mr Gardly, I don't want you to do this'. Always the same boring nonsense. Well, I have never done partial memory erasing before so if I mess up, don't hold it against me," he demanded, giving Sierra a stink eye.

Worried, Sierra dismissed him and turned to Amy. "Are you sure you want to do this? He has never done this before. It might be dangerous."

Amy nodded. "I don't want to lose the memories of my childhood. And, it's alright. What's the worse that could happen?"

"You can die," the wizard chipped in.

Amy sighed. "Then, so be it. I want to try, at least."

Sierra still looked unconvinced. "Are you sure? Like sure, sure?"

Amy nodded. "Sure, a hundred times."

Sierra turned to the wizard and nodded to him. Taking that as his cue to begin, he started chanting an enchantment, making Amy shudder with fear and excitement of what was to come.

All of a sudden, darkness overcame her, making her fall to the ground with a loud thud.

"Amy? Amy?" she heard someone's faint voice and she smiled, lulling herself back to sleep.

I'm tired now, Sierra. Let's talk tomorrow, she thought to herself, hoping to send the message from her mind to Sierra's since she didn't have the energy to verbally say the words.

Grinning, she curled herself into a ball and fell asleep on the hard, wooden ground.

When she woke up, she had no idea where she was.

"Who are you?" she asked, looking strangely at the two people in front of her.

The tall, tanned girl in front of her grinned at her uncomfortably. "I'm Sierra, your best friend. You just fainted, Amy. But, don't worry! You'll be fine. Let's bring you home," she said softly.

Amy frowned. Strangely, even though she didn't know Sierra, she seemed to trust her and allowed the girl to take her home. She gave the short man a fleeting glance before turning ahead and walking out of the house.

Her head ached, feeling hollow and empty. It was as though someone stole an important part of her mind, like a memory.

Shaking the feeling off, Amy closed her eyes, allowing the unfamiliar girl to guide her slowly through the various streets she had played in as a child.


Alright, I know this is a bit short but it is a double update so I had to type this out in somewhat of a rush! (Sorry! 😅)

Anyways, what do you think is going to happen next?? Tell me your thoughts, theories, anything!

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Thank you for reading and supporting me!! =)

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