Theory 3

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We hugged once the until the up arrow glowed. He offered to take me to my place but I told him it wasn't  necessary.  When the doors opened I hugged and kissed him one last time then walked onto the elevator. I felt a tear run down my cheek and Steven looked at me with confusion until the doors fully shut.
On the way up to my floor I needed more time to think so I hit the emergency stop button.  The elevator came to a sudden stop and I fell to the floor. I just sat there crying, I lost it. While sitting there I started to think about everything and how it all happened. After half an hour of going back and forth I made up my mind. I slowly got up and pressed the button for the doors to open. I looked down I was in-between floors and there was nothing but blackness underneath me.
I turned around and let myself fall. Realizing that I wasn't going to get better made my decision clear, it was the only way.  The best part about it was that it was my decision. I did it, not anyone else. I belonged with my family.
The next day they found my body. The police came to a conclusion that I did it because I killed all the people. Apparently they were building a case on me the entire time and thought I found out about it and committed suicide to get out of it.
Steven never spoke up about what he knew about me and I was glad. No one needed to know I was sick it would of only made things worse.

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