Chapter 7

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Sam trudged back to the packhouse, his eyes on his shoes as he refused to look at anything that made him remember that Amy was gone. From him, from everyone and there was nothing worse than hearing her confess that she will never come back. That just crushed the remaining shattered pieces of his heart into infinity pieces.

"Sam?" he faintly heard his mother call out.

Dismissing the sound as a voice in his head, he made his way to his room, trying to avoid smelling Amy's distinct scent in the hallways by holding his breath.

He could not bear to catch a whiff of Amy in the packhouse, not when he was trying his best to not break down smack in the middle of the house.

Closing his eyes for a second, he tried to hold himself together, at least until he reached his room, before he continued his way.

A firm grip on his arm halted his movements. "Sam?" he heard once again, and he was convinced it was not his imagination this time.

Turning to his mother, he bit his lip as he caught faintly Amy's scent from where he stood.

"Mom, let's talk in my room, alright?" There was a silent plead in his words and his mother agreed, seeing the internal turmoil he was going through apparent on his face.

Pulling her into his room, he swiftly turned around and looked the door. Taking in a deep breath, he immediately regretted it when he was assaulted by Amy's faint yet present scent, despite trying his best to not smell it.

Shutting his eyes, he hardly noticed his mother touching his cheeks, giving him a sympathetic look.

"I know how it feels like, Sam. Losing a mate, it is the worst thing in the world. It feels like someone is stabbing every single organ in your body, while banging your head against the wall and mercilessly tearing your heart out before pounding it with a hammer, doesn't it? And once you feel like you are on the brink of death, you get revived and for those few seconds you forget about the pain until the same feeling comes back and the process goes on. Again and again. Makes you wonder whether everything was really worth it," she said, a tear escaping her eye as she recalled the painful times she went through when Sam's father was killed.

Receiving a nod from Sam, she continued. "But you could have avoided it, Sam. You didn't have to feel this pain. You could have just defended Amy and made sure that she couldn't step out of this pack boundary and cut ties with you in the process, hence, saving yourself from this entire ordeal," his mom stated knowingly, narrowing her eyes at him.

"So, why didn't you?" She ended off her ramble with the question which had been bothering her from the moment she saw the poor girl looking at her, her red eyes brimming with tears.

"Why what?" Sam asked after a moment of hesitation, looking confused as though he had not heard a single word that passed through his mother's lips.

"Don't act dumb with me, Sam! Why didn't you defend the poor girl, Sam? Why did you let them accuse her as though she had really done all of those horrible things?" she demanded furiously.

"I saw her talking with that... that woman, Mom. What did you expect me to believe?" he groaned, running a hand over his face and he started pacing the room, as though he aimed to wear a hole in the floor.

"Stop lying to me, Sam! We both know that you didn't believe a single thing you saw there. I know you since you were born and it was clear as day that seeing such a scene was not the reason why you didn't protect her. I could see you looking like you wanted to give her a big hug and take her somewhere far away where they would not hurl such horrible words at her. Then, why didn't you?"

"Why didn't I? Why didn't I defend her? Why did I let everything happen? Do you think I am dumb, Mom? That I will let someone guilty go scott-free just because I wanted to spare myself the heartbreak? No, you know me, I will never do that," he vented, panting once he was done with finally putting all his feelings into words and conveying it to the one person who trusted the most.

His mother smiled sadly. "You are right, I know you. Which is why I know that you are still lying. We both know that she is innocent. I met her only today and I already know that she could not have done such a thing. Then, how couldn't you, even though you know her for more than half a year?"

"I... Mom, please let's not talk about this. Just let me, I don't know, wallow in sadness or something. I can't stand talking about this anymore," he begged, tears streaming down his cheek as he kneeled before her.

Arissa bent down to look her son into his eyes, her eyes softening and she resisted the urge to cry along with her son. "I know you don't want to talk about it. But, I also know that you cannot live without her. Which is why I need to know why you did it. I can't help you if I don't understand what did you achieve by pushing her away from this pack, from yourself."

Sam stared at the ground, his vision blurred by his tears and he clenched his jaw as unconsciously his shoulders tensed.

"I did it to... to protect her. I knew she was innocent, she wouldn't have bothered trying to explain everything to me otherwise before she got caught. I also knew it, because I saw her dump the poison away in a bush near our old high school before returning to the pack with an empty vial," he confessed.

His mother gasped, shaking her head. "Then, why–?"

She could not even complete her sentence, blinking her eyes multiple times to try to understand exactly why her son did it then.

"Because no matter how many times I defended her, no matter whether she was truly innocent, the pack would never treat her same again. They already thought that she wasn't worth being the Beta Female. This entire incident would have just made it worse and I could not bear of seeing that happen," he sobbed loudly.

Arissa moved the wipe away his tears, biting her lip as she reasoned, "Sam, you are so brave for doing this. For sacrificing your everything just so that she is not constantly subjected to hatred. But, do you understand exactly what you have done? She is now all alone, perhaps lost somewhere, with nothing on her except two suitcases. The town is filled with werewolves so if any of them see her, she could get caught in trouble. I don't mean to offend, but right now, she is weak and vulnerable, probably being guided aimlessly by her emotions. You do understand that she is in a serious mess, don't you?"

Sam nodded his head, burying his face into his hands.

"But, what can I do now? She must be long gone already. It's been hours!" he huffed out.

His mother smiled. "Then, it's time you use your werewolf senses and sniff her out," she teased.

He cracked out a small smile, not having the heart to tell his mother that the joke was not as funny as she thought it must have been.

Nodding his head, he built his resolve to go after Amy and keep her safe, at least until she found a way to protect her own self.

He got up from his kneeling position, taking in a deep breath breath before walking towards the door. As he turned the doorknob, he looked back at his mother, the woman he always made everything go right.

"Thank you, Mom," he said earnestly.

His mom grinned. "Tell me that once you manage to bring her safely to wherever she needs to go."

Sam nodded, exiting the room confidently, only to be stopped halfway.

"Not so fast, Sam."


Hey!! How are you all?

Well, as for me, I am dying of tiredness... Staying up late to write and waking up early for classes have made me go mad! Now... Well, I don't even know when it is day or night half of the time.

Anyways, how did you all find this chapter?

Is Sam's reason for not defending Amy convincing enough for you to forgive him?

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