Chapter 12

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Five years had passed and Amy slowly adjusted herself to her life with Sierra. It had been scary meeting the girl at first, learning that her parents had dead in a car accident and since she was old enough to not need a guardian, Amy had been left all alone.

Over the years, as they both lived together, Amy came to appreciate Sierra's constant bickering and the way she always stood up for her. There had been a couple of instances where Sierra would just stare off into the space as though she was contemplating the choices she made and then, she would abruptly leave the house, but Amy knew better than to ask.

Sierra was her best friend, but through the years, she proved to be more of a sister. They could always talk to each other till early morning, cry over the smallest things and had no qualms in telling the other about their biggest problems.

Yet, there was this unseen barrier, those ten months of her life that Amy could not remember, a topic that neither of them ever talked about. It was always going to remain a mystery of how Amy and Sierra became friends, how her parents died, how she finished her high school with a certificate  of a school she had never heard of before, of  everything that happened in the past ten months.

Amy was curious about it, but when Sierra firmly told her a couple of times to not ponder about it, she knew she will never find out. Surprisingly, all the newspapers of Knightion City had no mention of the incident, so she only had Sierra to tell her what really happened.

Shaking her head, Amy brought herself back to reality and stopped tapping her pen against her notebook when she caught the glare of her annoyed classmate.

No need to glare, man, she told him internally, knowing he would never be able to actually hear her since she didn’t verbally say the words out loud.

Rubbing her neck tiredly as she had no clue what the teacher was chattering on about, Amy looked around, studying her classmates as a means of wasting time. It was her last year and everyone was right about the last year being the most stressful year of college.

She knew when she went back home, it was going to be a long night for her as she would spend it peering through her textbook, trying to understand what she couldn’t in the class. She huffed to herself. It is really annoying to be a good student.

When she reached her house, Amy immediately plopped onto the sofa, her face buried in the couch and she did not even bother to remove her bag from her back.

Sierra laughed when she saw her, walking out of the kitchen with a spoon, that was covered with vanilla frosting, in her hand.

“Well, you look exhausted. Go have a bath and I’ll make lunch for you,” she said, grinning at Amy.

Amy groaned, and with a lot of effort, she managed to slip out her bag, dumping it on the carpeted floor and turned around to look at Sierra. “No, I want to sleep first. I’ll eat lunch later and then, I need to study too.”

“Don’t tell me you didn’t understand anything in class today again! Honestly Amy, you need to complain to the school board if the teacher is not teaching you properly,” Sierra said softly.

“I am so tired. No, I mean, I can’t complain. Everyone else seems to understand what is going on. I think it might be because his voice is so monotonous, or maybe, because he just talks really fa–”, Amy’s voice turned into a murmur before she stopped talking halfway, already drifting to sleep.

Sierra shook her head at the tired girl and went back to the kitchen, not before she tucked a pillow under Amy's head and covered her with a blanket. Let's hope she doesn’t kick it off in her sleep, she thought to herself, remembering Amy's crazy habit of thinking that she was some sort of ninja in her dreams.

When Amy awoke, she sat up immediately, her back aching with pain. Glancing at the dark sky from the window, she cursed under her bed. It was already night and she had not even touched any of her books yet!

Groaning, she massaged her head before getting up and heating up the cold lunch.

“Don’t bother with it, Amy. I’m preparing dinner already. Go and have a bath first. You stink,” Sierra said, wincing at the way Amy was walking, bumping into everything and behaving overall like a zombie.

Amy nodded and made her way to her bedroom, changing out of her clothes and walking back to the kitchen within ten minutes.

She desperately wanted to take an hour long shower while contemplating about life and imagining all the impossible things that could happen to her but she knew she needed to rush if she didn’t want to stay up till four in the morning studying.

Sierra rolled her eyes at Amy. “I don’t know why you are pushing yourself so hard. You’re always just studying, it’s crazy! I mean, even I never studied that much,” she said.

Amy raised an eyebrow. “You have a photographic memory, Sierra. Of course you didn’t have to study as much as I do. Plus, your teachers were fabulous and you understood what was going on in their class. I don’t have any clue of what happens in my classes.”

With saddened eyes, she continued, “I wish I hadn’t lost my memory. If not, we would have been in the same class and I would be having the time of my life like you do now. And you could have helped me with my studies!”

“I can still help you. Don’t worry, okay? After I’m done with the dishes, I’ll pop in and we will study together, yea?”

Amy smiled. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me, that’s what sisters are for,” Sierra stated, her face softening from the constant scowl she usually had.

After a long night of studying including countless chocolate bars and arguments, Amy finally understood her studies.

Hugging Sierra, she bid her good night and went to sleep, her dreams once again plagued with a faceless man who kept on saying, “I believe you, Amy, but I told you before, if it comes to choosing my pack or my mate, I have no choice but to choose my pack” and her heart breaking each time he said it.

Confused by the dream, but used to its constant appearance in her mind, Amy waited for that dream to be over and for dawn to arrive.


Hey!! How are you? Anything embarrassing happen to you today?

Well, I tried squeezing lemons and accidentally squeezed some into my eye so that was not very fun…😭

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(Here's some love for you! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤)

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