Part 4: Get me off

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    When I walked downstairs my aunt and uncle were once again waiting for me at breakfast. I could tell my aunt was as nervous as I was. Sooner or later it was time to go and I could not put it off anymore, I just needed to get on with my life.
        I knew the city pretty well now, my school was only two blocks away so I walked alone. I was alone on the elevator for a while we were on the 70th floor. Listening to music and going through Instagram while waiting for the slow elevator to let me off at the lobby I realized it stopped at the twenty first floor. The doors opened and my face turned bright red.
        The boy from the lobby walked into the elevator. I did not know if he remembered me or not I couldn't tell by his facial expressions. When we got to the lobby he went to walk out then realized I was there. He quickly stopped and motioned for me to go first. I looked up to thank him and his facial expression totally changed. He realized who I was I knew it.
        It was the first of November so it was cold out. As I got closer to the revolving door I could feel the coldness I was about to miserably walk in. I turned and walked down the street in the direction my school was in and could instantly feel his stare right behind me. I could tell he was trying to see me but he was keeping his distance for some reason.
As I approached the school I hesitated before going in and took it all in. While walking up the huge set of steps approaching a church like building I knew it was going to be a rough day.
        I was lost and you could tell. The school did not seem that big from the outside so I did not expect this. The blue eyed kid was in all of my classes so far. All the teaches knew who I was they didn't even ask me what my name was. They were all so careful around me like if they said the wrong thing I would shatter into a million pieces, it got really old really fast.
Lunch was next, it has been four periods and I still have not made any friends. No one even bothered to talk to me. The only person they I know has even noticed me is blue eyes. Every time I zone out in class for a second I could feel his eyes on me. Well he does this till he realizes that I am not blind and can see him.
        My favorite class so far is history. Mr. Saut made the class feel alive. Just as I started to get comfortable the bell rang and my stomach dropped. Steven waited for me to leave the class room before he got up and I had no idea where I was going so I started walking slow, really slow. Slow enough for people to notice and look towards me. My locker was right around the corner so I started to speed up while realizing where I was, and of coarse as soon as I did I tripped over someones foot and my books went flying.
        As I reached down to pick them up I felt someone hovering over me. It was him... blue eyes and he was staring right at me. There was no way to ignore or avoid him now. He helped me pick up the rest of my books and walked me to my locker. On the way there he didn't stop talking he introduced himself and told me what seemed like everything about him.                 His name was Steven and he has lived in New York his whole life, in the same place, played soccer, and has gone to the same school since the first grade. He was known here and is everyones friend. I grabbed my lunch and we started walking to the courtyard to eat lunch. I introduced myself and he didn't ask many questions because he already knew everything about me, everyone in this school does. I saw a volleyball tryout signup sheet on the way to lunch so I stopped to put my name on it and when I did the group of girls walking past gave me a strange look. I just let it go and went onto lunch.
        Steven was explaining how when it is nice out we eat outside. There was still a huge cafeteria though this didn't make much sense there was only about seventy kids in each grade and it is only ninth through twelfth grade here. For such a small school they sure did have a lot going on. On my tour I saw the indoor swimming pool, tennis courts, basketball courts, the football field, and softball and baseball fields. They all looked brand new too.
        The only problem is that everyone knows each other here so they all look like they are freaked out when they see me and I know it also has something to do with what happened. When we stepped through the two doors into the courtyard people didn't stare but they all glanced at us looking confused every few seconds. A girl who looked almost like a model if she wasn't so short got up from her seat and walked toward us.     I didn't know why but she made me nervous I don't know if it was the way she was looking at me and Steven or the way other people looked at her. Steven was nervous too I could tell my the way he was fidgeting with his hands. But why? He was so nice and I don't know why he would be so nervous about someone he was so outgoing.
        Then everything happened so fast the girl walked right past me to him and kissed him on the cheek. At that moment I felt so dumb, how could I not realize he had a girlfriend. This made me mad because all morning I was flirting with him and maybe he was just trying to be nice. After this girl made it beyond clear they were together she turned to me and introduced herself like she was famous.
        Hello I am Ashley but you can call me Ash she said in a voice so fake it made me want to punch her. I introduced myself and then made up a lame excuse of why I couldn't sit with then when they invited me to. I said I had to meet a teacher to discuss what I missed, it was a lie and they knew it. I ended up eating my lunch in the library.
        On the walk home from school I thankfully did not see Steven. He was probably with Ash. The whole way home I thought about getting in my bed and never leaving it after what today was like. While waiting for the elevator door to close I put in my earbuds and blasted my music. Right before the door close a hand stopped them and with my luck it was him.
        He walked in and didn't even press his floor so it looks like he was coming all the way up to the 70th floor then going back down to the twentieth. It was going to be an awkward two minute ride, so I took out my earbuds. He wouldn't stop looking at me and I refused to look at him. After what felt like forever he said I'm sorry. This made me so mad because he was not sorry until I knew he had a girlfriend. Him saying sorry just proved he knew I liked him and he just kept leading me on.
        Steven just kept babbling on, I was so mad I didn't even hear what he was saying, all I heard was a voice in my head saying to get off as soon as possible before I lose it. The elevator stopped on my floor and before the door opened he said just say something please. I walked off without a glance but right before the doors close I turned around and said my mom told me not to talk to strangers.

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