Chapter 18- Axel's POV

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I walked out of my bathroom after I took a shower and shaved, happy to feel free from all of the hair that I had on my face after four years of not being able to shave. My face felt lighter, freer, and I swore that I would never grow a beard again.

Harrison sat on my bed with a towel on his shoulder. He watched as I exited the bathroom and nodded to the desk chair in my room with some plastic underneath it so that all the hair could land on it and not on my floors. "Sit," he grunted. "We have things to discuss, so remember."

Power coursed through his voice, and a shiver went up through my spine, and I shuddered. Memories of the past four years plagued my mind, all of them having to deal with my mate and why we had gone to that pack, to begin with.

Harrison watched as I bowed my head to him, knowing that I remembered everything he had told me. "Sit," he said, again. His voice held a grave tone, and I could pick up a small bit of weariness to it that I didn't like.

"Yes, Your Majesty," I replied, sitting down in the chair. I didn't say another word and waited for the annoyed sigh he did every time I called him, "Your Majesty."

Harrison sighed, annoyed, and moved behind me. "How many times do I have to tell not to call me that?" he asked, disapprovingly.

"Until you stop causing me to forget everything that happened," I replied. I paused. "When will I be able to remember everything and not hide that I know the children underneath my care are descended from the original twelve?"

Harrison sighed again and started to cut my hair. "When she tells you about her wolf or shows the wolf to you, you will remember everything and not be under my control anymore," he replied.

Relief filled my body, but I made sure that I didn't move. I was glad that I would finally be able to remember everything when she showed me her wolf, but I was also filled with dread because I knew that she wouldn't show me the wolf as soon after she received it. "She won't be able to show me her wolf, will she?" I asked, solemnly.

"No," he replied with a sad sigh. "I do not know when she will be able to show you her Wolf. However, our discussions had come to an end because we are no longer at that pack, and we are safe for now." He held my head still when I was about to nod. "Do not do that, Axel," he warned. "Or else an ear will come off."

I stayed still and sighed, not knowing if I wanted these discussions to end. "So, does that mean I am done with training?" I asked, finally. "Or, will I be trained in a different way?"

"You will still have some training," he replied. He cut some of my hair and stayed silent before he sighed, again. "However, they will be hidden from you and only in your dreams." He paused. "It is the only way to keep you both safe. I hope you understand that, Axel."

"I do," I replied, solemnly. "I am mated with the "real" queen, and my job is to keep her safe. If that means I need to forget everything so that they will not be able to find her, then I will."

Harrison nodded his head. "Good," he said. He sighed and cleared his throat. "If I am being honest with you, Axel, I am very proud that you are her mate. She couldn't have picked a better person for the job that you were given."

Pride filled my body as he uttered those words, and I felt relieved because his opinion did matter for he was not only the true king, but he was my mate's father. "Thank you, Sir," I said.

Harrison squeezed my shoulder and finished the rest of my hair in silence. "You may grow it out longer if you want," he said after he was finished. "For now, it is short and should be a lot lighter for you."

I looked at my reflection and didn't recognize myself without all of the hair I had over the past four years. I moved my hand through my hair and bit back a snort, knowing my mother would be pleased with this haircut. "Mom always wanted me to look like someone from an Ivy League school," I said, moving my hand through it some more, not used to it.

Harrison snorted and nodded his head. "Get cleaned up and then get dressed," he said. "I will clean up the room."

I nodded my head and stood, turning to look at my mate's father. "The order?" I asked, talking about his command for me not to remember everything that had happened between us.

Harrison frowned but nodded his head. He stood taller and tapped into his power, and I submitted to the king before me. "Forget what has happened in this room, except for me giving you a haircut and everything that I had told before tonight. You will remember everything when your mate shows you her wolf. However, you will not force her to show you her wolf, and you will not give her a hint. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," I replied, feeling as everything drift back into the back of my mind.

"Good, you are dismissed." Harrison turned his back to me and cut off his power.

I blinked and rubbed my eyes as if I was waking up from a trance. I noticed Harrison in my room and cleared my throat, watching as he turned his gaze back to me. A frown appeared on my lips when I saw that he looked tired and the weight of the world falling onto his shoulders. However, I didn't question him, knowing that he wouldn't tell me. "Thank you for the hair cut, Harrison. I appreciate it."

Harrison nodded his head. "My pleasure, Beta," he replied. He nodded to my bathroom. "Go get cleaned up and dressed. We don't want to keep your mate waiting, do we?"

I shook my head no and left the Lead Warrior to do whatever he needed to do. My heart pounded in my chest with excitement, and I couldn't help but feel happy because tonight was the night.

Tonight was the night I was able to claim Lizzie as my own, and no one was going to take it away from me.

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