Chapter 17

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When Sunday arrived, Amy was more than ready yet ever so hesitant. Of course, they lived together and lots of sly looks had been passed between them since Sam had asked her out.

Still, she could not help but wonder if he would continue to like her after their date and whether pursuing a potential relationship with him was bound to fail and make things awkward for everyone at home.

A nagging suspicion clawed in her chest as she looked at herself in the mirror. The dress she wore was beautiful, emerald-coloured, off-shoulders day dress and just long enough to touch her knees. It hugged her body snugly and the satin material made it feel all the more comfortable.

Yet, as she stared at the beautiful woman looking back at her, her mind started brimming with thoughts. Thoughts that managed to scare her from even thinking of going on this date.

What if he didn't like the way she was? He knew her before her accident, didn't he? What if he was looking for that woman still? Amy knew she had not changed a lot throughout the past five years except for becoming and feeling more confident in herself and her instincts. If she had changed character-wise, she had no clue but she hoped that would not scare Sam off.

Why are you thinking so much, Amy? her conscience butted in, making Amy pause her inner monologue and scowl instead. Her inner voice was right though, she did not need to ponder so much about such a small thing.

Yes, he was the first person who had managed to successfully ask her out after three years but that did not mean she needed to hold back on their first date so that he is not scared off. If someone asked her out on a date, she had to show her true self and give them the option to either embrace it or get out of her life.

Sure, her first few dates had not gone well with the males acting like too much of a gentleman to her yet being excessively rude to others but she had lived with Sam for almost two weeks now. She knew he was not that kind of a man so she had high hopes for this date. She could only hope that he would live up to her expectations.


"Ready?" Sam asked her, offering his hand as she smiled at him.

"Yes, sure. I mean, where are we going?" Amy questioned curiously.

"You go there a lot so I'm extremely sure you'll definitely recognise it when we reach," Sam said, making Amy groan internally. He was not going to tell her? Yikes. She really hated surprises.

As he led her into a fancy car, Amy raised an eyebrow. "A car? Since when did you have one?"

Sam blushed, making Amy grin. "I rented it. Thought it will be less romantic if I took you in a cab."

Amy shook her head. "Cab, car, trash can, doesn't matter what you bring me in as long as it's you whose taking me there," Amy muttered before her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hand, "I-i didn't mean to say that out loud. J-just pretend you didn't hear that."

Sam looked just as flustered as she was and the rest of the ride was spent in an awkward yet comfortable silence.

When they reached their destination, Amy groaned. "You brought me back to college? Really? Why?"

Sam grinned. "I know you hate seeing it especially since you have to come here tomorrow anyways but did you know about the special tour that happens in your school on Sundays?"

Amy shook her head. "Nope, never heard of it in fact," she replied. She didn't even know what happened in her college.

Honestly, what was I even doing in here sometimes, she thought to herself.

Sam chuckled. "I assumed so, especially since it has never happened till now," he replied.

Amy's mouth fell open. "Really? I honestly thought I was so clueless that's why I did not know about it. And why will you make me tour my own college? I study here like every week."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Well, maybe you don't know it as well as you think you do."

"Alright then, show me whatever I missed out till now," Amy replied, a smug smile on her face.

A few minutes later, Amy found herself basking in the smell of roses and smiled. "This place looks heavenly," she said, smiling at one of the numerous gardens in the Botanical department in her college.

Her college was huge was owned by a rich businessman, which is why it entertained so many gardens, two swimming pools, an enormous library, and a lot more amazing features.

“Alright, this place is beautiful but I have been here already,” Amy said smugly.

Sam bit his lip. “This wasn’t the main attraction though,” he replied, taking her hand in his and leading her further into the garden, “instead, here we are.”

Amy gasped at the beauty in front of her. She had no idea that such a place ever existed, especially in a college that she had been studying in for the past three years.

It was magical, just looking at it made Amy want to stay there for ever. A lake was spread out in front of her, a small yet beautiful waterfall captured her gaze and she felt she could dance in the garden of tulips around them. A single tree stood proudly beside the lake and on that bare patch of land, Amy saw a mat laid out along with the basket Sam brought on top of it.

“This is… it’s beautiful,” she choked out, before turning to him, “How did you know about this place?”

Sam smiled. “I… met up with the owner of this place once, for some kind of official business. He brought us here and I knew it would be perfect for us. He ended up owing me a favour so I decided to cash that in today.”

Amy smiled. “Thank you for bringing me here! It’s amazing.”

“I’m glad. Hungry?” he asked as he smoothly took her hand and brought her over to the mat.

Suddenly, the pain in her head erupted again and memories flooded her mind.

She gasped as she saw herself with Sam, probably on their first date, near a similar lake, and kissing him shyly before walking away.

She blinked and she was transported to another memory, this one making her heart break as she saw herself begging Sam and watching Sam walk away from her.

Her head spin as more memories became clearer to her and with shock in her eyes as she stared at the oblivious man in front of her, she sank into a world of darkness.

Why does she keep fainting!?! Like, honestly!!

Anyways, hey everyone!! How are you all? Ready for school that will be starting soon? Because I'm not...

Not much to say cuz nothing interesting has happened in my life this past week so this author's note is gonna be shorter than usual.

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Thank you for reading! =)

~ See you next Wednesday!!

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