011 • The Criminal, Assassin and Detective

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Heating the chicken strips back up, Shuichi gave out a puff, watching the plate mindlessly spin in a circle as the golden light shone on the food inside. Leaning against the counter, he let his mind softly speak to him as he waited. It was probably- a good idea to get his door re-locked. and his window. Not like it would do much in the first place. He'll get five different locks on the one door- and it still probably wouldn't do anything. As the microwave dinged softly, he retrieved his food from the clasps of heated hands. Pulling the glad-wrap from it, he chucked it in the nearby bin collecting dust in the corner. Shifting the burning plate in his hands, he made haste to sit down on the couch and place it down on the coffee table. Letting the strips cool off, he flicked the TV on. He didn't do this much- but it was always set to one crime show. It was either that or the new show that's come out recently- called 'ultra despair girls.' Something about girls stuck in a town or something. He never usually plays attention. The series is both a game and movie- loved by a lot of people. He didn't exactly see whats so good about the movies and series, but he did like the game. This time, it was set on one of the crime shows he watches sometimes. It was currently 7, so around 9 he will go back to the crime scene. That was the deal, right? He picked up one of the chicken strips, biting off the end as steam rose into the silent air. On the show- a mother and daughter had been murdered gruesomely. The mother chopped up into tiny bits, the daughter also being chopped up into bits. The father- is hysterical. He watched, his glance occasionally flickering away to study the white walls of his house. Ah- he still had time. Kaito should be able to get his hat here in time. Standing up, he picked up the phone resting on the wooden platform. Scrolling through the numbers in the phone, he stopped at Kaito's. Calling up, he pressed the phone to his ears.

"Kaito residence, Maki speaking." Maki's voice was the one he heard first. Shuichi sat back down on the couch, crossing his legs like a teenage female would do talking to a friend over the phone they haven't seen for 3 seconds. "Ah! Maki, is Kaito there?" Shuichi asked, his focus on the TV as the scene continued to play out. The baby was shot three times with a crossbow, the first two, it didn't die. The mother had only been shot once with the metal arrow. "No, he's in the shower. What do you want?" Maki's voice- was cold. As normal. Shuichi thought about what to say- the TV distracting him for moments before he shook his head. "Ah- my hat. I think my hats still there. I was wondering if Kaito could drive it down." Shuichi replied, stretching out his legs as he adjusted his position. "I can do it." Maki replied simply. Shuichi- could hear her beginning to move. "Are you sure? Do you know where I-" "Yes, I do, Shuichi. I'll be there in a second." The line died, as Maki's voice disappeared from his hearing. He gave out a puff, placing the phone back. Nothing he could do but wait now. getting himself comfortable on the couch, he picked up one of the chicken strips again.

He wouldn't be surprised to see Kirigiri appear in one of these. She was quite talented- other then him. He continued to watch, making mental notes of what everyone said. The father- had been found using the mothers credit card and her phone. The police had kept tabs on him. His grey gaze focused on the TV screen, he had already believed it was the father. And- it turned out it was. As he was explaining himself in tears, there was a knock at his door. He stood up, moving the plate back as he moved towards the door. Opening it slowly, He say the red gleaming eyes of the assassin, and not deep, purple ones. Opening the door further, a soft smile spread across the detectives face. "Maki, hi." Shuichi greeted her, as she offered him the hat. "Ah- thanks.." He mumbled, glancing towards the hat. Kokichi had told him- he looked better without it. And thats why he was going to wear it.

"It's alright, Shuichi." Maki replied, turning back around to leave. Shuichi- stared at the back of the Assassin, before he decided to speak up. "Ah- Maki, do you want to say for a bit? I can get you something to eat.." Shuichi asked, not wanting to seem rude for making her travel all this way just for his hat. Maki- stopped, thinking about it. "Why?" She asked, her head somewhat shifting back as she expected his answer. "Because.. I think it would be rude to making you travel this much just for a hat.." Shuichi spoke his mind, watching the female carefully. After a minute of silence, she turned back around. "Fine." She simply mumbled, before shifting back into Shuichi's apartment. Shuichi gave out a puff, closing the door behind her. Her eyes wondered across his walls, studying each corner and crack in the white paint. And the single plant hanging above the window. "Feel free to change the channel- do you want anything to eat? A drink?" Shuichi asked, moving towards the kitchen. Maki gave out a puff, thinking of his ask. "Just water." She replied. Shuichi- shifted back as he collected the water from the tap in a glass cup, placing it down on the coffee table.

"Thanks." Maki said, as Shuichi sat down next to her on the couch. She flicked on the Ultra despair girls series, which surprised Shuichi. "You watch this as well?" He asked, glancing towards Maki. He hadn't taken her the type to watch something like this. Then again- there was plenty of reasons as why she would. She didn't glance towards him as she picked up the cupped water, sipping it. "Why? Is that a problem?" She glared towards his direction, her mouth flickering somewhat. Shuichi glanced towards the TV, in an attempt to ignore her cold glare. "A-Ah.. No it isn't, Sorry." Shuichi replied, watching as the microphone wielding female shot electric waves at a robotic bear, the other female holding nothing but scissors. Eventually- time flowed by, and so did the show. When it ended, Maki had stood up. "Thank you, Shuichi. But, I have to go 'train' with Kaito tonight. Feel free to join." Maki said, hastily moving towards the door. Shuichi watched her, before standing up. "Ah! Thank you, Maki. Goodbye." She muttered something under her breath- which Shuichi didn't catch. He glanced up at the time, puffing out a breath. It was 9 now- so he had to get going now. Placing his hat on his head, he waited for Maki to leave so he could himself.

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