Chapter 17- Lizzie's POV

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Axel was silent on the rest of the way to the house, but I wasn't complaining as I was still in his arms and listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

He opened the door before turning quickly as a shoe was tossed out of the house, barely hitting me in the process. "What is going on here?" he boomed, causing the fighting and whatever else was happening to stop. "Why is it that every time I come by you guys are destroying something?"

There was only silence as they stared at me and the man that was holding me.

"Because they are idiots," someone said, coming down the steps. "Seriously, Axel? The girl can walk, you know."

"I know," he said. He let go of me, but I kept hold of him. "See?" he asked. "She won't let me go."

"Axel?" one of his siblings asked. "Why are you so hairy?"

"I hadn't shaved or had a hair cut in four years, Nicholas," he said. "Why else would I look so hairy?"

"Why didn't you shave or get your hair cut?" the male, Nicholas, asked.

"More importantly, when are you going to shave and get your hair cut? Do you want me to cut your hair? I'll do it after I am finished with Liz's hair," Caroline said, causing Axel to shake his head no.

"I didn't want to, Nick," Axel replied. "And, I'm going to do it after my bestest friend meets my kids." He poked my sides, but I stayed on him. "I think she is stuck, though."

"You have been replaced as my bestest friend," I mumbled, teasingly. "Parker is now my bestest friend."

Axel gasped, causing a small smile to appear on my face. He wasn't upset that I had said that, but I could tell that he might have been a little hurt. "How dare he steal you from me," he teased. Again, he poked my sides. "Then let go, non-bestest friend, and hang off of your bestest friend."

"No," I mumbled, tightening my grip on him. "Not yet." I didn't want to let him go. I just got him back and wasn't ready to leave him, even though I knew that we were going to have to be separated while I got my hair done and Axel got ready.

"Where are my kids?" Axel said, not trying to get me to let go.

"Those are your kids?" Nicholas asked. "Who did you get pregnant? Did you find your mate, or did you hook up with a chick and left her?"

"If I found my mate or not is none of your business, not yet," he said, his tone having this warning edge to it that I had never heard before. "I had not hooked up with anyone or got anyone pregnant. I would not do that to my mate. Is there something that you had done?"

There was tension between the two men, causing me to let go and turn towards the male that Axel was looking at.

The male, Nicholas, set his jaw. His brown eyes were filled with guilt and pain, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He had done something that he knew his big brother wouldn't like.

"We'll talk later, ok?" Axel said, his voice softer than it had been.

"Privately?" Nicholas asked, causing Axel to nod his head. He nodded his head and moved a hand through his shaggy blonde hair. "It is good that you are home," he said, and I could hear the honesty in his voice.

"It's good to be back and to be able to keep you out of trouble," Axel teased, the heavy feeling in the air lifting as he teased his younger brother. "I hope you don't teach my kids any of your tricks."

"Speaking of which, they are in the dining room. Mom had set them up with some decorating tools, and they are not making a mess of things like some people," Carolina said, interrupting Nicholas. She gave him a pointed look, causing him to grumble.

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