01 • The start of the game

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Shuichi Saihara crumbled the piece of paper in his hands with a frustrated sigh. He closed his grey eyes, rubbing the sides of his head in a frustrated motion.
〝 Think, Shuichi. Think.〞
He muttered to himself, re-opening his eyes as he stared at the plain wall ahead of him, the cold wind nipping at the windows cracks. The tree outside scraped against the side of the house whenever the wind decided to act against the house. Shuichi's spare hand clutched a pencil, bending to the point you've got to wonder how it hasn't snapped in a million pieces by now. Shuichi's eyes widened in sudden shock, as he jolted up.
That was it.
He was certain, this time.
Shuichi ripped a piece of paper from the slowly decreasing pile on his cinnamon coloured desk before hastily scribbling words, images and lines over the front of it.
A bead of sweat built up on the side of his pale forehead as he clutched his teeth together, narrowing his eyes.
The pencil dropped out of his hands, hitting the desk.
It rolled off the side,thudding against the Cold, wooden floor.
The lead inside it cracked loudly.
Shuichi stared at the paper, delight and surprise crossing his face as he let go of the breath he didn't realise he was holding.

He was certain, this was it.


The raven haired detective stared at the large doors of the police force. His hat was adjusted by the flicker of his pale hand before he adjusted the strap of the bag on his shoulder, narrowing his head down so his grey eyes were facing the ground. He began to shift into the room, his shoes tapped against the concrete as he was hit in the face with a fist full of cold air. He froze for a second, the cold breeze running under his dark, monotone uniform like hands, causing him to shiver. He shook his body, before shifting his head up as someone called out his name. He glanced towards the secretary who waved in his general direction.

"Saihara~Senpai! Hey!"

The secretary smiled brightly, the female's soft features spreading brightly across her face. Shuichi adjusted his hat somewhat,studying the female. What was her name again?

"A-ah.. Hello.."

Shuichi's voice broke out in a rather nervous state, a soft smile spreading across his face to match the female's. The brown haired female stood up, the black leather chairs wheels sliding across the marble like floor. The short female bounded over, both of her pale hands gripping shuichis spare hand, shaking it rather violently. A soft giggle escaped her lips as she greeted the male. Asahi Akiyama- the rookie police officer. That's correct. She has just hired around a month ago, and she had already improved rather greatly in her speech and self confidence. But- she had a very destructive force and a habit of not understanding anything. Her hair was short and brown- but yet she still manages to tye it up in a shirt ponytail behind her head. Only a few bits escaped, which were at the front. At times, the looked like brown antennas.

"A-ah.. Akiyama~Chan, You're crushing my.. Hand.."

Shuichi stated, noting the nubbing feeling climbing up the base of his hand, where most of her grip was. She stopped shaking his hand before letting go, shuffling back before placing her hands infront of her, bowing about twenty times in the one second.

"Shuichi~Senpai! I'm so, so, so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your hand!"

The female stated, her dark green eyes flickering with slight tears. Shuichi watched, a sigh puffing out of his lips. He softly petted the female on the top of her head. Despite her fragile and small frame, she really did have a lot of strength.

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