Theory 2

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        We hugged until the up arrow glowed and he offered to take me to my room. Of coarse I said yes I wasn't ready to leave him. Once we were on the elevator Steven looked at me and smiled. He started talking about me getting better and really gave me hope, he gave me hope. He kept saying how he would help me tell my aunt an uncle and that we were in it together from there on out. I didn't understand any of it but he reassured me it would be okay every time I started to worry.
        Telling my aunt and uncle was hard and they didn't react well at all. They didn't know how to handle it so they shipped me off to Saint Lin's asylum so I could get help . Everyone came to see me almost everyday, including Steven.
        Things changed after a year of little progress. My aunt and uncle stopped visiting, they lost hope and told me it was too hard watching me suffer. Steven kept coming to visit for another eight months, but I kept pushing him away and blaming him for everything.
        Our last visit really hit him hard. I told him I blame him for everything, that I wish I would of never met him, and I despise his existence for it. That was two years ago and he still hasn't come back.
        What you are reading right now is my ticket out of this place. I have spent a year writing this to you and by doing that I have faced my problem, destroyed it, and now I am trying to get on with my life.
        The police found the killer. It was some old man, they proved he killed my family, Brook, and eventually Steven. He was about eighteen when he was found dead. This man doesn't even know me and ruined my life.

It was my turn to ruin his.

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