Chapter 14

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Amy shook her head to herself right before she entered the flat she shared with Sierra. There was no need to tell Sierra about what happened in the park.

It was just a slight coincidence that would, most probably, freak Sierra out and make her obsessed with following Amy around.

Amy remembered the last time something like this had happened. Some girl named Liann, who was approximately her age, had talked to her about a year ago.

When Amy told Sierra about that, it was an understatement to say that she panicked. She kept on muttering the same thing over and over again.

“How did she escape? Why is she here?”

When Amy tried to ask questions, Sierra used to stare blankly into the distance, turning to glance at Amy with fear in her eyes before looking away.

It was too strange and like the topic of how her parents died, Amy just stopped asking about it. She would rather live with curiosity than see her best friend get so shaken up.

Amy gulped. She knew she didn’t want to keep any secrets from Sierra. After all, they were like sisters. Still, she did not want her to be worried like before.

Nodding her head to herself, she decided to not tell Sierra anything. In fact, Amy did not want to think about that meeting herself. It had been weird in every sense.

The sparks though, that she had felt when he touched her. It was like electricity flowing in her veins and Amy couldn’t help but wonder if that man knew magic or something similar.

Mentally slapping herself, Amy frowned. There was no such thing as magic and she needed to stop reading those countless fantasy books that birthed these thoughts in her head.

As Amy moved to put her key in the lock on the front door, the door opened with a grinning Sierra behind it.

“I was looking at you through the peephole and I just realized something. Did you know that you make faces at door before entering the house? I counted at least ten expressions before I opened the door?” she teased humorously.

Amy scowled. “What? No, I don’t.”

Sierra raised an eyebrow in response, before saying, “Well, then you were obviously thinking about something before you entered the house. What was it? Or...are you hiding something from me?”

Amy winced. “Hiding? No, I’m not hiding anything, Sierra. I was just wondering. About magic and creatures and stuff,” she replied.

Internally, Amy grimaced. That was the most dumb excuse she could have come up with. Any moment, Sierra was going to catch her lie and call her out on it.

However, instead of that happening, Sierra narrowed her eyes at Amy.

“It is best if you don’t think about all of this, Amy. It may seem wonderful at first glance but when you come to realize how backstabbing that world truly is, you will never want to think about it. Trust me, if you remembered your past, you will know I was right,” she warned.

Amy frowned, looking at her curiously. “What do you mean by 'I would understand if I remembered'? What are you talking about?”

Sierra shook her head. “It’s nothing and I do not want to discuss it anymore. Have a bath and we will have dinner. No movies for me today. I think I’ll have an early night.”

Amy but her lip but didn’t ask anymore. It was clear Sierra was not going to answer her questions and budge on telling her what happened. Perhaps, it was time for her to find out herself.

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