Chapter 12- Lizzie's POV (Edited)

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Cage had tapped out after I had dislocated his other shoulder. His jaw was clenched in pain, and he was breathing heavily. "Fuck," he grunted as he started to limp towards the pack house. "Fuckity fuck. Stupid bitch."

I rolled my eyes and started to follow him towards the pack house. My wrist was sprained, and I could feel my ankle throbbing with each step of the way.

"Lizzie," the male breathed out, trying to grab me. He frowned when I slipped from his grasp and still followed Cage to the pack house.

"Go after them," I heard my father say. "You are in some deep shit."

I didn't hear what Axel say when I closed the door behind me. I had to agree with my father though. Axel was in deep shit.


"Go away, Nosac," Cage growled out when I closed the door behind me.

"Not happening, Soran," I replied, rolling my eyes. I held out my hand. "Hand."

Cage growled but gave me his hand. "Give me a bit of- Fuck, Nosac, I thought I told you to give me a warning." He growled when I pulled his arm hard, popping his shoulder back into place.

"Not happening," I said. "Give me your other arm." I blinked when he didn't move. "Now, Soran."

Cage glared at me and looked at the door when it opened. "We have company," he growled out, handing me his other hand. "Will you g- Fuck, I am going to kill you."

I smirked and glanced behind me when my mate growled. I blinked at him unimpressed before looking at Cage. "Shirt and pants off."

"What? Going to suck my cock in front of the big boy?" he asked. "I didn't know that you liked it dirty. Close the door, will ya, Bud? Seems to me that you are in for a treat."

Axel snarled and slammed the door shut. He glared at Cage and took a threatening step forward. However, he stopped when I grunted out a warning. His cold dark eyes were on my back, and I couldn't help but feel happy that I was having his attention.

"Would you stop, Soran?" I seethed, baring my teeth at the male. "You are going to get yourself killed, and your bloodline ends with you."

"Awww, you are so sweet, Nosac," Cage all but purred. He took off his shirt and pants the bruising still evident and laid sprawled out on the bed. "Here I thought you cared about me."

I rolled my eyes and placed my hands over his body. I didn't touch him, learning that I was able to focus my powers about an inch from where a person was hurt. "I have the right mind to heal you painfully again," I mumbled, my hands starting to glow.

Cage growled but didn't say another word. He knew that I would do it having learned it by the third time that I had done it.

"Soran?" my mate asked, speaking for the first time. His voice had gotten deeper than the last time that I had heard it, causing my body to tense.

Cage looked at him unimpressed. "Yes, Majesty," he said. "That's my last name. I'm one of the original twelve."

"And the last one if you don't shut up." I narrowed my eyes at him causing him to scowl. I pulled my hands away when I was done healing him and watched as he sat up.

"Like you could kill me," he said, arrogantly. His back was towards me a line of six small crows going down his spine marking him as one without a mate.

"I could if I didn't care about your stupid ass."

Cage tensed and looked at me. His gray eyes were dark with a pain that I hoped I would never know. "Whatever, Nosac," he grunted. "Get ready for your cursed day and leave me alone."

I shook my head not even bothering to say anything. "I expect you to be in a suit, Soran," I said. "If I got to suffer, then you are suffering with me."

"Awww, does that mean you won't be burning a dress again? I thought it was funny when you had Adler burn your birthday dress. Is this one going to be coming off tonight?"

"Uh, ya when I shift." I gave him a look and turned to look at the door. I didn't look at Axel, wanting him to feel the pain that I had felt after he broke his promise.

My heart yearned to be with my mate, but I couldn't stop the stubborn pride that I had.

He reached for me, his brows furrowed. "Lizzie," he said when I took a step away from him and walked out the door.

"You gotta apologize, Man. She is stubborn and won't say this, but she needs you. She really does need you," Cage said.

I closed the door not wanting to hear any more. My heart broke because Cage was right. I need him like I needed air to breathe, and that scared me more than anything.

Axel could have been killed, and the only way I would know was if six crows appeared on my back just like it had happened for Cage and his mate.

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