019 • Bury me in a field of flowers and say I love you

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The building itself was.. Well, it was hard to describe. On the outside it had a dark paint curling across its wooden walls, the square windows shining out an array of bright honey coated light. Shuichi glanced down towards the address, then back up at the ancient shop. It looked folklore- that was the word. Like something from a story, it seemed out of place from all of the other bright shops shimmering next to it. Leafless trees swayed infront of the shop, the large sign reading 'Kiyo's Folklore.' Tucking the piece of paper away into his pocket He began to shift forward, aware of his own footsteps against the concrete ground. Pressing his pale hand against the dark wooden door, he pushed it open, a soft bell chiming his entrance as he stepped in.

Shuichi gawked at the insides. It has much more warmer colours- giving it a vintage feel. Glass cases with old artifacts lined up the shops floor varying from swords to stone writings. It looked more like a museum then your average shop. Shuichi wondered his stare up to the second floor where books remained aesthetically set on the floor, Victorian lights flickering on the wooden beams. It was massive- he had to admit. The design was elaborate, and quite fancy to the eye.

This kiyo must be very rich.

Shuichi was approached by a tall male, long, black hair curling around his skinny figure, a pure black mask spread across his mouth. His sun touched yellow eyes stared the detective down, intimidating him awfully. Even with the mask Shuichi could tell he was grinning.

''Welcome to my shop, dear customer.''

The male spoke out with a sweetly sick tone, his gloved hands shifting out to forcefully shake Shuichi's. Shuichi gave out a small startled sound, shifting his spare hand up to adjust the hat resting on his navy dark strands of hair.

''A-ah, thank you.''

Shuichi stated, attempting to mask his uncertainty and worry as he returned his hand back to his pocket, shifting back from the looming male. His aura was suffocating to say the least.

''You are looking for someone, if I'm correct?''

He had spoken up, adjusting his gloved hands somewhat; his head shifting to the side. Shuichi's expression somewhat shifted into surprise- was he that obvious-

''No need to look so shocked. I studied human behaviour for a while. And a short male walked in moments ago asking if a dark clothed navy haired boy walked in.''

Kiyo hummed softly, pridefully as he clasped his hands together, his unblinking stare remaining on the boy. Shuichi adjusted his stare somewhat, shifting his stare down.

''I... Yes. I'm looking for someone. He's a bit shorter them me and has dark purple hair, which matching purple eyes.''

''Ahh, yes yes. He went to the second floor.''

He stated, Shuichi's glance flickering up somewhat to the ancient stairs, giving out a small hum.

''Thank you.''

Shuichi stated, shifting away from the male. He heard him mumble something under his breath- although he didn't think he had said 'how beautiful human behavior is' or something along those lines. That- was simply just creepy. Would match with the shop theme once again.

Shuichi brushed his ghostly hand against the railing for the stairs, shifting himself up as he ignored the prying eyes of the shops owner watching his each moment, sending a wave of uncertainty through his veins. Once he had hiked up what seemed to be ten sets of stairs, Shuichi slid his glance around, seeming nothing that resembled the boy. The lights sent a soft shadow across Shuichi's uncertain face as he moved from spot to spot, his grey stare occasionally flickering down to he the shops owner hadn't moved from his spot of greeting, who was still watching him. Shuichi gulped quietly as he continued to move, slouching down somewhat as the array of books mocked his movements, seering their stare down at the detective. Shuichi ignored the prying feeling of being watched, and pushed forward. But after making ten laps around the second floor he began to loose hope that he was there.

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