Part 1: Good Morning Goes Bad

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I never intended for my life to be as people say "out of the ordinary". I guess things just happen... I am not going to waste your time explaining anymore I am just going to get on with it.

    It was a sunny Monday morning and school was starting. I jumped up excited to get ready and look really nice for my first day of ninth grade. I still can not believe that I was going to be a freshman.

        After I was done getting dressed I went down stairs to see my mom getting breakfast ready. A lot of people say we look similar. I mean we did have the same color hair and the same blue eyes. She made scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon like she does on the first day of school every year. I sat down and she looked back and smiled at me. My dad and brother were at the store just like every other day. It was the start of a perfectly normal day, but it was not any other day.

        Oh yeah by the way my brothers name is Teddy he is twenty two and my dad his name is Jeff he is forty four and is the same age as my mom Lin. My family is they type that people wonder about  because we all get along and have fun together. My dad and brother co-owned a drug store just down the street from our house. It was a very popular store for being located in a small town in Rhode Island.

        My mom brought over my plate of eggs and sat down in front of hers. We talked about volleyball season and how I have to work extra hard this year to keep my spot as first string setter. I remember that conversation so clearly.

     You are probably thinking that "they seem like a normal family what could be so bad". Well take that thought and step on it then throw it away because it is all going to be destroyed in the blink of an eye.

        We turned our attention to the news on the tv when we heard the name of our family store. "Jeff's drug store... a local known store loved by many people now turned into a huge scandal!".  My mom and I turned to each other in shock, dying to know more, but scared to find out. As the guy kept speaking "Jeff and his son Teddy were going by their normal day to day routines" said by locals walking by, then all of the sudden the building bursted into flames. Multiple detectives, policemen, and firefighters are in there right now trying to figure out what happened".

        My mom and I looked at each other in shock. She quickly picked up the phone and tried calling both my dad and brother multiple times.. no answer. I couldn't even move I sat there with my mouth wide open like I just saw a ghost, more like a demon. Then my mom got a call, nothing could explain how bad we wanted it to be one of them calling to say they were okay and it was all just a nightmare.

        Well judging the story so far you should know how this phone call is going to go.... It was the Rhode Island State Police on the phone and everyone knows when the state police are involved it is serous. They were calling to tell us that neither of them were able to make it out in time before the explosion happened. The said the two them were demolished when it happened.

        After my mom agreed to go down to the scene and take care of papers and  she hung up the phone, I could see hands shaking as she did. Just by looking at her face I knew what was coming... she told me exactly what he said. I went directly to the bathroom and threw up. When I walked out my mom grabbed me and threw me into the car. The car ride to the store did not seem real. I sat there pinching myself, just waiting to wake up from this nightmare. Then all of the sudden the thought of last nights dinner just popped in my head, our not so special dinner, our last dinner... At that moment I remembered every single detail of it. Everyone had water except for Teddy, he had red cool aid and it was his favorite. His sick sense of humor is what made him..him. Then there was my dads loud chewing no matter what he was eating and it annoyed everyone, but for a reason I still don't understand nobody every said anything to him. This is because he was one of those people who are so nice you cant ever be snappy at or rude to because you know they couldn't even hurt a fly. It was a perfect dinner and no one realized.

        I knew the way to the store perfectly. Seven brown mailboxes with a white flag, three with a red flag, two houses with a blue door, one with a yellow door, and I never really stopped and noticed. I just realized I knew that. I worked a few hours after school a couple times a week to earn some spending cash. I was suppose to go in today, if that bomb would of a couple hours later it could have been me too.

        Pulling into the parking lot of the store, I did not want to get out of the car. Turning the bend to the store lot we were abruptly greeted by police, ambulances, and multiple sirens. I was facing something that would change my life forever.

For a while I was convinced my eyes were tricking me when I saw the store that was pretty much my second home in total ruins. Then something flickered and a voice was talking to me I looked around and then realized it was in my head.

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