Part 9

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That week of school was devastating. Like I said a while back ago everyone knew everyone so things like this hit hard. It was the worst when they found her body. They said who ever killed her was a women so I knew it couldn't have been Steven and let that go.
One day I was at my locker and Steven came up to me cheerfully and asked me out of the blue in the middle of our conversation to come to dinner that night and meet his family and eat dinner. He told me that they were dying to meet me. Steven had caught me by surprise and I couldn't just say no so that night at five thirty. I had a full day of school to think about it, I didn't know what to do or say. I've dated boys at my old school but never met their parents because it was never serious like this is.
I tried out for volleyball,  made the team, and I was first string setter, that was a big deal to me... at the time. I don't really care anymore. Everyone on the team was really shook with everything that happened to Brook. Jay and Brittney quit because they couldn't take her being gone anymore. Everyone was different I could tell and I wasn't even there last year.
I feel for all those girls but in a different way. Knowing my dad wouldn't be at my games and my brother wasn't there to just hit around with me hurt, and I didn't know if it would change anything. Our first match was a week from that day and we had practice every night for two hours that week... but it doesn't matter we won't get that far.
As soon as I got home I rushed to my room and started to get ready. I told my aunt about it and explained how nervous I was and she did my makeup for me. She was really good with hair and makeup I don't know why she became an attorney instead of  going into cosmetology. I mean her and my uncle do really well as attorneys money wise but I can tell she loves doing this kind of stuff.  She curled my hair andI put on a cute floral with  a pair of jeans.
I was sitting on the couch waiting for Steven to come up and get me when the voices started talking. They were quiet that whole day and really had to start when I was about to leave. The man started to say something when the woman interrupted him. She was ruthless so I knew whatever she was going to say would hurt so I prepared myself for it. She started saying how the parents wouldn't like me because I am boring and have a dry personality and how they will look at me as the girls who's family got murdered and could be putting their son in danger. I never really thought about it like that but she was right, I could be putting Steven in danger.
At that point I was on the verge of texting Steven and telling him I was sick and couldn't make it, but that would only be avoiding it and thats not what my mom would want me to do. It would be letting the voices win and I wasn't going to let that happen, so I started to prepare my self for who I was going to meet.  I knew about his mom and dad, but he told me he had a little sister. He didn't say much about her and when he did he chose his words wisely.
Steven came though the elevator doors looking usual. He came in and talked to my aunt and uncle for a little then we headed down to his place. On the way down he asked me if I was nervous and I said no but he saw right through me. He walked toward me and said "This should give you some confidence then." he leaned down and kissed me. It was funny because it did give me confidence.  We pulled apart when we heard the elevator door ding and as he was giggling he said "I hope that helped." and made me laugh.
His parents were there waiting to greet me. His living room was so beautiful and open. There were two large windows so it made it light and airy there. I saw a girl sitting on the couch staring at the tv she didn't say hi or even look my way. I assumed it was his sister.
As they led me into their dining room I just kept looking around realizing how perfect everything was there.  It wasn't just their house, his family was too. All of them were clean cut and well mannered. Almost the whole dinner his family didn't say anything about my past, they asked me about myself nothing else and it was a really good feeling for that to happen, but remember I said almost.
The entire dinner his sister didn't say anything. All she did was look around like something was going on in her head. Towards the end of dinner she looked at me and asked "How are you this happy and okay when your entire family was murdered?". The entire room went silent and she took another bite and said " What? They wanted me to ask you.".
I was speechless, I sat there looking like a total idiot. Why would Stevens family want her to ask me that? He doesn't even talk about it with me. The worst part was she went back to eating like nothing happened. His parents just sat there with a looks so guilty on their face it made me feel like I was going to throw there. I couldn't move I just sat there looking down and cracking my knuckles like I do when I get nervous.
Steven asked to talk to me in the other room, so I got up to go and hit my knees off the bottom of the table making it all so unbearably awkward. Once we got in the other room  I let my guard down and started to cry. As soon as I did that the voices in my head started screaming in anger. They were out and there was no stopping them. They fought too hard this time and I didn't have the mentality to fight. Once I calmed down a little bit Steven started to explain what happened

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