07 • Brusies

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A/N : This is for all the days that I missed. Sorry. This week's update will still come up when I can.

×No P.O.V×

Kaito shifted through the light ridden hallway. His coat gleamed softly with the soft beams of moonlight from the open window. Holding pillows in his pale hands, his cold grin remained across his face. Maki did a great job at shutting off the lights- he didn't even think of that. And now here He was, creeping around his house looking to slap his friends with some pillows. Every day things, Amiright? Kaito adjusted his jacket to surround his figure, his darkened purple eyes flickering through the area. The hallway opened up, into the kitchen. He crouched down, moving quietly. For once- he wasn't yelling from the top of his lungs and flinging himself around. He bit his bottom lip, as he yelled 'clear' in his head. He could check the kitchen off. Where could they be hiding?

Meanwhile, Maki was scouting upstairs. Having to train in darkness, she could see well. She wa basically an unchained blood hound looking for the injured rabbit. Having only a single pillow, she blended in with the shadows, only her red eyes gleaming from time to time. She remained crouched as she snuck across the floor board, making sure she didn't step on anything that creaked or moaned under her weight. She snapped her head up, temporarily freezing. Footsteps down below her dashing through a room. Maki spun around, her footsteps becoming soft, like flower petals against water as she moved down the hallway, stepping down the steps. If she was correct- you only had three lifes. Keebo and Kaede, form what she remembers was hit once. Shuichi was yet to be hit by a pillow, Kaito and herself in the same situation. You were able to revive your teammate, if you weren't caught. Baby sitting the bodies is perfectly illegal in this game. The limits are only the house, so you couldn't go outside. You aren't allowed to attack with anything but pillows, if you do you loose a life. House rules.

Shuichi, Kaede and Keebo had separated. They had only done that so they could trap Maki. It wasn't easy to fool an assassin, that was for sure. Shuichi had noticed this house was basically a loop. The kitchen, living room and dining hall was all connected without doors. You could easily run through and never stop. Shuichi currently was running to the kitchen, Kaede and Keebo on the two other sides. Shuichi planned to take cover under the table, confusing Maki while Kaede and Keebo threw their pillows at Maki, which was fault in her losing two health if they were playing house rules. Shuichi heard the swift Movements of Maki behind him, and he picked up his pace. Shuichi, as the hallway opened realised he was now in the kitchen. Glancing behind him, he saw the swift Movements of a person behind him. Maki was coming into his trap. But then-


Shuichi didn't count the loud scream as he hit into someone as his foot slip form under him, and the sudden force that pushed him to the ground with a single blow that hit the side of his face. Shuichi gave out a sound not even he recognized, pain flashing on the side of his face. His hand reached up to the side of his stinging face, his pillow nowhere to be seen. For what seemed like hours in agony, the lights had flickered back on. A rather sickly looking Kaito crouched down besides the fallen detective, a bright red mark building up on the side of his face.


Kaito exclaimed as Maki re entered the kitchen. Both Kaede and Keebo had also entered, confusion crossing their faces.

"What ha-"

"Gyaah! Shuichi!"

Keebo was cut off by a scream from Kaede. The two moved towards Shuichi, who had no clear idea of what had happened. Kaito helped Shuichi up slowly, everyone exepct Maki supporting the detective. Maki, had already gotten a clear idea of what had happened.

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