Chapter 22

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A/N: Last Chapter. T^T I am sad but happy. It just means that I can start a new story with the same characters. There will be a final note next chapter, so, ya.




I got away from Fiona about an hour after she pulled me onto the dance floor. I had no idea where my mate was, and it scared me to no end because I had no idea what was happening to her. All I knew was that she was with her father and for the most safe.

I walked outside onto the balcony and sighed in relief because I was happy to be away from everyone. I looked to the forest, and the urge to enter was strong, but I held back because Harrison had advised me not to go into the forest until he came back.

Why did I listen to him, while I was the Beta of the pack? I didn't know, but I knew that I respected that man for a lot more than I could remember.

I knew that he was hiding something from me, something that was important to not only me or my mate but to the whole fate of the Werewolf community. I had a feeling it had something to do with the fact he was of Nosac blood, but that was all that I knew about it and all I would allow myself to know.

Not even Harrison knew that I had these thoughts, and if he did, then he made no comment about it. All he did was ask for me to abide by his rules and trust him, which I did, for he had helped save the pack from itself after the battle and while both Parker and I took our roles as Alpha and Beta.

He was the reason why I had decided to get in between Parker and a different Alpha while we were trying to get bearings as Alpha and Beta. He knew that Parker would have made a mistake if he attacked the Alpha and had suggested in private that I did something to stop them.

And I did, but I earned a scar from the battle as well as the respect of the Alpha that had been a great asset to us during the beginning when we weren't as respected, and people tried to take our land and turn our people away from us.

So, why didn't I trust him now when I knew that he would protect his daughter, my mate, with his life?

"Mate is calling for you," Maxwell said. He paced in my mind, and I could feel his anxiety while it turned into mine. "Answer her. Go find her. She is hurt."

I gritted my teeth together and closed my eyes, trying to will my wolf to be silent. I didn't want to go into the woods. I didn't want to disobey orders, but it was hard when my wolf kept pushing me to do it and find out what was wrong with our mate.

"You know, it would be better if you were inside," someone said behind me. "You'll be able to fight the urges better, Majesty."

I opened my eyes and turned my head to see Cage leaning against the doorframe, watching me with a calculating gaze. I pursed my lips and looked towards the forest again. "Hello, Cage," I said, walking towards the fence and leaned against it when I reached it. "What do you want?"

"To babysit you before you do anything, of course," Cage said. He walked to my side and leaned against the fence as well. "Why else would I be here?"

I grunted in response but didn't answer. I kept my gaze on the forest, waiting for her to walk out of the forest and come towards me. I had no idea if she would be able to shift into her wolf form or not, but I didn't care.

I would be able to claim her as my own and show her off to the pack as the new Beta Female. She was my mate through and through, and nothing could stop that.

"So, is it true?" Cage asked, raising an eyebrow while he broke me from my thoughts. "Did you actually try to defeat a fully grown Alpha while you were still a pup?"

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