Chapter 5

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Sam gritted his teeth, glaring at Zach.

"Just enough of this, alright! At least give her a chance to explain herself. You don't have any proof yet you've just been constantly accusing her without even thinking that, perhaps, she may be the one who is right!" he yelled, shaking his head.

Zach looked at him, feeling utterly betrayed. "You choose to believe her," he said in disgust, "over me, your best friend?"

Sam let out a frustrated groan. "I am not choosing anyone! All I am asking is for you to just listen to her for once and not keep blaming her about things that may not even be her fault."

Amy gave Sam a relieved sigh, internally happy that at least someone, her very own mate, was not believing the accusations made on her.

"I don't think anyone needs any more proof than what I have," a voice joined in their extremely public conversation.

Amy frowned. What was Liann doing here? Was she also going to speak on her defense? Her hopes were quickly squashed with what her best friend said next, though.

Holding up a packet which contained a packet of white powder, Liann stated. "Amy tried to give me this once before. We all know what this is, don't we?"

Amy frowned. For some reason, she had no idea what it was. Drugs, perhaps? What was that doing with Liann, though, and when had Amy ever given them to her?

"It's wolfsbane, a temporary healer for werewolves but with fatal health effects. If any werewolf consumes more than three spoonfuls of it, there is a very high risk of death. Only a human is spared from experiencing its side effects, right Dr. Javier?" Liann asked, turning to one of the pack doctors standing among the crowd that had formed around them.

With a firm nod, the doctor confirmed her explanation and Amy frowned. Exactly where was she going with this piece of information? Her eyes narrowed in on the packet and she gasped inaudibly in surprise.

She had definitely seen the powder before and she had a feeling that the memory of seeing it was going to be used against her now.

With an evil look in her eyes that only Amy seemed to be able to see, Liann narrated the story to the crowd, "I was having a killer headache about one or two months back and I had met Amy on my way to the pack doctor. She advised to go to healer in the pack instead. Well, as you all know, the healer is not a werewolf, so I clearly did not agree, but since she insisted, I had no choice. Reluctantly, I waited in the car as Amy brought me my medicine. To my surprise, she handed me this packet, which in my confusion, I did not recognize to be wolfsbane. That day, I would have almost killed myself if I had not been ingesting the poison with a huge bottle of water that mellowed the side effects of the drug."

Amy frowned. The story she heard was completely different from her own. Plus, it didn't seem to add up.

"Liann, stop exaggerating! You were the one who asked me to take you to the healer. And how can a small bottle of water reduce the effects of a fatal poison? It doesn't even make sense!" Amy argued.

"Don't talk to her like that! She is my sister. She obviously is not lying!" Zach shouted back.

"First, you meet up with our enemy and sell secrets about the pack. Then, you blame one of us of being traitors. And now, you accuse me of lying. Amy, when are you going to realise that you are the one who is wrong? That, you are the traitor? Take responsibility for your actions, Amy!" Liann said, her tone seemingly calm but her eyes depicting her true evilness.

"I am not a traitor!" Amy objected, hurt that her own best friend could betray her in such a way.

"Everyone here knows you are, Amy!" Zach stated proudly, making Amy shake her head.

"No, not everyone."

Amy clutched Sam's arm, pleading him to come to her defense. "Please don't tell me you believe them, Sam! You know I will never do such a thing, don't you?

"I saw you, Amy. I saw you when you were laughing with that woman, taking a vial of Silvermoon from her. What should I have possibly thought? And now, this thing with Liann... How am I to know you will do no such thing?" Sam confessed, his heart breaking as he saw the hurt in her eyes.

"Please, Sam! That was all a set-up. I have been framed. I promise it wasn't me," she pleaded, tears rolling down her cheek.

Sam whispered in her ear. "I believe you, Amy, but I told you before, if it comes to choosing my pack or my mate, I have no choice but to choose my pack."

Leaning away from her, he shook his head, his own eyes brimming with tears.

"I'm sorry," he said, before turning to Zach and stating, "No matter what, don't kill her."

With that, he walked off, his heart breaking more than he thought it should have. Shifting into his wolf, he ran between the trees, a gut-wrenching howl coming from the forest after a few seconds.

Amy sobbed, putting her hands up to cover her face. How could they all do this to her? This pack, it was her family. Sam, he was her mate, her love. Why did they not support her and instead, blame her for everything?

They were, after all, the only thing she had left. Without them, she was completely and utterly lost, as though she no longer has a purpose in life. How could they turn their backs on her, then? The worst thing was that it happened even after everything she had done for them.

She had protected the Alpha Female from an attack at a shopping mall. She had taken on Sam's paperwork for months just so that he could sleep peacefully every night without the extra workload. She had left her parents, her entire family, just so she could be with this pack, with her mate.

All the memories replayed herself in her head and she felt like screaming.

"Sam's my best friend and I know that your death will affect him so I will not order execution as punishment you to pay your crimes. However, to be fair, I expect you to pack your bags and be outside the perimeter of the pack within an hour. If I see you in or around the borders of this town ever again, you will be killed on sight. Is that clear?"

Amy bit the inside of her cheek as she nodded.

Nine months of her life, when she could have been living the life of a normal human teenager, she had spent in the pack, on Sam, only for everything to be thrown back on her face. How was that fair?

Taking in her deep breath as she wiped away her tears, she walked into the pack house. Meeting Arissa Willows gaze and seeing the look in her eyes,  made Amy want to kill herself that very moment.

When would she stop disappointing people who, for once, trusted her?


Alright, get your knives ready!! I'm going to kill Zach and Liann (and severely injure Sam)!

How freaking dare they!?!?  I can't even breathe without wanting to curse them rn! Ugh... My poor, poor Amy! *starts sobbing like an angry and sad baby*

Well, anyways, triple update!! Yay!! I kept my promise and this is within an hour! Can I get some hoorays now pls?

Anywho, don't forget to vote, comment and share if you want to bring guns along with those knives too! (Oops, am I making you all violent? Sorry... Hehe, not! They definitely deserve it!)

Thanks for reading!! : )

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