Chapter 9

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"Are you crazy, Sierra? Do you know what you just did? You can be sent to the dungeons for it," Liann yelled, clutching her broken fingers to her chest.

"Maybe. But it doesn't change the fact that you framed Amy for being the traitor in the pack," Sierra replied confidently, ignoring Liann's gasp and the way she immediately turned to her brother to defend herself.

At that very moment, Sam came tumbling in, his faced covered with blood and bruises.

Sierra raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Well, I was going to hit you for being a coward but you look like a train wreck already. One punch from me and who knows, you might even faint."

"Shut it, Sierra," Sam said, rolling his eyes before turning to Zach. "I went after Amy but someone else found me before I could even leave the town. Luckily, I brought some pack warriors with me because that woman was tough to take down. Still, I just came to tell you that she... I mean, ugh... Astrid, yes, well, she is dead as we speak. We even staked her heart and decapitated her head for good measure, in case she was partly vampire or witch," he reported, cracking his knuckles as he said it, wincing in pain.

"What about Amy?" Sierra asked, feeling relieved that she was most probably on her way back if Sam found her.

"The smell of blood overpowered her fading scent. We couldn't find her," he said, staring at the ground, looking just as crestfallen as Sierra was upon hearing the news.

She groaned, shaking her head as she cursed loudly before she turned to Liann who kept on muttering something under her breath.

"Speak up, Liann. Are you upset that your plan didn't go accordingly? That your partner just got brutally murdered? You poor, poor girl. I almost feel bad for you. All that planning gone to waste. Must be pretty sad for you," Sierra taunted as she saw the troubled look on Liann's face.

For a moment, the traitor remained silent before words bursted out of her mouth like the food bursting out of an extremely overstuffed turkey once it is placed in the oven. Liann's eyes burned with anger as she ran to Sam, clutching the collar of his shirt in an attempt to show her aggression.

"This was not supposed to happen! You were not supposed to kill! How dare you? First, your mate, now you! You both keep ruining everything! She was going to be Alpha of this pack but now, it will never happen. Oh, I will not spare you! You will pay for this!" she ranted maniacally, shaking Sam back and forth.

Sierra stared at the display in front of her, sporting a bored look. "Stop acting like an idiot, Liann! Aren't your fingers supposed to be hurting or something?"

Almost as though the words triggered pain in her body, she let go of Sam, turning her attention back to clutching her fingers and looking around innocently.

Sierra turned to Zach. "As you can see, your sister is completely crazy. As well, as the traitor in the pack. So, what do you suggest to do with her? Throw her in the dungeons? Make her meet the same end as Astrid? Come on, the choice is yours," she snarled, making sure that she said the last word in disgust, "Alpha."

"No, we can't do that. She is my sister. She is just unwell. She is definitely not the traitor," Zahc murmured, still in shock.

Sierra clicked her tongue. "Honestly, stop being delusional," she stated coldly before throwing the letters in her pocket on Zach's desk.

Touching them gingerly, Zach asked in meek tone, "What's this?"

"It's the letters that Amy got. She was not lying. She had been innocent the entire time but perhaps, she just was not lucky enough to prove that when Liann here conspired against her."

Staring at all three of them directly, she uttered the very words she wanted each of them to hear, "I hope you regret banishing her from this pack and know that it is no one else's but yours."

"No! She is lying! Those letters are fake! You all are trying to plot against me!" Liann screamed and Sierra grimaced.

Zach gave his sister a troubled look and, as though on cue, two pack warriors tumbled into the office, grabbing Liann and taking off, with her screaming madly the entire way.

"Now that all that drama is over with, I just have one thing to say," Sierra huffed. "I quit."

"Quit? From what?" Zach asked, staring at her blankly.

"From this pack, from this town, from you all. You name it, I quit it."

"You can't just quit. This is a pack, not your job or something," Sam said increduously.

"Actually, I can't. But I will. So, once I step out of the pack, I'll no longer consider myself part of this pack. Now, if you all don't officially remove me, it doesn't matter because I don't plan to come back," she said in a matter-of-fact manner.

Zach blinked at her before taking in a deep breath and waving his hand in a 'get out' manner. "I give up. Just do whatever you want. You want to leave? Go. I don't care anymore," he said tiredly.

Sierra narrowed her eyes at him. "Before I leave though, I want to say two things. Zach, no matter how psychotic your sister was, she was right about one thing; you are not fit to be Alpha. And Sam, we may not be blood-related but I always thought of you as my cousin, someone I could look up to. But right now, I am so disappointed with you."

Whirling around, she let her travelling coat flair out behind her as she walked out of the room and out of their lives forever.

Going to her room, she grabbed her bags that she had brought from her recent trip, slinging them around her like she did before. Walking up to her aunt, she gave her a tight hug and a sad smile.

"Tell Mom and Dad that I'm sorry. Tell them that I can't live in a place where everyone is so biased, where innocent people are wrongly accused just because she is different, just because she is human. I can't stand and let that happen. Mom and Dad know me. I'm sure they will understand," she reassured her aunt before blinking back the tears in her eyes and turning away.

"Where will you even go?" she heard the faint voice of her aunt asking.

Sierra already knew where she wanted to go.

She was going to go after Amy. Because right now, they both needed each other's support. It didn't matter that Amy needed it more than her.


Hey everyone!! What is happening in your life right now?

For me? Well, I'm getting so bored, it's crazy. Just one day at home and I feel like I have run out of everything to do! Like, when I have school, I don't have time for anything... But suddenly, when I don't have it, I have the time but nothing to do? Like, how crazy is that?

Anyways, how was this chapter?? You think Liann is being too overdramatic?

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Thank you for reading! =)

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