Chapter 14 (Edited)

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My heart ached as soon as I read the letter, this sense of guilt appearing. "Goddess, what had I done," I groaned, moving a hand across my face and closing my eyes. "I had hurt my mate, even though I wasn't trying to. Please get her to forgive me."

I sat down on the bed and sighed, looking at all of the boxes of the letters that I hadn't received from her. It had been a struggle not to write to her because all I wanted to do was keep my promise to her.

Every day, I had written to her in my mind, begging for her forgiveness as well as telling her what had happened that day. I knew that it wasn't enough, but it was all I could do without someone spying at me. I had a feeling that her father knew about me thinking about what I would say to her if I had the chance because there were times he would have a smirk or a scowl on his face while we did something.

I wished that there was a way I could have sent those letters to her, to have this record that promised her I had never forgotten her while I was working. She had always been on my mind, and I knew that she would never leave no matter how much or how little I wanted her to.

I laid down in the small space that I could, something crumbling in my pocket, something that I had forgotten. Instantly, I sat up and pulled what I had in my pocket and looked at the letter that I had written on the trip up here.

My heart pounded in my chest with excitement because I had explained what I could in it with Harrison's approval and was wanting to deliver it by hand to her. It had everything that had happened in the years that I couldn't talk to her including the times when I just sent a generic letter that pained me to write.

It was my lifeline, the thing that I hoped would show Lizzie how sorry I truly was, how I never had wanted to go back against my word.

Taking a deep breath in, I walked over to the bathroom door and knelt down. I could pick up the sound of the shower going as well as these soft sobs, breaking my heart.

Slowly, I stuffed the letter through the bathroom door, causing the sound of crying to stop. Hesitantly, I waited near the door, wondering if she would go get the letter that I had placed there for her.

There was no movement on the other side, causing my heart to break.

I took a deep breath and let it out, trying to relax. "I'm sorry," I whispered, knowing that she would be able to hear me. I placed my head on the door. "I'm so, so sorry. I wish I could have told you why I didn't write to you, but your father had said it would have been a bad idea. That's some of what I wanted to share with you, all those years ago. Please, read it, Liz. Please." I didn't care that I was begging. I would beg all I wanted to be with her until she took me as her mate.

Again, there was silence on the other side of the door, causing me to sigh and nod my head.

I moved back to the bed and sat down amongst the boxes, hesitating. I had no idea if I was allowed to open them, but I really wanted to.

Giddiness filled my body, mixing with the guilt because she had been writing to me just as much as I had been making those secret letters, trying to make sure that I didn't accidentally write them down.

When the letters had stopped coming, I had panicked and had almost ran back to the pack just to make sure that Liz was safe.

Harrison had stopped me from running off and had instantly called his mate who had placed his daughter on the phone. He talked with her, trying to keep me calm and not doing something drastic that could blow whatever we were doing wide open.

I leaned forward and clutched at my hair, closing my eyes. I gritted my teeth in annoyance as I tried to control my Wolf who wanted to bust down the door and comfort our crying mate.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted to do the same damn thing, but I knew that if we did go in there and see her like that, then there was no way in hell she would be innocent any longer.

I couldn't wait until I had her in my bed and treat her like the queen that she was. I knew that I was going to have to wait until she was comfortable with it and damn it I would wait a hundred years before I caressed her body and make her moan out my name.

I would be more than content just to hold her in my arms and have her asleep beside me just to feel those sparks and know that she was safe.

The door to the bathroom opened causing me to look at it and watch as the steam rolled out. There, standing with fresh clothes on and puffy eyes stood my mate, her hair wrapped in a towel on the top of her head. She stood there, clutching the note in her hand as a single tear rolled from her eye.

I stood but made no move towards her. I couldn't speak, couldn't breathe as I watched this beauty with tears in her eyes. It pained me to see her cry, to see her look so lost and alone that I couldn't understand.

"Is it true?" she asked, finally breaking the silence and speaking to me for the first time. She held up the letter. "Is it?"

I nodded my head and cleared my throat. "Every word," I promised, causing her bottom lip to quiver. "Everything in there is true. I didn't forget to write to you. I just had to do it in a different way."

Tears fell out of Lizzie's eyes, causing my heart to break. She rushed over to me and gave me a much needed hug, causing me to envelop her in my arms and press a kiss on the side of her head. "I thought you had forgotten me," she whispered, her voice cracking as she cried. "I thought you had gotten tired of me."

I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut. "I didn't," I said, my voice cracking as well. "I could have never forgotten about you." I placed another kiss to the top of her head. "I will never forget about you."

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