Chapter 4

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Amy gritted her teeth.

"Alright, this is not easy to say. I actually wanted to tell both you and the Alpha, but I thought it would be better to tell you first. Maybe, you won't get so mad at me about as he will," she stated, taking in deep breaths to calm herself and not tremble like she was currently doing.

"I won't, I promise, just tell me what's going on," Sam said, hesitating for a while as he wondered if he would actually be able to keep his promise. He wasn't sure he would not get furious if he found out that she was willingly working with that woman to bring the pack down.

"Well, you know, like one week ago, when I was acting all strange and weird?" she asked, biting her lip as she awaited his answer.

Sam tried to remember but nothing came to mind. Had she been acting differently a while back? No, if she did, he definitely didn't remember.

Shaking his head guiltily, he felt like banging it on the trees nearby. Was he that bad of a mate that he did not realise that his mate was behaving strangely?

Well, it was definitely going to be no wonder if she even admitted to trying to destroy the pack. With a horrible mate like him, no one would ever want to stay under the same roof as him.

Amy gritted her teeth at him. "Stop beating yourself up over not realising it!" she said angrily.

"How did you even-"

"One side of your mouth always curls up into a frown when you are mentally chiding yourself for not knowing something. For goodness sake, you must have been busy that day! It's alright if you did not notice. Just stop blaming yourself for it!" she told him firmly, a serious look in her eyes before she shook her head.

"Alright, well, I distracted myself. The point is, that day, I found a letter in my bedroom."

"A letter?" Sam repeated, unconvinced.

"Yes, a letter. Which asked, no, threatened me to meet someone at my parent's house," she stated, shuddering when she remembered the letter written in blood and how it also announced her parent's death.

For some reason, she did not want to tell Sam about her parents, or even Uncle Noah, and how they were coldly killed just so that Astrid could prove a point. Saying it out loud, especially to her mate, was going to make the loss of them feel very real.

Amy remembered telling about it to Liann, her best friend and Alpha Zach"s sister. She was still in shock and the news had not quite settled in yet. Now, however, she had come to terms with their death, but she could not bear to tell anyone, at least not from her own mouth. She was just too afraid to even think of doing that.

"Why would anyone send a letter to you?" Sam asked with narrowed eyes.

"I spent the entire week trying to figure that out too! And, that's when I realised..." she paused, the words stuck in her throat.

"Realised what?" Sam implored her to continue.

"Well, I realised that in this entire pack, I am the only human," she stated.

Sam raised his eyebrow. "Is that supposed to mean something?" he asked, shocking himself with how calm he sounded.

Amy voice turned to a whisper and she turned her head away from him to try and hide the hurt in her eyes.

"Yes, well it means that I am the weakest link in the pack. Basically, the easiest target," she muttered angrily.

"So, to get to me, Astrid-" Amy was rudely interrupted by Alpha Zach.

"Astrid? Wow, you are even on first-name basis with Sarah's murderer? That's low, even for you, Amy!" He shouted, his words making Amy close her eyes in shame as pack members looked in at the scene.

"Zach, what are you doing out here? And, stop talking to Amy like that!" Sam said, his tone conveying his fury.

"I came out here, because I wanted to know exactly why our lovely Beta Female was calling you out of an important meeting. And, stop talking to her like that? Really, Sam? Firstly, I am your Alpha, you have no right to talk to me like that! And secondly, she knows our biggest enemy by her name!" He yelled.

Turning to Amy, he continued, "Astrid, you say? The woman who killed Sarah? And the woman that also killed Sam's father, you mean?'

At Amy's gasp, he smiled evilly. "Oh, you didn't know, did you? That's right, the vile woman you are working with, she killed your mate's father. And those rogue attacks, they started along the time you came to town, right? Who knows, maybe, you were the one responsible for it..."

Amy tried to swallow the words stuck in her throat, her eyes brimming with tears. She had no idea that this would have escalated so much. If only, she had come clean to the Alpha from the beginning, maybe, now he would not have been accusing her.

She glanced at Sam, who looked down at his shoes, his head hanging in shame and his eyes wide in shock. A tear dropped onto her cheek as she thought about his father dying on him at such a young age. Yet, as she continued to stare at him, she realised that he was believing every lie coming out of Zach's mouth.

"No, I'm not. Yes, I did meet Astrid, but it was only so that she stopped killing people from the pack. I had nothing to do with these rogue attacks and I promise I didn't know anything about Sam's father. That is the truth," she told Zach.

Even though she was speaking to him, she was looking at Sam, trying to convince him as he expertly avoided her eye.

"You met her? Well, that's no surprise! Alright, if you are really telling the truth, why would she send you a letter? No, the better question is how would she send you the letter? Border patrol would have known the moment she was in the pack and I have not received any notice on infiltrators in the pack. So, exactly how did she do it?" Zach demanded, a fire in his eyes that told her that no matter what she said, she was not going to win the argument.

"I don't know," Amy said, taking in a deep breath before she said her next words, " but I think there is a traitor in the pack."

All around her, chatter broke out, mumurs filling the air as she stared at Zach. He looked at his pack members, giving each of them a hard stare that was effective in keeping their mouths close, before turning back to Amy with anger.

"You should watch your words before you say them, Amy. No member of my pack can be a traitor, and it would be wise for you not to accuse them of it. In fact, the only person I would even think of accusing of being a traitor," he spoke calmly, yet his eyes shot daggers at her as he took a step closer to her with each sentence, "is the very person in front of me standing as though she does not even care about the pack more than she cares about herself; you!"

As he opened his mouth to verbally hurt her even more, a loud voice yelled.


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